Spark woke up after her catnip and silently flew out of the cave.
She flew to the clearing to catch a fish. She glided over the murky
water with a foot in it, and suddenly she caught a fish in her
claw. She threw it up into her mouth and ate it. The wind rustled
the bushes behind her. (Or at least she thought it was the wind- I
will be an NPC viking for a few minutes)
A large man with a rusty axe in his meaty hand rose his weapon and
swung as Spark was licking her claws clean pf peices of fish. A
high pitched screeched ripped through the air and stung the ears of
all the people and dragons. The viking yelled a battle cry and
pulled his axe out if the massive trench it had dug in Spark's
flesh. Her tail was almost severed. Blue blood flooded out of the
wound. Spark's cries were suddenly cut off as the viking hurtled a
net over her face. She hit the viking with her injured tail, but
she was already netted and little did she know, the fight was not
(You, the viking already has me) A second viking, a large and ugly
woman with a thick brown braid in her hair, carrired and dragged
the net off into the forest while the other kept Cloud distracted.
(Accepted, Mew. I'm sorry to say this everybody, but there are only
two Albino Night Furies in the RP, and no more. If you guys get
into anymore arguements when i'm not on, i'm afraid i'll have to
ban some of you from the RP. Also, Recap?)
(We let her have a white night furry.... There are amny colored
dragons so we thought it was good for her to have a white one with
a diffrent eye color. Just saying)
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways