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All people who Tales of- exactly "idolize" like me, are welcome here!
No matter what country you come, no matter what game you like!
COMES HERE ! ʕಠ益ಠʔ
Here you can talk about the way the games or "gray items" (small RPG's in between) - with, or without original character.
A few small games Forum or not.
For Forum Games you ask before the master or the Vice :)

Eruerufu - Member
Mikleo - Member
Luca - Member
Bakaa - Member
NineXKing - Member
Played to: Phantasia (really long ago), Destiny, both Symphonias, Vesperia (not really, I watched a gameplay), Graces, both Xillias, Hearts (in japanese), Eternia, Narikiri Dungeon X (in japanese), Vs., Twin Brave, all the Radiant Mythology games and the first Asteria.
Pairings I ship: Hubert x Pascal (Graces), Richter x Aster (Symphonia 2), Ludger x Alt Milla (Xillia 2), Estelle x Rita (Vesperia), Dhaos x Rondoline (Narikiri Dungeon X), Mikleo x Sorey (Zestiria).
Fave characters: Pascal (Graces), Mikleo (Zestiria), Edna (Zestiria), Rondoline (Narikiri Dungeon X).
Other things: I've completed a Tales of Graces Maniac difficulty Pascal solo and a Non-monsters run of Symphonia 2.
Favorite game is Graces bacause it was the first I loved the most.
Second one is obviously Xillia 2.
Looking forward to Zestiria release.

Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
Yes, all that you had already been said to me at our meet.
My absolute Tales of- game is Xillia 1 + 2, as well Zestiria. Then Grace and Symphonia comes. 2
So therefore: welcome!
Hiii~ I'm Eruerufu (>^__^)>
I started playing Tales of Games like 2 years ago. I was influenced by our dearest Leader Haruto :'D
My goal is also playing the other Tales of Games, too.
already played: Tales of Xillia, Tales of Xillia 2 (both multiple times), Tales of Heart R
currently playing: Tales of Graces f
stuck in: Tales of the Abyss TT^TT
still waiting for: Tales of Zestiria ûu
Well, I really like the Tales of games even if I have only truly finished Xillia and Hearts R (this is where Mikleo comes and glares, asking if I have already starte with Milla's rute...) Right now I'm playing trougth Symphonia (and also Innosense but I can't find right now my flashcard D': ) in the others I'm stuck
Totally waiting for Zestys date >u< (but my wallet not)
Also, i'm spanish so sorry for any weird thing. (speaking of weird thngs, I think the first post is a little confusing ^^")
Because I'm sitting on my phone until tomorrow , I add you both tomorrow morning added . Uh , I mean you, Luca - Eruerufu I already have.
Luca , you're so come by Mikleo on this fan club ? As far as I understood through Google translator and without this xD "
My first game was actually Tales of Tales of the Abyss was (end of 2013) and I could not really get used to the English language of the game, but as I was a few fragments without the translator, that was something else again. My true fever of the whole, I was not until I've played Tales of Symphonia for the GameCube and then 1 part 2 for the Wii. About one month after that I could not afford the PS3 + Tales of Graces f and Xillia. Approximately 1-3 months later came the Chronicles, so the bundle with Tales of Symphonia 1 and 2. I have ordered about 4 weeks before the German release of Tales of Hearts R the - right on my birthday - and was able to play only four zocken weeks later, but am within three days so been through (the main story). In the second half I have left me some time because I do too much in boarding school and did not have time. As I sat behind it again, I was so again ratzfatz by and with the third round I was to have been gaining 1-2 Heart of Kohaku back to that, but then ....
I wanted to log into the PSN and had my memory card TO RESET QQ That is; everything I've got hold at Tales of Hearts, WAS GONE!
Let's see if I'm sitting in front of me again soon, when I'm done with my Pokémon Platinum Edition ... but what can be only towards May ... * cough *
and Ratatosk a tsundere angry squirrel.

Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
So, owning at least one is important.
Ps3 has Vesperia, Graces, the Xillias, the Symphonias and Zestiria.
Psp has Eternia port, Radiant Mythology 1, Destiny and if you have a hacked one, all the games who didn't come out of japan like Vs, Twin Brave, Radiant Mythology 2 and 3, Phantasia X and Narikiri Dungeon X.
I have only bought all the School DLC for Graces and the Dhaos outfit for Milla.
I got all the others via pre-order bonuses, in-game content and saved data reward.

Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
I had no job before and couldn't afford them (my heart was crying ;///^///; )
And now the Convention season started and this month i need the money but i'm all excited to get the ps3 >\\\w\\\< there are so many amazing games! And i need the tales of- series pretty bad ;///^///; i just love those games!
I might buy the psp later onwards though oAo
Already played: Tales of symphonia 1 (finished), dawn of the new world(finished), Xillia 1, Xillia 2(finished), Abyss(finished), Vesperia, Innocence, Tempest, radiant mythology, taes of versus, taes of grace f.
Fav character: Ludger, Kratos, Elle, Asch, Luke ^-^
Fav games: Abyss, Dotwn and Xillia 2.
I'm shipping ludger and alternative mila so baaad.