Forum Thread
Steven Universe fan club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Steven Universe fan clubFavorite Steven Universe Charater? I personally like them all... but Yellow Diamond, but if I have to pick one, probally Garnet
Why Do You Like Steven Universe? Its so beautiful and spacey and magical and LAPIS WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU????

Also, welcome ~ !
never again will you be able to return... ♪

Title: form
favorite SU character: amethyst {i can compare to her more,tbh}
why do you like steven universe? because the plot of the show??
it shows that people are different and that its okay.
Also the character development?
its an all around great show!
Fav SU Character: the most difficult question the world has asked me so i say ALL
Why do u like SU: well out of all the CN shows SU is the only show with lots of action, magic, in a understandable storyline, adventure, makes u want to scream with joy when a new show is on, and lots of fighting scenes. ⭐⭐
aaa welcome to the fan club~
ive found a video for all you nerds to enjoy.
im just gonna warn you that there are spoilers for past episodes~
Title: Is it true?
As far as I am aware at this point, new episodes will start in June and will show 1 new episode each week throughout June until August. The next season (3, I think) is also starting in June, so all the upcoming episodes will be part of an entirely new season.
never again will you be able to return... ♪

favorite SU character Pearl ~
why do you like steven universe? I'm a BIG cartoon lover and Steven Universe is just one of the best. Great character developpement, Female power, LGTB related stuff, double senses for both kids and adults to enjoy and such.
Also who can resist this :

Welcome :0!
Question Time!
Out of all the humans, who is your favorite!? (lets exclude Steven..)
>My answer:
Connie or Sadie
Connie has shown to be really loyal and kind to Steven no matter what weird stuff he goes through with the gems. she doesn't care about his magical gem powers, she likes to be with him just because of his personality. also she's learning how to sword fight... how can you not envy that?
in "Sadie's song" we got a whole episode with her in it, I related to her. I like to sing, but id never do it in front of people! and when people get exited over someone its hard to tell them to stop, being that you dont want to be rude...
Ahahah i actually need to rewatch Steven Universe, hence why my reasons are so short >w<
favorite SU chariter: I don't really have a favorite, If I had to choose i'd say Peridot
why do you like steven universe?:
It's pretty much on my level of humor, and I find it pretty heartwarming at times, and relatable at others.
favorite SU chariter: A toughie for me, but I'd probably have to say... Amethyst o/
why do you like steven universe? I find it pretty entertaining and interesting with the concepts and such. I love the bits of humor and hidden references, and the drama? I love drama. The characters are really nice, and... I just love the show xD
I just got finished watching the new episode(s)
And i have one thing to say: