So pretty!! <3 I really love the blue!! And everything is colour
coordinated, which is super nice!! But maybe you could try and fit
it in so there's no scroll!!
The use of symbols and dividers looks nice and the custom widget
image matches the black text but there isn't much about you. I mean
you do provide a link but that's pretty much it.
plushie thread: missing
please check out myart
oh gosh sorry my monitor must not transmit light as well... I'll
change it to a less bright white thanks
Not a fan of the whole spoiler thing and I would decrease the size
of the text inside the spoiler. Also I don't like about me's which
scroll.. other then that now I know everything about you! You have
one of the most detailed about me's I've ever seen!
plushie thread: missing
please check out myart
I was on mobile when I initially saw it, but now I can really
appreciate it.
I didn't notice the little dots of color before but now I do and
I'm so overcome with joy and dgjadsyhgasg nice