{OOC; Valkyries and Lucifer are in their dorm, it's locked though.
Marcus and Claire are at the river, training.}
Valkyries looked at Lucifer "I'm ready, let's go." she said,
Lucifer nodded and unlocked the dorm and they both shape shifted
into their Houndoom forms and ran off to the mountains.
(Oh, I didn't see that, sorry I kinda saw that this was revived and
had to improvise.) Wesley followed after Lucifer and Valk. "Guys,
long time no see. Does anyone know what happened to me?"
(yup. We have been struggling to keep this alive x_x)
''okay, first of all, i should improve my water controll'' mumbled
marcus, in the middle of the river. ''stop blabbling and start
already!'' shouted Claire, from above. Marcus focused on his feet,
and the water 3 meters around him stopped from moving. ''well,
that's a progress'' he thought, but his power ran out, and he sank
in the water. ''this will be a loooong training...'' thought
Claire, and went to the shore, waiting for him to get out
(I don't doubt it, a lot has died off.) Wesley loses sight of Valk
and Lucifer. "Dang, they're fast. Well, I guess I should just relax
by the river. I am not at full strength yet." Wesley starts
wandering off towards the river.
Follow me, we can fight later. Valkyries said to Lucifer and
ran to the river and sat down next to Claire, and Lucifer sitting
next to Valkyries, Valkyries howled and reverted back to a gijinka.
Lucifer did the same and teleported some popcorn into his hands,
Valkyries did the same and they both watched. Valkyries then
teleported popcorn into Claire's hands. "Thank me later." Valkyries
said and continued to eat her popcorn.
(He didn't know. But I mean he's an Empoleon, with odd powers, who
has a really weird backstory of before he arrived. So he usually
sits by the river to regain strength, cuz if anyone remembers, he
can sense energy.)
(Well, they met a long time ago. I'm not sure exactly when, but it
had to be during the small sparring session between Wes and Valk.
Long before Wes somehow was put into a coma.)
(B-but i haven't posted since Rp page 300-350 o-o)
Marcus got out of the water, and used his vibration to dry his
skin. ''well, i suck at that'' he said, as claire sat on his
shoulder. ''looks like someone's there'' she said, pointing at
Wesley. ''uh.. hey'' said marcus, waving at him. ''have we met
before?'' he asked
Wesley scratches the back of his head. "Uh, I'm not sure, I mean
you are in my memory so clear, but I cannot tell if I have met you,
if we haven't my name's Wes. But I wanted to talk to you about
something important."
Lucifer sighed and said "We should get going.." Valkyries replied
"We never get to have fun, plus I will only take a few minutes. It
should be easy to beat him." she nudged her brother, Lucifer
growled "Okay fine."
"Well, I somehow was put into a coma, I don't remember how exactly,
do you think you know how it happened? Or how I even ended up in
the hospital bed? I think it has something to do with Valk, I mean
she's helped me out several times before. I have a feeling she put
me there when I had passed out. But I dunno." Wesley sighed and
looked at the night sky.
Valkyries asked Wesley again "Want to battle?" Lucifer sighed "I'm
going to go back to the dorm Valk. Getting the first aid kit just
in case." he shape shifted into his Houndoom form and ran off.