Forum Thread
Tall Grass Improvement
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Tall Grass ImprovementFor Pokemon with egg quantities that exceed half the number of tiles, only half of the grass patches would have eggs, the others having wild Pokemon. For legendary Pokemon found in the Tall Grass like Lati@s and Keldeo, the one egg rule would remain to make them harder to obtain. (Seeing as how they are Legendary, and are supposed to be rarer and harder to get.)

Let's have an example though.
Ponyta generally has 200+ eggs in the tall grass, with your suggestion, people would get an egg every time.
That would invalidate the tall grass searching aspect, what you want is just free eggs. The tall grass is a guessing game sure, and it is difficult, yeah, but what is the point of having a 5x5 selection of spots if every spot has an egg? (Most of the starters have hundreds of eggs in the tall grass)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Obviously you never bothered to read the second paragraph. There would never be a "every spot has an egg" scenario. What I'm saying is, you can never have more than a 50% chance of getting an egg. The fact that Ponyta has 200+ eggs just raises your chances of getting one. It's still a guessing game, but Pokemon that have a lot of eggs in the tall grass would have a higher "density," thus giving higher chances of getting an egg.

Oh except 3 eggs for 2x2, that is 75% which is....wait for it....MORE THAN 50% :O
And you specified for egg quantities that exceed hte number of tiles, so if mudkip had 25 eggs in the grass, each spot would have an egg.
The point is that it is supposed to be difficult.
Heck, if anyone is gonna complain about the grass, I am hunting Keldeo. 36 spots, an hour wait. Just because you were unlucky doesn't mean that it is unfair.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
The thing is, not finding a SINGLE Mudkip egg in over 70 searches with the odds at 1/16 or 1/25 is a bit ridiculous, especially when you add on the fact that there are NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED OF THOSE THINGS in the Tall Grass. It's supposed to be another way to get eggs, not an impossible guessing game with barely any results.
I do understand that legendaries are meant to be hard to find. The one egg limit should probably be kept in legendary Tall Grass patches.
But I know that with several aspects, Pokeheroes has tried to maintain a more "realistic" theme. (Eggs hatch on their own, the stores occasionally run out of stock, etc.) So if there are hundred of eggs in one field, the "density" of the eggs should increase and make them easier to find. Similarly to how during an easter egg hunt, the eggs are easy to find at first, but get harder and harder to find as more of them get picked up.

I support it. Like trying to find a Charmander egg in this. One at a time. It's very difficult to find it.

You have not read the guide for supporting a suggestion and Suggestion Guide, i can tell!
Total votes: 29
Support ratio: 55%
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