Forum Thread
Minor Updates
Forum-Index → News → Minor UpdatesThe text under your daycare breeding couple has been slightly improved:
So far you always got "The two seem to get along very well" when you had a very good (but maybe not yet perfect) breeding chance. However, when you are doing everything right now, it will display "The two seem to match perfectly".
Nothing about the breeding chance itself has been changed - it's just a bit clearer for you now :)
The last three days I have been very busy with improving the performance of this website. To be more specific, I have optimized the performance of various pages that normally took quite long to load (which, as a result, used to slow down the whole server).
Here are a few examples of pages that have been strongly optimized so far:
Page | Speedup |
List of your Forum Subscriptions | 70-times faster |
Notification Wall | 34-times faster |
Forum | 30-times faster |
User Online List* | 25-times faster |
Userlist | 12-times faster |
Userprofile | 6-times faster |
Item Shop | 2.4-times faster |
* The preview of the parties on the "online user"-page had to be removed, unfortunately. Loading the parties of 500+ users slowed down the site extremely (and it is also not possible to cache this list, as the online list and parties change strongly every second). But was anyone even using this feature? I mean... there already is the "Online User"-Clicklist for interacting.
I've also made many minor improvements (e.g. to the interacting feature), but you may not notice them that much. They're still great for the server, though :)
In the next few days, I will continue with these optimizations. So don't panic about smaller glitches here and there. :D Just directly send me a palpad message in case you encounter something strange from now on (like Prof. Rowan suddenly appearing in your userbar lol).
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Update #1: You can now easily gift a user a plushie by clicking on the plushie in their collection as suggested here. (Before this update this tool was only available for Plushies that were greyed out/not yet obtained).
Update #2: The Activity Points Requirement has been rebalanced for Event Distributions.
Example with current Event Distribution (6000 AP Base):
Egg No. | Original Requirement | New Requirement |
1 | 6,000 | 6,000 |
2 | 6,000 | 9,000 |
3 | 18,000 | 12,000 |
4 | 30,000 | 15,000 |
5 | 42,000 | 18,000 |
As you can see you need more APs for the second Event Egg than before - but after that you need significantly less APs for any further egg :)
I have continued to work on performance optimizations in the past few days. One of the major things that I have improved are the Interaction-system, the Activity Points system and the Item Bag. All of these load much faster now and reduce the overall server load by approx. 25% - which means we can have around 25% more activity before the server starts to lag, yay!
Please excuse some bugs here and there during my optimizations. They might be annoying, but I promise that it's worth it!
Also note that none of these updates are "visual" - they only help to speed-up the server :)
Sorry about the downtime! I promise that this was the last maintenance for the weekend :)
Here's what's changed:
→ Pokémon now take almost 20% less space in our database/storage.
→ Released Pokémon are now marked as "released" instead of permanently deleted from the server. That means that - in case of a system failure - we can restore your precious Pokémon. This does, however, not mean that we restore your accidentally released Pokémon!
→ The feed max. character length has been increased to 1,000 characters (before: 500)
→ The feed comment max. character length has been increased to 500 characters (before: 300)
I am very relieved to say that the daily lags (which always happened between ~10 AM and 11 AM server time) have finally been fixed. (At least I am very very sure it's fixed. We'll find out tomorrow!)
Sorry for the troubles :) Have a nice day and happy interacting ~
32 new mini icons for our Event Pokémon have been added!

Thanks to the user Krystal_Fang for helping us with these sprites! :)
The palpad now also works when you access PokeHeroes via https. Before this update several users had issues accessing their palpad on workspaces where only secured http was permitted.
It may be necessary to clear your cache by hitting Ctrl + F5.
→ The Event Pokémon Larviprop has been added to the Event Shop.
→ The PokéDex Entry of the Pichu Quest Reward Pokemon (see spoiler) has been added.
Due to a server update, the "Change avatar" interface will not be available during the next few hours.
You may also experience a short downtime of the palpad today. I'm trying to perform all upgrades as smooth as possible, but please be patient in case the palpad goes down for a few minutes :)
The Alola starters can now evolve - check out the spoiler to see their Sprites (including Shiny versions):
Also, an "Alola" tab has been added to the PokéDex. There are already a handful of PokéDex entries, but that does not mean that these Pokémon are already available on PokéHeroes! It does also not mean that these Pokémon will be released soon/next; the order in which the entries are added is rather random.
EDIT: Forgot to mention - the starters are now also breedable!
The Emera Town artwork has been updated to accurately represent the current day/night state now. To be precise, daytime is from 6AM to 5:59PM, while nighttime lasts from 6PM to 5:59AM.
As noted in this bug report, it was not possible to get Dragon (and Fairy) gems from the Golden Slot Plus Mode - even though the prize overview suggested that it was.
This has now been fixed; it's possible to get all kinds of gems from that mode now. Dragon & Fairy Gems are much harder to win than common gems, though :)
GTS Offer notifications have been implemented!
Friends-only feeds, as suggested here, has been implemented! You can set feeds as "visible to friends only" so only people who are on your friendlist can see and comment on the feed.
These feeds never appear on the global notification wall.