Valkyries and Lucifer were back at their dorm, Valkyries gave
Lucifer a hyper potion, and had one for herself as well. "Want to
go to the cafeteria?" Valkyries asked after she had thrown the
empty bottle in the trash, Lucifer nodded and threw his away too,
and went back to a gijinka and they both walked to the cafeteria.
Wesley wanders around the campus, no teachers around for the
summer. "Man, I can't believe a majority of the summer, I've been
in a coma, no clues that I know of... Someone has to know
something. Maybe Valk can remember where she found me. Questions
is, where is she?"
Valkyries and Lucifer walked into the cafeteria and got a steak,
Valkyries sat at the regular lunch table, Lucifer sitting next to
her. "So.. do you think we're ready?" Valkyries asked her brother,
Lucifer shook his head "We need to keep fighting Legendary pokemon,
not until I say we can stop. When I say we can stop you know it
isn't over." he said quietly. Valkyries looked at her plate,
suddenly loosing her appetite, Lucifer nudged his sister "It's
fine. I know you can do it, and that's not what I usually say."
Valkyries nudged her brother "I know. More grumpy than I." she
teased, Lucifer smirked and took a bite of steak from his plate
"Hey, when this is over, we can both go back to what we used to
have." he said, "True, one of the reasons I have trust issues."
Valkyries said taking a bite of her steak, "Hah, and I thought you
were "grumpy"." Lucifer teased, Valkyries smiled. "It's been a
while. I've missed you, glad your back." she said, Lucifer smiled
"I know, didn't think I would need to come here unless you we're in
danger, I guess I jinxed myself." he replied.
Marcus woke up, a few moments after Claire finished healing him up.
''you were knocked out... again'' she said, looking him from above.
''also, there is a gravestone here, i guess it has to do with Raika
and her family'' she said, pointing at the grave. ''weird, i don't
remember that was here before'' he replied, and ate a berry. ''I...
no, i bet all of us miss her'' he said, and sighed.
Valkyries finished her steak, Lucifer did too. She shape shifted
back to her Houndoom form and ran off, Lucifer rolled his eyes and
shape shifted too and ran after his sister, Valkyries darted into
Marcus' dorm and zoomed around, Lucifer chasing his sister, Lucifer
pounced but Valkyries moved out of the way, Lucifer landing on the
floor, Valkyries then pounced on her brother and gnawed his only
horn. Lucifer snorted, "You won, again." he said.
''Ohey'' said marcus, looking at them playing in the floor.
''you're done with whatever you were doing?'' he asked, smiling at
them. ''I guess i'll be here a while'' he said, and sighed.
"Yeah.." Valkyries said gnawing on her brother's horn, then got off
her brother. Lucifer looked at Claire, and jumped into the air and
snapped his jaws trying to grab her, Valkyries sighed and curled
her tail around her paws and laid down.
''Hey! back off!'' she said, using twister to throw him away. ''i'm
not another prey of yours!'' she mumbled, and landed on marcus bed.
''She's my niece, don't hurt her'' said marcus, rubbing her head
while looking at Lucifer
Valkyries growled at her brother, Lucifer snarled back. Valkyries
bared her teeth and snarled louder, Lucifer barked loud and
pounced, Valkyries dodged and grabbed Lucifer by the scruff and
slammed him into the ground. Lucifer snapped his jaws and thrashed
around, Valkyries let go and snarled, Lucifer bared his teeth and
drove his teeth in her back, Valkyries yelped and grabbed Lucifer
by the neck and flung him off of her. She barked and stood up,
Lucifer snarled and charged at his sister, Valkyries flinched and
rammed him with her horns, knocking the air out of him then bit his
leg and swung him around and threw him into the ground.
Ryan came in, looking at both Valkyries and Lucifer fighting.
''Stop it, you two'' he said, covering himself in water. ''Don't
fight in someone else's room'' he said, and put a thick wall of
water between the two of them
Valkyries and Lucifer snarl for a while, then the snarling died
down Lucifer crouched and Valkyries snarled again. She teleported
out of the wall and laid down, Lucifer teleported out as well and
winced and lapped Valkyries' wound, Valkyries lapped Lucifer's
cheek and put her head on the ground. Lucifer stopped wincing and
laid down next to his sister. Valkyries' eye widened and she limped
over to the grave, she snarled "This.. no..." she winced, Lucifer
looked away. Valkyries frowned "It's you and me now.." Valkyries
winced and looked at her brother, Lucifer closed his eyes "I know..
we only got each other." he said, Valkyries said to her brother
"Don't die.. I'll be alone again... you are the only family member
that is alive right now.." she winced, Lucifer replied "I won't, I
won't die.." Valkyries snarled "How do I know that? What's ahead is
going to determine if you live or not!" Lucifer looked at his
sister "If I die, don't end up like dad." Valkyries looked at her
brother "I won't. But you didn't need to help me, you just put
yourself in danger." she said, Lucifer snarled "You are my sister,
I wouldn't let anything happen to you. And I know you are strong,
and we will make it out together." Valkyries laid down, next to the
Ryan removed the water wall, and went to his bed. ''why is this
place so dusty? you didn't clean did ya? he asked, looking at
Marcus. ''Hey, i woke up today. Didn't have time to clean'' he
replied. Claire looked again at the grave, examining it carefully.
''wait... wait what?? Caroline's dead??'' she yelled, and walked
backwards. ''wh-when??'' she asked.
"Yeah.. they all died on the same day.." Valkyries said holding
back her tears, she shape shifted back into her gijinka form and
teleported back to her dorm, Lucifer shape shifted back too and
waved goodbye and went back to the dorm as well. Lucifer got the
first aid kit and tended to his sister's wounds, "I'm done."
Valkyries nodded, and fixed her brother's leg. "You should rest."
Lucifer said, "You're probably right.." Valkyries said and walked
over to her bed and fell asleep, Lucifer got into his bed and
closed his eyes and fell asleep too.
Claire hugged Ryan, crying. ''the back of the grave?'' thought
marcus, and looked behind. ''what's here?'' he mumbled, as he
invited the others to look as well
marcus read what was written in the grave. ''wait, so the other
Raika which is in another school is from the future?'' asked
marcus. ''How can the Raika from the future be alive if the one
from the present is dead?'' he asked
Valkyries woke up and got out of bed, she opened her dorm door and
walked out. She entered the cafeteria and sat a lunch table,
Why? It's like the world hates me or something, makes me want to
finish the job early.. but, I can't.. can I? she thought to