Forum Thread
Invert Stone
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Invert Stone(ex: Carracosta -> Tirtouga)
and mega evolutions
(ex: Mega Mawile -> Mawile)
the Invert Stone can be bought in the Emera Shop for 1,000 PD, also in Mystery Boxes.
Descripition: " An Old Stone used to Invert a Evolution of a Pokemon. "
this stone will be used to any case of evolution, breeding
(like, if you give this stone to Jynx she will be Smoochum)
and events
(like Yorebruh to Slowyore)
any evolution.
tiny suggestion.
If Riako cared to fix your mistakes, do you not think he would have implemented any of the suggestions to keep pokemon from evolving without an everstone? Because he's made it clear that you can do it yourself. Everstone.
Now you can even see which pokemon have everstones in your boxes. Fossil pokemon, you have almost 40 levels (on average) before it evolves.
So that was your fault. Suck it up and buy another fossil, and this time, learn from your mistakes.
If you look at it, almost all items we have are in the games. There are no ways to undo evolution in the games. So please, learn from your mistakes, and don't make it the site's fault that you forgot something.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Don't you think it will not be used much often. Because, people make mistakes but they need to be careful about that. If you forgot to give a everstone to a pokemon. It's your fault, not the game's fault. The pokemon which uses item evolution won't need it.
If it was only for traded Pokemon, then it is understandable, because now, Pokemon evolve just after trading and it is not your fault it the user didn't give it an everstone.
So, I think it should only work on Traded Pokemon.
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Total votes: 20
Support ratio: 30%
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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