Synthia wrapped her arms around Aroura, putting her head on her
shoulder. She was so gentle and loving, like the mother she had
never had. She trusted her more than evan Vany." She spoke again,
"I love you Aroura. You're good at being a mommy." Should she ask?
She said she would keep everything a secret. She blurted her
question before she could stop herself. "How did you get Vany to
fall in love with you." She blushed profusely.
"Thank you, Hun," Aroura replied to the mom part. But when Synthia
asked about Evander and her, Aroura turned bright red.
"I-what?" She sputtered, caught off guard. "I don't think I even
tried," she chuckled, "To be honest, I didn't trust anyone until he
came along. I didn't even think I could trust, let alone love! He
was slow and gentle. He didn't push me. I think I just had to be
me. And he is just him. I don't really know, sweetheart, I think it
just happened." Aroura mused.
But she figured there had to have been something that triggered the
question. Looking at Synthia, she asked, "Is there any special
reason you ask?"
Synthia covered her face with her claws, extremely embaressed.
"I-Uhhh, maybe?" She wasn't sure what to say now. She thought
maybee Aroura could help her understand her feelings, but now she
was just confused. "I-I don't know." She shook her head. Taking a
deep breath to calm herself, she went on. "I might, sort of, kinda,
maybe, really like Jack" her voice wasn't more than a squeaking
whisper by the last word. Her face was bright red.
"Hmm, does Jack know? Do you think he likes you back?" Aroura
asked. She could see Synthia was still confused by these new
feelings. "I think it's normal to feel confused. I certainly was
when I didn't know I knew him!"
Aroura rubbed Synthia's back as she talked. "I think taking it slow
is the way to go."
"I'm not sure he has ever really noticed me, other than when im
Jeff." She stared at the floor. Eyeless Jack had indeed noticed
her, and thought she was very pretty, but a little to young for
him. "I don't know why I'm feeling so strongly now, out of nowhere,
but I just..." She shrugged. She had always had a crush on Jack,
but some part of her had always said that it could never be. Now
for some reason she felt as if she needed it to be. She wanted for
him to love her more than she had ever wanted anything. She gave
Aroura a small smile. "Thanks for listening to me. I've never had
someone to talk to about these kinds of things."
"So he's probably jealous when you hang out with Jeff. And as for
why now, it could be having been apart," Aroura smiled. "I've never
had anyone to talk to about these things either. Thank you hun, for
letting me in. I'll always be here if you need me."
Aroura was so relieved Synthia was no longer upset. She wanted to
Evander and let him know Synthia was alright.
"Do you want to go see Evander? Or do you want to stay here?"
Aroura asked.
Synthia stood up. "I'll go see Evander." She looked down at her
torn dress. "Just let me change real quick. This transformation did
not help my wardrobe." As she walked to her closet, she suddenly
felt like her skin was crawling. A moment later she looked normal
again except for two things. One, the horns still remained, but she
didn't mind them to much. The much more noticeable difference was
the fact that her body now looked about seventeen, rather than ten.
The tattered dress now barely reached her upper thighs, and was a
little tight. She stared at herself, can confused. "Um, well...
This is new."
"Well, it looks like we're stopping by my room first," Aroura
smiled, wrapping a blanket around Synthia. "I'm sure I've got
something that will work."
So Aroura lead the girl to her room. Once inside, she opened the
closet. Numerous black corseted leotards spread out to either
"These won't do." She shook her head. "You need color to reflect
you're personality."
She dug deeper, until she finally found it. In the very back was a
white dress covered in a light blue floral print. Aroura laughed.
"I don't know when I wore this, but I think it'll work."
She handed Synthia a strapless bra and the dress. "Do you think you
can get it on? If you need some help, let me know."
Aroura opened the bathroom door for Synthia to change in private.
Synthia took a moment to examine herself in the mirror above the
sink. She didn't that different, except maybe a bit taller. Her
hair had grown as well, reaching down to her thighs. Turning to get
a better view, she noticed she had gained a few curves as well. She
put on the bra, still just getting used to the feel of her older
body. She pulled the new dress over her head, turning to see it
from other angles. She opened the door and stepped out. "What do
you think?" She asked, turning slightly back and forth.
"You look lovely, Hun!" Aroura pulled her into a hug. "One more
Aroura handed her a pair of white sandals and placed a blue flower
in her hair.
"Now, ready to go find Evander?" Aroura asked once Synthia had put
on the sandals.
Synthia smiled. "Yep! Let's go!" As they walked down the hall, she
wondered what Evander would think of the change. Would he think she
was pretty,? Would he treat her any differently? She hoped not. She
had always loved how quick he was to help, how kind he was, how
gentle and strong. She didn't want anything to change. A thought
came to her, that brought with it excitement. She was now about the
same maturity as Jack! Maybe her fantasies were possible after all.
Aroura walked with Synthia to Slendy's room. She knocked lightly on
the door. It swung open once more of it's own accord and Aroura
stepped inside with Synthia, smiling widely.
"May I introduce you guys to Synthia?" She held her arms out,
indicating the young girl who was now only physically three years
younger then herself.
Synthia smiled, a little shyly, and gave a small wave. "Hi guys."
S.O.M., who was on the otherwise of the room playing chess with
Trender, let out a whistle. "You're looking mighty fine, doll!"
Trender smacked the back of his head. "We've talked about this SOM.
No one under eighteen." SOM grumble something, then went back to
his game. "Well" Masky said. "This is an interesting
Evander stared at Synthia. What happened? She looked about
seventeen! His baby sister was suddenly all grown up. And she was
beutiful, just like he knew she would be. He smiled at her. "Hey
sis! You look nice. That dress suits you." He held out his
Synthia breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried by
Evander's initial shock, but his warm smile told her that he
thought just as well of her. She hugged him tightly.
Aroura smiled at Evander as he hugged his sister. She knew he'd be
fine, she'd just hoped his first reaction wouldn't startle Synthia.
But her worry was unfounded.
Aroura stood fiddling with one of the chopsticks she used to keep
her hair up. She was afraid someone intuitive in the room would
figure out just what she and Evander had been up to that afternoon.
Evander turned back towards Slender, who spoke "As I was saying
Evander, I don't know why you three gained your strange abilities,
but it is a good thing you did. Was there anything else?" "No, that
was all." Evander turned to leave, when Slender spoke directly to
he and Synthia's minds 'I just wanted to tell you that I will make
sure your private matters stay private. No need to be so nervous
Aroura. I've raised many young men and women in my time.'
Aroura's face was beet red. She didn't know if she wanted to go
hide in a corner for the rest of forever, or let the earth swallow
her where she stood. She ended up just nodding and walked out of
the room with Evander and Synthia.
"So, what should we do this evening?" Aroura asked the pair. She
smiled impishly at Evander hoping he'd get the hint of what she had
in mind. But she also didn't want to leave Synthia if she still
needed them.
"I'm going to go find Jeff and Jack, so I can apologize. I'll see
you guys later!" Synthia said running off. She headed for the
dining room. Meeting Jane on the way she asked if they were still
there. Jane looked puzzled for a moment, before recognizing her.
"Wow!" She said. "I like the new look. They should both still be
back there."
After Synthia left Evander sighed. "My baby sisters not such a baby
anymore." He turned to Aroura, grabbing her hands. "So what's the
plan for us?" He asked, rubbing his thumb across the top of her
"I know! It might be rough for her though to be mentally one age
and physically another age," Aroura mused. As he stroked his thumbs
over her hand, she smiled wickedly. "I'm sure I can think of
She laughed and stayed just out of reach. She had found something
interesting in her closet when she was looking through it
"Race you to the room?" She grinned, already running that way.
Evander laughed chasing after her. She was already turning down the
next hall "I'm not going easy on you!" He cried. His body burst
into particles shooting down the hall. He circled Aroura once
laughing again, before flying of towards the room. He startled
several people as he flew, crashing into, and then flowing around
Aroura laughed as he tickled her. She called wind to her and
floated to the ceiling, racing along up there, she made it to her
room just as Evander finished putting himself together.
"Aww! No fair!" She pretended to pout. She reached into the closet
and grabbed the outfit in mind and walked over to him. She
whispered in his ear, "I'll be right back!"
Once inside the bathroom, she hung the outfit up. It was a corseted
piece but one that matched her room. She felt confident and sexy in
it. Looking in the mirror, she undid her hair, letting it trial
down her back. Once she was satisfied, she stepped back into the
"I'm not sure where it came from, but I like it!" Aroura announced,
turning slightly. "Like it?"
it's a corseted top.