(Actually, dragons can have different colorings, after all, mine is
black and silver. If you pay attention to the colorins of the
dragons in the movie and the show, there are huge assortments of
colors, from red Nadders, to green Gronckles, yellow Zipplebacks to
orange Mightmares. So there shouldn't be a problem with her's being
white. Albino's aren't actually white, they were have no
pigmentation, so they appear white, but there not. If you look at a
white wolf compared to an albino wolf, there's a huge difference.
Also, all albinos have pinkish/reddish eyes, so technically
everyone's been doing it wrong. Also, there are actually 3 night
furies, mine, Banette's, and Hawkpaw's. But there shouldn't be a
problem with Mew having one as a character, it would be a problem
if everybody who joined wanted to be a Night Fury, but it shouldn't
be a problem right now. )
Hi, I'm a huge anime and love the Yugioh series and Persona series
and obviously Pokemon. Proud owner of the third on site Shiny
This is my lovely Persona Shiranui