Marcus rubbed the back of it's head. ''well, i just woke up from
hibernation a while ago. I don't know what happened in this past
month either, sorry'' he replied ''did you ask the nurses or
doctors in the hospital?'' asked Claire, from above
Wesley jumped, just realizing Valk was there. "Huh? Oh jeez, you
scared me Valk, and no, I don't think I'm in the proper condition
to battle. I just woke up from a coma. I'm not sure what happened,
do you know anything?"
"I might, but if I do I probably forgot." Valkyries sighed "I
didn't mean to scare you though. It happens." Lucifer came back
with the first aid kit in his jaws. "Sorry, I'm back." he said and
dropped it on the ground and shape shifted back, "Do YOU want to
battle Valk?" Lucifer asked, Valkyries turned around "Sure! Let's
do this, which form though?" "Gijinka is fine, but we can also
switch into Houndoom." Lucifer replied, Valkyries couldn't keep in
the energy inside anymore, she started to glow a dark aura and her
eyes glowed red, "Finally!!" Lucifer exclaimed and did the same,
they unsheathed their weapons and charged at each other, there was
a loud "bam" sound and they flung backwards, Valkyries landed on
her feet and used her whip and grabbed Lucifer and flung him into a
tree, Lucifer created a portal and flew into it, he then was behind
Valkyries and swung his sword, Valkyries leaped out of the way and
drove her dagger into his side and used her whip and flung him away
from her, Lucifer then shot a fireblast at Valkyries.
"It's okay Valk, I'm still a little jumpy, I mean I've been out for
months." Wesley diverts his attention to the stars again. "It's
odd, everything's... Normal. I've never felt a taste of normal. It
feels... Nice."
Valkyries dodged the Fireblast and flung one to Lucifer, he dodged
and charged at Valkyries, Valkyries shape shifted into her houndoom
form and drove her teeth into his arm, Lucifer gritted his teeth
and threw his sword and Valkyries, she yelped and Mega evolved,
Lucifer snarled and did the same, Valkyries shape shifted back and
launched her whip at a tree and flung it at Lucifer, Lucifer leaped
out of the way and charged at Valkyries again, she then dodged and
leaped into the trees, Lucifer followed. Valkyries then kicked
Lucifer down and shot a fireblast at him.
Marcus got accidentally hit by a missed fireblasts, and gets
knocked out on the river, and got carried by the stream. ''here we
go...'' said Claire, and followed him from above.
"Hmm? Oh crap!" Wesley chases him downstream and jumps in to save
him. Minutes after struggling to pull Marcus out of the river,
Wesley manages to carry him to the shoreline. "There, man, I still
have some strength, but still not full power. I hope this
grogginess wears off..."
Valkyries' dark aura enlarged, she shot a dark pulse at Lucifer,
flinging him into a tree. Lucifer yelped and replied "You win,
let's not go crazy and kill each other." his aura faded, Valkyries'
did the same "Now let's get each other healed up.. we over did
it.." she sighed, "You think?" Lucifer smiled and got the first aid
kit and started patching Valkyries' wounds.
Wes turns to Valk and Lucifer. "Well, some notable points, both of
your fighting styles is totally aggressive. Kill or be killed, not
bad I must say, but I mean you could've been more careful." Wesley
looks back at Marcus, "Let's just hope he's okay."
Valkyries looked at Marcus and sighed "We TOTALLY went over board..
I hope I didn't kill him. I don't need "Killed boyfriend" on my
resume.." Lucifer sighed "Yup. I finished by the way." Valkyries
then started to patch up Lucifer's wounds "Okay." Valkyries said.
Wesley closed his eyes, and concentrated. "You're lucky he's alive,
his energy is still moderate." Wes stands up. "Someone care to help
me get him to a bed? I can't leave him out here alone all night."
"I would've been careful, BUT MY BROTHER HAS A FREAKING SWORD! Do
you want me to die? AGAIN?" Valkyries snarled, Lucifer sighed
"Let's get him to his dorm." he said, "Okay." Valkyries replied and
took a full restore out of her kit and shoved it in Marcus' mouth,
then took it out when the bottle was empty, she picked Marcus up
and teleported to his dorm, then set him down in his bed. Then
teleported back to the river. "Miss anything?" she asked, "No."
Lucifer said.
"Aye... When I almost had an official sense of normality..." Wesley
walked back to his dorm. "What a mess this has been, might as well
look around in the morning, for clues."
Claire flew around the room, trying to find any medical item.
''where is it...'' she thought, as she looked around. ''there it
is!'' she grabbed marcus' medical kit, and started patching him up.
''They don't even let you train'' she mumbled, and sighed
Valkyries asked her brother "Are you ready?" Lucifer nodded "I got
everything. Let's go." Valkyries opened the door and shape shifted
into her houndoom form and ran off, Lucifer shape shifted as well
and followed his sister, Valkyries went to the river and picked up
the kit Lucifer left behind and continued to head towards the
mountains, when they got there Valkyries sniffed around "I found
something.." she barked and ran off following the scent, with
Lucifer following.
Valkyries snarled "It's here." Lucifer barked "I know I smell it
too. It's watching us.. DUCK!" A ice beam was hurling straight at
them, they both ducked. "Thanks." Valkyries said and watched the
pokemon land on the ground, Articuno. Valkyries looked at Lucifer
"I know.." Lucifer growled and shot a Fireblast at the Articuno,
but it flew up dodging it. Valkyries snarled and grabbed it's leg
and yanked it down sending it into the snow, Lucifer then shot
another Fireblast, the Articuno shrieked and used Hurricane sending
Lucifer and Valkyries away from the Articuno, Valkyries growled and
shape shifted into her gijinka form and lashed her whip and grabbed
the Articuno by the wing, then launched herself at the Articuno,
and shot a Fireblast at it again, then used her whip and slammed
the Articuno down with brute force. The Articuno then used Ancient
Power, Valkyries took the hit and drove her dagger into the
Articuno's chest, and twisted the dagger and left it there for a
few seconds then removed it. "Done.." Valkyries sighed, Lucifer
nodded, "We should get back to the dorm.. probably teleport again."
Lucifer teleported back to the dorm with Valkyries following.