Forum Thread
pokemon hybrids
Forum-Index → Roleplay → pokemon hybridsif you would like to join please fill out this form. you don't have to have the stuff in (...)

Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.)
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there)
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.)
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there)

don't be
or just plain irritable
don't ask to
have a mate
have kits
be a shiny
use someones user as ur name
be inappropriate
use cuss words
or anything like that ):T
put *bloop* in the password area on you form
be a hybrid, just go find a picture on the net or make one for all i care
have fun
oh btw you can have up to three profiles
ONLY THREE other wise its gets overloaded. :T
or just plain irritable
don't ask to
have a mate
have kits
be a shiny
use someones user as ur name
be inappropriate
use cuss words
or anything like that ):T
put *bloop* in the password area on you form
be a hybrid, just go find a picture on the net or make one for all i care
have fun
oh btw you can have up to three profiles
ONLY THREE other wise its gets overloaded. :T
my form

Name: Firefrost
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Rank: apprentice

and when I evolve more like this.
Other: Born in the cosmos brought back as an egg by raquaza
and one of my friends
Name: Dragontooth
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Rank: leader

Password: *******
Other: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Rank: apprentice
and when I evolve more like this.
Other: Born in the cosmos brought back as an egg by raquaza

and one of my friends
Name: Dragontooth
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Rank: leader
Password: *******
Other: N/A
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.):3 moons
Rank: pup
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there): she looks like a normal zoura but her eyes are green the tips are blue. btw the blue tips are not shiney its water.
password: *bloop*
Other: Shes a hybrid of a zoura and a hybrid leafyon the leafion was a vaporion and a leafion. she will evole into the best thing eva
Name: Nada
Gender: Female
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.): 17
Rank: Warrior
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there):

password: *bloop*
Other:shes hybrid of dragonnair and arcinine
Name: Lucky
Gender: Male
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.): 15
Rank: deputy
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there):

password: *bloop*
Other: Hes Clovers brother. Zoroark slyvion hybrid. he always says this "IM A MALE" he growled
Gender: Female
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.): 18 moons
Rank: Warrior
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there):

Other: She can be very strict with her apprentice, Vulpey
Name: Vulpey (pronounced Vul-pay)
Gender: Female
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.): 6 moons
Rank: Apprentice (master is Suicuno.)
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there)

Other: She loves her master, but can be very naughty.
Title: signup
Gender female
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.) 7
Rank: apprentice
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there) a mew mixed with porygon-z, with yellow spots
password: *bloop*
Other hope i get accepted ^_^
Gender; Female
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.) 17
Rank: Warrior
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there)
password: *bloop*
Other; She's a mixture between Mew and Sceptile;Mewtile
Name; Fangpaw
Gender; Male
Age(at least six moons to be an apprentice, 14 to be a warrior.) 7
Rank: Apprentice
appearance:(picture link or just put it up there)

password: *bloop*
Other; He's a mixture between Skitty and Mawile; Mawitty. Upon evolving the only big changes are his fur turns purple and he gains the signature Delcatty neck fur. Also the Mawile mouth tail becomes more vicious looking