I Want A Pokemon!
What Pokemon You Want:Sad Jr. , Jolly Jr., Candy Belly
Who You Are Getting It From: Dustpaw ofc
What you are paying in and your total amount: 39 k pd :)
Also, rAmen. ;)
I Want A Pokemon!
Username: Castiello11
What Pokemon You Want: 3x Satichu
Who You Are Getting It From: Dustpaw
What you are paying in and your total amount:3x 13000 = 39000
May I become a Breeder?
Username: Radiant
Breedable pokemons: Pretty much anything I own that has a specified
gender and is breedable on this site, I don't necessarily need a
pair for me to be able to breed it.
Password: Ramen
Other: I already have some Miltanks, Tauros, Combee, Ampharos and
Vespiqueen's in stock, just putting that out there XD
Your application looks good, but we need links to boxes you're able
to breed things from. It's just easier for those wanting something
to breed to order. If you can breed anything, then give the links
of them all.
I Want A Pokemon!
Username: tensazangetsu111
What Pokemon You Want: Sad Jr. , Jolly Jr., Candy Belly
Who You Are Getting It From: Dustpaw
What you are paying in and your total amount: 39 k pd
I Want A Pokemon!
Username: Maniac
What Pokemon You Want: 1x Flower Boy
Who You Are Getting It From: Dustpaw
What you are paying in and your total amount: 13,000 PD
I Want A Pokemon!
Username: Maniac
What Pokemon You Want: 1x Tom Nook & 1x Fiesta Larvesta
Who You Are Getting It From: ImmatureGuy
What you are paying in and your total amount: 26,000 PD
I have a question; do I pay now, or do I pay when the Pokémon is in
the GTS? Btw, ramen is good :b
Thanks in advence.
I Want A Pokemon!
What Pokemon You Want: 1x Dark Ponyta (Female)
Who You Are Getting It From:Dustpaw
What you are paying in and your total amount:14,000 PD
This isn't allowed. It's states so in the rules. It also states how
you need a password on your post to let us know you've read the
Thirdly, ImmatureGuy is unavailable for breeding currently
I haven't heard back after sending the application form here and
PMing the links to my boxes as to what I can breed, it's been
awhile so I thought I'd ask if that means "no" or if I was just
forgotten, also I need to update the fact that since then I got a
ditto and more pokemon so I can breed genderless pokemon now.