Thank you so much for both of your help~ I'll think about her more
later X'D
But man, that's a lot of Treasures and Gems that I need to save...
*stares at the near empty vault* I totally blame AH and forums for tempting me X'D
I know but still.... Having almost an entire page of Gen ones, plus
your progen, and a few other dragons that still needs a few breed
changes or other genes.... Yup, I'm dying X'D
I still blame myself for not being able to stop myself to buy those
beautiful dragons... And their apparels and skins X'D Why must you tempt me AH and forum?! X'D
Hmm... I wonder whether I should upgrade my lair then just focus on
my hatchery or if I should upgrade my lair then buy a fodder couple
to breed myself fodder... oml i'm waay too indecisive.
@Yuki I've got to get so many genes for my dragons :p. I've got to
three genes each for 9 different dragons, plus one more that gen
one I have to buy as a mate. Then I've got to get a ton of
different tertiary genes... Yeah, I'm gonna go broke.
I understand your pain ;v;
I just love Coatls, Butterfly, and Glimmer so much that I'm
thinking of turning almost all of my female dragons as Coatl
And male Skydancers~ Since there's no Imperial scroll X'D
I'm now too scared to look how many Treasures and Gems that I need
to save up X'D And I just remember I have 2-3 dragons that needed to be
scatterscrolled... Help X'D
I know what you mean :'D I picked up this pretty one when she was a
baby and I loved her so much i gave her 2 genes, and trained her up
to level 25! She's one of my most beloved dragons <3
Her I guess owo. I bought her and was gonna exalt her but I
realized that at the back of my lair I had the perfect mate for
her. Tbh, most of my lair is filled with dragons I got from a free
dragon thread, different hatcheries, gen ones and children of my
older dragons that look good. Then there are the few I got off the
AH like Aura and the girl up there.
I could say that about a lot of my dragons, and yet none of them.
I'd say that 50% of my dragons are ones bred to be fodder, but at
the time I didn't understand that and bought them because I liked
them. They were all at fodder prices. I'm only now beginning to
want to get dragons with nice genes and colors.
@ComicSans same here :'D
I started to exalt those dragons. Still keep 1-2 Offsprings because
they were my first dragons and a rather nice Offspring and...
yeah... *hugs them*
Also... *lures you to my lair* =P
A little off-topic but given how plenty of people are either
broke or on their way to being broke I don't think anyone will buy
this but I gotta try. anyone want to buy a Leafy Seadragon
skin, Earth Egg or Guardian Breed Change?