Sorry for not being on much, just been dealing with some hard
depression and other stuffs... I've just given up, and it really
hurts when she says it's a good idea to, cuz she may never like me,
like that... :,( Love is a curse, if not a figment of our own
For anyone who followed my Flayer series... I'm sorry, but I just
can't continue it anymore...
Is there anyone who is good with making like, music or something? I
need to make some commissions...
*Sigh* Great. officially single, I'm so broken I don't even know
who I am anymore. She won't love me anymore, not a monster like me.
I can't be me again... Hello depression, I haven't missed you at
I see everyone got MissingNo and a boo but I'm all here like :,(
*Sigh* I loved her... Now I'm just a monster to her... A bully...
I've failed at being a boyfriend, and even more so as a brother,
and a human being...
Hello loneliness my old friend,
I've come to curse at you again,
Because a monster's brewing in me,
And all it does is keep on hurting...
tfw you go through not even one scroll of notifications and you see
the last feed before you went to bed. Nearly 12 hours ago. ;-;
I need someone to do me a favor, I'm offering 70K PD whoever has
good artistic abilities!!
Kinda sad when A. you get told several times you're useless, (Even
by your own gf, also, don't remind me) and B. Every plan goes down
the hole so you become a selfish child just trying to make things
work, ergo, you've just angered your gf and she may or may not
speak to you let alone visit you. Congratz me, I've just been
there, and done that. Time to continue being the mistake child.
(IE, laying around, not eating, or even playing a game. With a
choked feeling in your throat.)
*Sigh* Down in the dumps like the mistake I am...
The moment when you can relate yourself to a piece of trash.
0_o" Uh, did anyone else see some creepy girl with a Drifloon and
"Humankind, cannot gain anything, without first giving something in
return, to obtain something of equal value must be lost." Well, if
I've lost so much, what have I gained, besides several mental
Nothing new to report, I did some scanning around my area, but no
sign of my friend. I've been set up as outpost Aplha. But I hope
she's okay, she may be an adult by law, but still a child at heart.
Well this is just great, my friend ran away from home and now she's
off the radar. I'd round up a search party, but nobody in my list
is from Maine.
Please, someone just end me, no pride, no will, I've lost
everything, not even one of my old friends believes a thing I've
been through. And it hurts... Just end me already, let the Mainers
win. I'm a monster, that nobody outside my family will ever love...
I'm hated, ridiculed, mocked, beat around like nothing! It's
I swear, this day just sucks... If my gf breaks up with me... This
day, will be the worst thing I'd ever lived... My heart is hurting
and I don't like it...