Forum Thread
Pokemon Black-INVITE ONLY ~Open and accepting!~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Black-INVITE ONLY ~Open and accepting!~-------------------------------------------------------
It's weird, it seems like yesterday when there were multiple barriers between humans and pokemon. But as research continued, and technology advanced, those blockades were quickly shattered. Humans can actually have discussions with their pokemon, the Pokedex has enhanced a lot. The best part is that the mysteries of mega-evolution have long been solved. The downfall? This is also used for evil. The criminal organisations, yada yada yoda. The real threat is that an unknown man, with an army of dark/ghost pokemon clad in strange armour has shown up, and poses threat to everything and everyone. There seems to still be many mysteries left to solve, and a new threat to take on.
Species (Pokemon or human(trainer)?):
Special traits (optional):
My Form:
Name: Aindgi
Sex: Female
Age: 11 human years
Species (Pokemon or human(trainer)?): Pokemon- Ralts
Appearance: Shiny Ralts, has small bumps on her back that are believed to be the start of wings. Her "skirt" is white (like the rest of a shiny Ralts),but has Aqua tints around the edges.
Crush/BF/GF/Mate/Married?: To be RP'd
Personality: Shy, Extremely Smart, Brave, and talented.
History: She was born in a forest that had blue trees and had a very mystical aura, and she didn't know anything about her family, like if she even had one.
Special traits (optional): Can transform into different Pokemon, but for now, it takes 3/4 of her energy. Throughout the RP, she will gain mastery over this power.
Other: She is very calm, but when startled, she can easily break a medium-thickness tree branch.
Name: Nightfox/Kazuna
Sex: Male
Age: As a human, he'd be 19
Species (Pokemon or human(trainer)?): Pokemon
Appearance: A Zoroark, with 3 scars on his chest.
Crush/BF/GF/Mate/Married?: n/a
Personality: He's a Kirito (by that, I mean he prefers to go solo most of the time), He has a caring side, but it's rare.
History: He was abandoned by his brother as a baby. He grew up with no memory, so adopted the name Nightfox.
Special traits (optional): His transformation is enhanced, meaning that he can 1: Take the abilities of a pokemon (eg: If he became a bird pokemon, he could fly, use their moveset, ect and ect) and remain in that form for as long as he likes.
Other: There's a slight glitch in his transformation: And that is you can tell when Nightfox is another pokemon (at times) by looking carefully for the three scars on the chest.

Sex: female
Species: nidoran f
Appearance: a nidoran f with an ever stone necklace
Crush/BF/GF/Mate/Married?: N/A
Personality: shy and nervous
History: unknown
Special traits: love powers and teleportation
Other: Chips o3o

Don't starve >:3

Age:14-15 maybe
Species (Pokemon or human(trainer)?):trainer (beat the pokemon leage)
Appearance:a girl with a holdie that seems to always be on her waist or on her, she commonly wears a baseball cap. Black long hair that covers her right eye, blue pearceing eyes, black shorts or jeans, and a large black backpack
Personality:can act dark at times but is quite kind and caring, she's also humble to those who chalage her...
History:she beat the pokemon leage and has a pokemon partner she met in the Johtoregion...she used to live in the Johto reagion (Ask her for more)
Special traits (optional):has some type of mystical power, strong bond with her partner, Silver
Sex:genderless (referred to as a she)
Species (Pokemon or human(trainer)?):pokemon
Appearance:a normal Lugia
Personality:kind, careing and overall nice... Just don't mess with "her" trainer
History:... Might have something to do with moon...
Special traits (optional):has a stong bond w/ moon
(Ok, done. Let's start.)
Aindgi was taking a stroll in the forest. She was in the forest of her birth, of course. She had never left it. She was happy, and she started saying hello to all of the strange Pokemon that lived there. She was basically part of the forest now. She was heading to visit Xerneas, the guardian of the tree of life.
Ainindgi spotted an ambipom. It was gathering up berries. (That ok with you?) She had never seen an Ambipom before, so she inched over to it and mustered her strength to say: "Hi there..."
"Um...are any chance....a zoroark?" She was timid, and was bracing herself In case of an attack.
(Oh,and,~Raven~, we are making an exception for you because I accepted you before the RP was made. Everyone else, don't get any ideas.)