Snowy sees glacia and flys over than sees draco and land by them
"hi" she said as a dragon charged and she jumped on top if it and
biteing its neck and threw it a small distance
Auraora slowly looked around the dark plains as she sees a few
small dragons run around the area being chased by something for
some reason. "I hope there aren't any humans..."Auraora said
Name:Timothy(or Tim for short
Apperance:Yellow hoodie, black and blue glasses, a red scarf,and a
cling on camera
Species Or Human:Human
Good Or Evil:good
History:Tim spent his life dragon watching. He loves watching such
majestic creatures but heard that they were being hunted and wanted
to protect him. so when he sees a dragon in danger he jumps in
saves it from the net and runs away to avoid being attacked by the
hunters or the dragons
Other:Takes many pictures of dragons
Auraora slowly blinked as she seen Draco behind the other dragons
before looking at her tail. "Atelast tis not destroyed..."Auraora
though before being hit by a net that couldn't be destroyed by
darkness dragons.
Auraora slowly blinks after seening the flash from the camera and
sees Tim. "A human? It shouldn't be here.... its going to
die...."Auraora though thinking if she should save it from the
other dragons or just leave it.
Auraora slowly stares wondering what was wrong and went after Tim
by flying and landed somewhere in front of him. "I wonder what that
thing in that human's hand is...."Auraora though.
Username: SandeviRae
Name: Fox
Age: At least 400
Gender: Female
Appearance: A short, androgynous redhead with pale skin, slightly
pointy ears, and bright green eyes, seeming to be aged around 10
years old
Species Or Human: Alp/Dragon
Good Or Evil: Neutral
History: This information is classified
Other: 030303030
Auraora slowly goes up to Tim and blinks then sits down. "Doesn't
this human know not all dragons attack humans or something?"Auraora
though slowly staring at Tim wondering what it would do.
'Yes I am....."Auraora said annoyed not knowing a human could
understand what she was saying but then Auraora hrard noises. "Stay
away...'Auraora said in dragon langue growling as a few dragons ran
Username: XxToothlessXx
Name: Typhoon
Age: 13 (Both in dragon years and human years she's 13)
Gender: Female
Species Or Human: Water dragon
Good Or Evil: Good
History: She is the last of her kind. She is very rare and many
humans want to capture her.
Username: XxToothlessXx
Name: ThunderGlow
Age: 10 (In dragon years, its just 10.)
Gender: Female
Species Or Human: An eletric dragon called the skrill.
Good Or Evil: Good.
History: Unknown.