Forum Thread
Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}"Well thank you!" Aroura kissed him back. Teasingly, she added, "But I'm willing to bet you'll like it off even more!"
She grabbed his hand, leading him to the bed. Laying down, she smiled lazily up at him. She patted the spot next to her. "Coming?"

"It wasn't just accidentally hurting them that freaked her out. She doesn't like not having control over her powers. I can't blame her. It was terrifying when I couldn't control mine. And I couldn't just practice mine. I would be punished for that," Aroura fiddled with her fingers, "And being a teenage girl doesn't help the situation. Witch reminds me, I should probably have a talk with her. There are going to be things her body will do that might really scare her. I'm just glad there are plenty of girls here to help."
Aroura took Evander's hand and brought it to her lips, exploring it with kisses.

Aroura began to swirl the little hairs on his arms. She traced imagined patterns on his arm.

"Just girl stuff. I helped her find something to wear and then we went to see you," Aroura couldn't betray Synthia's confidence. So long as the girl wasn't in danger, Aroura didn't want to tell her secrets.
She stretched, "accidently" letting her corset slip lower over her chest. Then she fiddled with the button on his jeans.

"Get over here!" She moaned, pulled him over her and removed the corset. Se hadn't bothered with a bra this time. She wiggled out of the only clothes left and kissed the back of Evander's ear as he freed himself.
Synthia lay in her bed, unsure quite what had just happened. She had gone to the Dining room to find Jeff comforting a distressed Eyeless Jack. After Jeff had gotten over the initial shock of Synthia's new appearance, he explained that Jack's girlfriend, Eyeless Jill, haad dumped him. Synthia had sat next to Jack for a while, talking to him, before lifting his mask slightly and kissing him. Realizing what she had just done, she had bolted back to her room. The only thing that had kept her from panicking and reverting to the demon form, was the fact that Jack had worn a small smile as she ran.
Outside the building a form perched in a tree, staring through a window at Evander and Aroura. he had been there for about half an hour, watching. Tears stains streaked down his face. "How could she..." He growled. "I loved her, and she threw it back in my face." His face contorted into a mask of fury. Standing he spread his wings. "I think its time for this angel to fall." He took off flying towards a distant mountain. "Time to make a deal with the devil."

Sitting up, she looked outside. Large white feathers drifted lazily to the earth.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this," Aroura told him. "I didn't know that I could do this!"
She sighed, content in his arms. She took his other hand and explored it with kisses as well.
The next morning Evander woke to a soft knocking on the door. He got up, careful not to wake Aroura. Dressing quickly, he went to the door. When he opened it, he found Jeff, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack, standing outside. "Told you." the clown said to Eyeless, who passed a few dollars to him. "They were betting on where we would find you." Jeff explained. "Anyway, we came to ask if you wanted to join us on a hunt? It's been awhile since we got to do one together, like old times. We were thinking about maybe even trying to convince Korbyn to come with us." Evander hesitated, remembering what Aroura had said about being able to change, but his entire being screamed for him to go with them. "Give me five minutes." he said closing the door. He quickly wrote a note to Aroura, saying he would be gone for a while with some off his friends. He picked up his mask, staring at it for a moment, before putting it on. He stepped outside, shutting the door behind him. "Let's go." He said.

Dear Aroura,
Went out with some friends. Be back later.
Aroura was sad he had left without her, but at least she wouldn't be distracted by him and the bed. She got dressed in her usual apparel. When she was ready, she left to find Synthia. Aroura had found a healthy supply of feminine products. She had grabbed a discreet bag and put some things inside to give to the girl.
Aroura checked Synthia's room first.
"Synthia? Are you in there?" Aroura called, knocking on the door.

"Hey hun! How are you this morning?" Aroura asked, sitting across form Synthia and a women. "I wanted to talk to you, in private. Just us girls," Aroura smiled and included the other girl next to Synthia. "Evander said he was out with friends and wouldn't be back until later,"
(Korbyn JumpingEagle)
As Evander and the others walked through the woods, talking and laughing, he realized how much he had missed this. Just him and his buddies, out for some fun. When they passed through the tree line, they could see the city far in the distance. "Hey Jack." Jeff said, "Think you can get us over there?" The clown laughed. "But of course, Jeff." There was a puff of confetti, and they were suddenly on the outskirts of Centros. "So..." Eyeless said. "What are we going to do first?" "How about we have a little competition boys?" Jeff smirked. "We each get a chance to try to prove to the others that we still have the killer instinct. Who wants to go first?" Evander spoke up. "That would be me."

After they ate, the girls went to Synthia's room. Korbyn and Aroura explained to Synthia about things her body would don to her now and helped show her how to use the various products.
"So, do either of you know what Evander and his friends are up to?" Aroura asked, "I was hoping we could go and do something today."