Forum Thread
[A]The Funky Monthly Art Contest
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A]The Funky Monthly Art Contest*:・゚✧The Funky Monthly Art Contest! *:・゚✧
By Nessy and Tsuko

The Rules!

~ Tsuko is my co-owner. They can enforce these rules, one of the topics will be theirs each week, and they can also answer your questions/accept donations.
~PM Nessy or Tsuko with a reference to your OC if you want to have a topic for the week. Be patient, we will tell you when your topic is up!
~You may enter in more than one topic, but all entries must all be in the same post.
~Pics should be a reasonable size. FYI, sprites probably won't win.
~Read EVERY rule.
~Do not post after the due-date/time or you will be disqualified. Exceptions are made if you've messaged the topic owner AND Nessy first.
~Do not rush the judging, it will happen.
~By doing art for the contest, you give me (or whoever is mentioned in the topic #) permission to use your art
~Don’t mock the work of others.
~Don’t insult the work of others.
~EVERYTHING should be appropriate for the site.
~You get a ban with your second warning.
~PALPAD or PM me if you want to donate a prize.
~The password is your favorite type of tea.
DUE DATE: [DATE], at 23:59 Server Time!
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Prizes! *:・゚✧
This Week, the Prizes are....
(Unlocked at 15 submitted art pieces)
Topic 1 Prize:
Topic 2 prize:
Topic 3 prize:
(Unlocked at 6 different participants in the contest)
Form to Enter:

Copy and Paste the code, Filling in the info
[b]Nessy and Tsuko, Let’s Do Some Art![/b]
Topic #:
[spoiler][img]IMAGE LINK HERE[/img][/spoiler]
Schedule of Upcoming events:
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Nessy, Let’s Do Some Art!
Username: Tragic_Reconstruction
Topic #: 1
~ Drawing ~
Password: Sherlock Holmes
Username: Navuso
Topic #: 1
Password: Sherlock Holmes
I'll probably edit topics 2 and 3 in here before the deadline :3
Username: Finhawk
Topic #: 3
Password: Sherlock Holmes
I know I didn't add much of a creative spin in there but my creativity level seems to be 0 right now. Also, I'm aware my drawing is quite crappy but I'm kind of proud of it considering I shouldn't even have had time to draw it in the first place. :p
Anyway, I hope you don't hate it. :,D
Username: JustMe
Topic #: 1
Password: Sherlock Holmes
Nessy, Let’s Do Some Art!
Username: JustMe
Topic #: 2
Password: Sherlock Holmes
Nessy, Let’s Do Some Art!
Username: JustMe
Topic #: 3
Password: Sherlock Holmes
My roommate has choosen:

Reasoning: Its the coolest looking rendition, it is nicely done (it doesn't look like copy pasted parts). Also, the coloring makes him look like a ghost type.
The winner is JustMe your prize will be in the GTS shortly
The topics and new prize will be edited into the first post shortly (as well as a new password)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Username: Snapetatron
Topic #: 1
Password: Dat Booty Doh
Username: WooperKasumi
Topic #: Mew Having Tea
Password: Dat Booty doh
Username: Furret
Topic #: 1
Password: DAT BOOTY DOH (¬‿¬)
Nessy, Let’s Do Some Art!
Username: silverheart
Topic #: Mew having dat tea >3<
Password: Dat Booty Doh
Nessy, Let’s Do Some Art!
Username: silverheart
Topic #: luvdisc selfie
Password: Dat Booty Doh
Username: Cut3gummy4life
Topic #: 2 Luvdisc Selfie!
Password:Dat Booty Doh
Username: IceBluu
Topic #: Topic 3: Goomy on vacation...IN EMERA TOWN
Password: Dat Booty Doh >v<
Its done~
I'm sorry cut3gummy, but your entry is disqualified because it is way too small.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Username: FlippedInsideOut
Topic #: 2 "Luvdisc Selfie"

The face in the phone for the "selfie" was inspired by another piece of art, and is a little similar but I tryied to recreate something as close without it being the exact thing.
Password: Dat Booty Doh
Username: Ishi
Topic #: 2 (Luvdisc Selfie)
Password: Dat Booty Doh