Forum Thread
Pokemon Gijinka high school 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Gijinka high school 2The reason, why I am still alive is, that I am from an alternate timeline. There are three. One, where I don't exist, one where I died now, this one, and one, where Raika died in the battle with Valkyries's father.

(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)

I am trash :<
''hey uh... what kind of sister-brother fraternal activities include stabbing each other?'' he asked, as he tried to freeze the river solid, unsuccesfully. ''you can't even stop the half of it'' said Claire, from above. ''try again!'' she yelled
rank:Student. O.o'
roommate:None yet.
Personality:Curious, kind, caring, brave.
Hobbies:Reading, playing games(XD), and drawing. ^_^
Crush:None yet. O.O'
BF/GF:She doesnt even have a crush..So none.
new or continue the other RP:I played in this thread before, but i guess new.
Other:.None..?Edit: She has wings. xDPretty obvious, shes a lugia. OAO

Never give up.
"I don't know. We we're battling, but we stopped before we could kill each other." Valkyries said, "I'm done." Lucifer said as Valkyries started to fix up Lucifer's wound. Lucifer said to Marcus "At least I didn't kill you're girlfriend, Marcus. She's fine, she's tough she can deal with it. She's gone through wounds like this anyways." Valkyries nodded "True, you're tough too y'know. I look up to my big brother." she smiled "I finished too." she announced, Lucifer hugged his sister, Valkyries hugged him back, "How was it? Y'know, we don't get to see each other often, so what did you do while I was gone?" Lucifer replied "I trained and that's it I guess."
Marcus jumped into the water, and starting swimming upstream, even though the current was incredibly strong that day''...okay, we lost him. He's crazy'' said Claire, as she saw Marcus fighting with all his will not to get carried away.