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Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}

Forum-Index Roleplay Heroes of Light and Dark { Invite Only}
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:17 (9 Years ago)
Evander held her tight against him, loving the feeling of her soft skin against his. He kissed her. "I'll always love you. More than you could ever know. I would give everything for you. As long as I live, and even after that, you will always be special to me." He soon drifted off to sleep, with her in his arms. When he awoke he glanced at the clock on the nightstand, seeing that it was almost time for dinner.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)
Aroura walk up when Evander gently shook her shoulder.
"Huh? What is it?" she asked sleepily, "What time is it?"
Her stomach growled loudly just then. She looked up at Evander, laughing, "Guess it's dinner time."
She kissed him. Then slid out of bed and got dressed. When she got to the corset, she turned her back to him, "Help me?"
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:52 (9 Years ago)
"Of course" Evander said, lacing up the item in question. When he was finished, he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her neck. "I would take you out again, but I'm thinking that would be a poor decision. With the Lux out there looking for us, I don't want to take any chances. I hope you don't mind eating here. The dining area is quite nice." He said
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:57 (9 Years ago)
She relaxed into him, loving the feel of his strong arms around her. She put her hands over him.
"If you're there, I'll be happy," She turned her head, kissing him. Aroura finished getting dressed. Her boots taking forever because she had to undo them then put them on. When she was done, Evander and her left the room. She held his hand as they walked down the hall.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 02:21 (9 Years ago)
When they entered the dining room, Evander was slightly surprised to see about fifteen others in the room, and was pleased when he recognized all of them. A thought suddenly came to him. "Aroura I didn't get around to telling you earlier, but there is about a six month gap from the last thing i remember to when we showed up here. In that time apperantly you lived here with us in the other world. If other people act like they know you, it's probably because they do." A woman with long black hair and eyes, and bleach white skin walked up to them. "Hey guys! Been a while since I last saw you! How ya been?" She asked, with a smile. "Hey Jane." Evander replied.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 02:32 (9 Years ago)
"Wait! Really?" Aroura couldn't believe she hadn't noticed the gap in her memory. There were so many people in the dinning room. When the women walked up to them, Aroura felt like she should know her but she could figure out why.
"Um, hi," Aroura said lamely. She was glad Evander was there. She felt embarrassed at not being able to remember these people.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 03:01 (9 Years ago)
"Uh sorry Jane. We both have a six month memory gap, so Aroura doesn't remember anybody." Jane looked concerned, "That's awful! I hope you can get your memories back." She smiled again. "In the meantime, my name is Jane Killer, and that," she pointed over shoulder at the man eating with Synthia. "Is my husband Jeff. Hopefully we can be good friends again this time around!"
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 03:10 (9 Years ago)
"Me too," Aroura smiled. Jane seemed so nice and warm. Aroura was eager to see how Synthia was doing but the girl looked happy so Aroura didn't want to bother her. She and Evander took a seat between Hoodie and Jane.
"So, how was your afternoon?" Hoodie asked.
"Very nice," Aroura smiled at Evander, trying to play it cool. While she was ready to be with Evander, she wasn't so sure she wanted everyone to know they had been together.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 03:35 (9 Years ago)
Evander went to get plates for Aroura and himself. As he was filling the plates with roast meat and potatoes, a boy in a dark blue mask and a black hoodie came up. "Hey, Evander." He said quietly. "Good to see you again." "Good to see you to Jack." Evander replied, glancing at the boy, who had place several raw kidneys on his plate. "How are things with you and Jill?" He asked. The boy sighed. "Not so good man. It's been kind of rocky the past week, though I'm not sure why." Evander felt sorry for the guy, understanding how he felt about the girl. "Anyway, thanks for asking." Jack said returning to his table. Evander returned to Arouras side, placing the plate in front of her.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 03:47 (9 Years ago)
"Aw! Thank you!" Aroura smiled at him. She put some steak sauce on the roast beef and buttered the sliced potatoes. Se pored a glass of lemonade for herself and Evander. She devoured her meal, not really caring how she looked. She was starving, and after the last few days events, she needed the food. After clearing away the first plate, she got another one, making sure to get Evander seconds as well.
"So what's going on this evening?" Aroura asked, hoping she and Evander would be able to spend the evening together.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 05:19 (9 Years ago)
"Well I wanted to ask Slendy a few more questions real quick, but after that..." He paused, not wanting to embarrass her in front of the others. He was pretty sure she would get the hint. Suddenly he heard a ruckus behind him. Turning he saw Jeff and Jack on their feet, staring daggers at eachother. "What is your problem man?" Jeff asked. "My problem is you constantly hitting on my girlfriend!" Jack growled back, crushing the half eaten kidney he held. The girl in the matching blue mask still sat at the table, though she looked quite impressed that Jack was standing up for her. "Well then, if you can't take a joke, let's settle this." Jeff said pulling a long knife out of his pocket. Jack went for Jeff's throat, knocking him down in the process. Synthia kept shouting for them to stop, but it was no use. She screamed. The blast of sound threw both of the men through the nearby wall. Synthia burst into tears and rushed off.

Synthia ran out of the dining room, down several halls and into her room, locking the door behind her. She sat down in the corner and sobbed. How could she do that? Jeff was her friend, and Jack was... She cried even harder. As she sat, the black stuff spread even further across the walls. Looking down at herself she realized that she had grown quite a bit. Her hands had grown claws, and her skin was an ashy black. Red sharp toothed mouths snapped on her legs and neck, and spikes protruded from her shoulders. "I'm a monster."

Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 05:32 (9 Years ago)
"Sounds wonderful," she smiled sexily. She didn't mind going to see Slendy. Maybe he could explain more about their memory loss.
Suddenly a fight broke out. Aroura didn't understand the why the fought broke out, but when Synthia's powers got the best of her, Aroura reacted.
"Evander, I'm going to check on Synthia," Aroura explained, jumping out of her seat. She was glad she remembered the way to Synthia's room. Knocking softly, Aroura called, "Synthia? Honey? Can I come in?"
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 06:30 (9 Years ago)
As much as Evander wanted to go see Synthia he decided to check on the fighters instead. Jeff had been pulled from the rubble by Jane and Jack was slowly getting to his feet. Jeff had come away with a nasty set of claw marks on his face and some broken ribs, while Jack was nursing several stab wounds. "You guys alright?" He asked. "I was." Jeff said through teeth gritted with pain, "until Synthia hit me upside the head with a concrete wall." "I'll be fine" Jack replied.

Aroura was outside the door. She wanted to come in. How could she let her see her like this? She was a monster! A terrible ugly monster! "Go away! I don't want you to see me like this." She sobbed, her voice sounding like several people talking at once. The lock on the door clicked. Synthia looked up to see Slender, with a hand on the knob, just before he teleported away. She buried her face in her knees, sobbing. The black had spread to cover about half of the room, with red tortured looking faces mixed into it.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 06:48 (9 Years ago)
"Alright, I'll just talk to you through the door then. I know you're scared hun, but we're all here for you. I know you don't like looking different after using your powers, but you look perfectly fine to all of us," Aroura sighed. "I know it's hard. Growing up isn't easy for normal people. For us with powers, it's crazy. But we're here for you. Hun, I have no room to judge anyone. I pulled a dagger on my father, threatening to kill him. I..." Aroura paused, "I threatened to kill the man I love if he hurt you. But Hun, we only want the best for you."
She paused, waiting for Synthia to respond.
"Are you okay, Hun?" Aroura finally asked.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 07:01 (9 Years ago)
Synthia sniffled. Aroura was so nice. Would it be so bad for her to see her like this? "Y-You can come in, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." She put her head back down
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 07:12 (9 Years ago)
Aroura opened the door, she walked inside and shut it again. She looked at Synthia and was terribly sad to see the girl so upset.
"Hun, I'm not telling anyone anything you tell me in private. It's just us," Aroura smiled, rubbing circles on Synthia's back. "Is there anything I can do to help? I can sit here and simply listen. I can try to make you laugh. We can share secrets and chat, just us girls. Anything at all."
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 08:24 (9 Years ago)
(in case you missed the spoiler earlier this is what she looks like currently)

Synthia hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "Everything bad that happened is all my fault! Both you and Vany got hurt. John lost his home. And now I hurt my one of my best friends, and... him." Tears filled her eyes again. She wouldn't have ever told anyone else. She had fallen for Eyeless Jack hard, and she didn't know how to handle her feelings. "I don't know what to do. I-I feel like no matter what I do I just end up messing everything up. I'm just a monster" She looked up at the ceiling. "An awful, ugly, MONSTER!" the last word was more of a screech of torment, than a human cry.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 15:16 (9 Years ago)
"Hmm," Aroura made a low, thoughtful sound. "Let's see, two eyes: check; a nose: check; five fingers and toes: check. Well Hun, I've got all of those features too, so it looks like we can be monsters together," Aroura hugged Synthia. "But it's not appearances that make people monsters. The most vile monster I ever meet looked like a normal human. In fact he convinced the whole world he was an angel! But you know what? He was evil. He beat and abused his daughter for the fun of it. Now, you have never purposely hurt innocent people. And when you accidently hurt someone, you feel remorseful. Monsters hurt the innocent and feel nothing but joy. So, I don't see any monsters here. Just someone learning to control her gifts."
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 20:18 (9 Years ago)
Synthia stared into the Aroura's caring eyes. Her a monster? She was about as far from a monster as you could get! Synthia couldn't help but wonder if Aroura could help her sort out her feelings about Jack. But was what she said really true? Sniffling, she asked, "A-Aroura? Do you really believe that?"
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 21:34 (9 Years ago)
"Believe that you are not a monster? Of course!" Aroura confirmed. She pulled Synthia into her lap. "You have love in your heart. Your laugh is full of joy. Your tears show true sadness. Monsters can't show any of those emotions."
Aroura held the girl as she worked through her emotions. She knew the only way to get through this was to work through them.