Forum Thread
Types of PH users
Forum-Index → Discussion → Types of PH usersok lets start:
1 - The "Gem Collector"
the user that comes online and just goes into rumble missions and collects 1000's of gems per hour. This type of users normally has all pokemons who you can buy through the collector(chespin, fennekin, froakie etc....)
2 - The Shinier
the user that comes online and buys like 100 electric gems and goes in a shiny hunt to a chain of #700 and then goes to another shiny chain straight away. This type of users normally has well over 50 shinies (Or more Shiny Dex Entries than Normal Dex Entries).
3 - The "Updated"
the user who knows what is new EVERYTIME, and does all the new things that updates bring. In other words: this user who knows everything
4 - The Poke Collector
the user who normally gets the first of all new pokemon released on site and gives them a nickname like "1# On Site". They are also the user who has all the dex entries including the Kalos dex (who I think no one has) and the Emera dex.
5 - The Trader
the user who goes into the GTS and auction house everyday wanting to trade/buy pokes.
6 - The "Royal Explorer"
the user who plays royal tunnel everyday (possibly just to collect the regi trio)
7 - The Regular/Newcomer/Noob
the user who comes online and has a level lower than 20 and does not know many things.
so, post/comment what type of user you are! Im the regular.
(We should make little badges to put on our profile xD)
You forgot The Scammers!