Forum Thread
The Fabubros Shiny Breeding Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → The Fabubros Shiny Breeding Shop
Banner Made by Mink

First off the rules!

1. All PH rules apply. (Therefore, no begging allowed)
3. Please subscribe (until your order is completed) so that you can see my posts more easily.
6. If you do not pick up your pokemons from GTS within 3 days after I put them, I will cancel your order.
7. No spamming or double posting. (That's what the edit button is for) Breeders re allowed to double post if they are announcing availability or they've completed someone's order.
8. Your Pokemon will be on the GTS for three days. If you do not claim it, it will be taken down and you can order it again.
9. Please specify if you would like everstone to be given on the pokemon if you are buying a pokemon that evolves through trading.
10. Please include Pickle Slice in your post so that I can know you have read the rules.
11. Please don't make another breeding request until your current one is finished
12. A maximum of 3 Pokemon per order
13. No advertising of raffles or events in the thread please.
14. Please don’t pay until after your trade has been accepted. Any payments made before will be treated as donations and you will have to pay again.
If I don't have the breeding pair you want and you do, Send it to me and I'll breed it for you. (E.g, you’re on a hunt)
I, being the fabulous owner of this shop, Am one of the breeders. I can breed anything from this Box
My Just as Equally Fabulous partner, Dude, can breed anything from thisBox He also has a ditto so can breed gender less too( still no legends though)
Our third premium less but no less amazing breeder Kinishaka can breed anything from this box
Our fourth and funky friend ChydiZZy Can breed anything from these boxes:
Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5 Box 6 Box 7 Box 8
We’re willing o breed any shiny as long as it's not legendary or event, they’re just too many eggs.
As per usual, There are a limited number of spots available for shiny Hunting mean, which will change hunt to hunt and breeder to breeder. First come, first serve. Although if you use the Incorrect form, you will be missed out, until you correct your form(you will be notified of any corrections that need to be made). But if someone's already ordered ahead of you. You'll just have to wait.
The Prices

Easy 100k
Medium 170k
Hard - 200k
Rare - 250k
Starters - 200k
Specials 240k
For genderless shineies, take the rarity and add 55k
The Form. If you’re wanting multiple Pokemon from two separate breeders, please fill out two forms.
The Form For shiny Pokemon

I Want A Shiny Pokemon!
What Pokemon You Want:
How Much You Are Paying/total cost:
Breeder Applications (post here or PM me or Dude with the filled in application)

May I become a Breeder?
Breedable pokemons: (A breeding box is required)
Other(delete If neccasary):
Breedable pokemons: (A breeding box is required)
Other(delete If neccasary):
Available Breeders:


Kinishaka: Free

In any case a breeder is unavailable, you may have to wait for them to become available. Any requests made whilst a breeder is unavailable wi be ignored. We are very sorry for any inconvienence caused. Have a nice day!
I wish to be a breeder at Fabubros
Pokemon I can Breed: This box
Pokemon I can Evolve: All
Password: Rion
I can evolve and level up pokemon too
I will make level up and evolve form and price too
I wish to be a breeder at Fabubros: Breeding Shop
Pokemon I can Breed: Event, Mega-able/Special, and Normal
Password: Rion
Sorry for continues edits. ><
I wish to be a breeder at Fabubros
Pokemon I can Breed:breedables
of course i will be able to breed (if accepted)after my hunt
What Pokemon You Want: 2 totodiles, one with an everstone
Who You Are Getting It From:chaotic harmony
How Much You Are Paying:4000
i've read the rules: Rion.
i hope i put down the right breeder for the pokemon i want, if i didn't let me know
they can both be males