Forum Thread
Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
She smiled wistfully, remembering yesterday.
"What are hunts?" Aroura's eyebrows meet in confusion. Something clicked from in her memory. The conversation they had in the woods.
"Wait! Evander said something about hurting people before...He...he's not...please..." Aroura looked at the girls, tears threatening to spill out. "But he changed! He said he didn't want to do that sort of thing!"
She got up and paced, praying for Synthia and Korbyn to say she was wrong. The boys went out and shot deer or animals for food! Not people!

She collapsed back onto Synthia's bed. "It can't be! I can help him!"
She couldn't believe what was happening. He'd come back and laugh about it when she asked. Please, she prayed, don't let him hurt himself like that.

Aroura hadn't told anyone that. A plan formed in her mind. One involving her and Evander teaming up...

She left her room and walked to the city. She was looking for Evander.
Evander and the others moved stealthily along, until they reached the Lux mansion. "Follow me." he said. "I saw a back door last time I was here." They moved around back and through an unlocked door into the kitchen. As the door closed behind them, a tall man entered the room. "Hey! Who-" His words were cut off as the knife Jeff had thrown pierced his neck, pinning him to the wall. Jeff quickly retrived the weapon from the dying man. "Go to Sleep." He whispered

They moved through the mansion quietly. Two more people noticed them, but were quickly silenced by Jeff and Laughing Jack. Evander Put a hand on Jeff's shoulder. "I've got an idea." He quickly explained his plan. Jeff's slit grin grew even wider. He gave Evanders shoulder a punch. "See, that's the Evander I know! When you finally pick your target your even more vicious me!" Laughing Jack looked impressed. "Got to admit man, that's pretty twisted. And I love twisted!" Evander turned to Eyeless. "What about you? You up for it?" The boy lifted his mask enough to reveal rows of sharp teeth, lifted in a grin. "Ok, but I expect some kidneys later."

Aroura smiled and turned Synthia in the direction she was headed. "Do you have any idea where they would be at?"
Gabriel had just gotten into the Lux complex. After his night of chasing people down, he was beat. But it was worth it. He walked back to his room. Taking off his belt and sword, he collapsed face first into his bed.
The four moved swiftly back through the mansion, gathering the bodies of their Lux victims. Moving to the main hall, the completed their disterbing task. When they were done, they left through the front door, turning a different direction than they came, and ran off into the night. Behind them in the hall, the three bodies had been nailed by their hands to the wall. One was killed by Jeff, one by Eyeless, and one by Laughing. As blood and candy dripped to the floor, three words had been carved above them. "WE HAVE RETURNED"

"Alright, let's keep going," Aroura started off in the direction of the blood spill. She had a sinking feeling she knew where it would lead. When the white and gold building appeared before her, she sighed. Evander, what have you done? she thought, Terminus is a grade A jerk and I hate him as much as you do, but killing him will solve nothing.
A noise startled Aroura. She froze just outside the ally across the street from the building, standing between whoever it was and Synthia.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Super Name: The Lost Spirit
Appearance: He has fairly messy but short brown hair which appears black without proper light. He's a few inches above average height. He has one ocean-blue eye and one leaf green eye. Zack usually wears a pair of dark blue jeans and a leather jacket with the rest of his outfit. Usually when he's using his ability he becomes pale enough to almost appear ghost-like.
Power: Control over spirits/shadows. The thing is, they don't always listen to him.
Personality: Zack can seem emotionless and uncaring at times despite his sarcastic and smart-alecky nature. In reality he's actually quite soft hearted to those he cares about and will do almost anything to protect those people, even if it risks himself.
Crush: None (At the moment)
Other: Let's say Violet is dead and Opal can do whatever.
Password: What password?

Synthia peeked around Aroura, looking towards the Lux mansion. Through the door she could see something running down the wall. Blood! She bolted past Aroura and up into the building. "Please let Vany be safe." She prayed. When she saw the three bodies on the wall, she felt a sick sense of relief. It wasn't Vany. He was safe. She did feel a little sorry for the people on the wall, but her sympathy quickly faded. These were the people that hated her, hurt her friends, and tryed to kill her. They deserved it...
As they walked, Jeff sighed with content. "Oh man, that was fun. We have got to do that more often!" Eyeless chuckled, "Next time, we should be less subtle. Maybe bring Seed Eater. He would enjoy a good riot." "Good idea, Jack." Jeff replied. He suddenly burst out laughing. "Can you imagine if we let the Hydra loose here! That would be amazing!" Evander grinned at the thought. "Next time," he said. "We should get more people, maybe ride the Nightmares, and just go on a raid." Jeff grinned. "Now that would be fun

"Let's keep looking. I don't want someone to wake up and attack us," Aroura spoke softly. She had liked Violet. She was a sweet and innocent girl.
Aroura and Synthia followed the blood trail down the road. In the distance she saw four shapes. One was covered in the burgundy trench coat she knew very well.
"Evander!" She called, picking up the pace.

Finally he found the Lux mansion, and saw a horrific sight. Three bodies were on the wall. Zack took it in. One of them was a silvery haired girl, probably quite pretty when she was alive. He spotted several people ahead and two girls heading towards them. "Hey, what is this place? And why is there so much.. death?" he called out, not caring which answered him.