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~ Savvy & Scumble RP ~ Semi-Lit, Open & Accepting

Forum-Index Roleplay ~ Savvy & Scumble RP ~ Semi-Lit, Open & Accepting
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 17:23 (9 Years ago)
(Important Notice: Just realized Bastion Green, Death's character, supposedly lives in Seattle, while Variel Kotak, Misalia's character, lives in California. And you guys just met. in a random street. in an almost ghost town. okay. WE NEED LOGIC! D:)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 19:49 (9 Years ago)
Robin flinched slightly as a familiar messy-haired figure appeared in front of her, distracting her attention from her laptop. "What do you want?" she asked flatly. "I was wondering if you stole all of the junk food," the figure replied. Robin sighed, shutting her laptop. "No. Really, what do you want?" He shrugged and vanished again. Robin sighed. He was only a year younger than her, but her cousin Matthew was a pain, especially with his vanishing savvy. They mainly stayed in the savvy neighborhood with nothing to go back for in the real world. I should probably leave before he decides he's bored again, she decided, standing up. Robin took note of the fact the usually unlocked door had been locked.

She scanned the room carefully before unlocking the door and going outside, picking up the best rock she could find. Robin looked back inside. At least he isn't the master at scumbling. she thought, noticing a foot completely out of place near the TV. Robin chucked the rock once she decided were the disembodied foot's head was. "Ow!" came the yelp as Robin slammed the door shut and headed down the street. Good enough for now.


"Soooo, I'm kind of bored so do you want to leave or something? I'm leaving either way so bye," Crystal decided, walking out the door leaving Rhine alone. Even I don't quite see why I did that but oh well, she thought cheerfully before tripping on the steps. A sharp bolt of pain escalated through her leg as she sprawled on the path to the house, catching the red headed girl who had just left the house next door's attention.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 22:36 (9 Years ago)
"Omigoshness! Gfkthhslabsdegfwufiue!" Blix yelped, squeezing her eyes shut as the ears and tail retracted into her flesh. "Ohh, I sososososo sorry!" Blix helped the teenage boy up, bowing over, apologizing before grabbing his hands. "I'm Blix, what's your name? Oh wait, I already said that right?"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 00:12 (9 Years ago)
(I AM SO, SO SORRY THAT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT! D: I just made a post in the signup thread, but also posting here too. I kind of forgot that our characters were scattered across the world, I knew I would regret staying up late, so Bastion's family is currently staying in California for the weekend because his uncle just bought a new house there and needed help moving in. And it also gave his family an excuse to go see relatives and also for his siblings to see another family member's savvy or something. Bastion decided to take a hike and draw some things and ended up...there.)

Bastion quickly stood up when the crazy girl finally got off him and helped him up. He still felt a bit dizzy from whatever it was that brought him to this strange place, and he swayed side-to-side before correcting himself.

Savvy people. So that's why the tail. Although it still kind of took me by surprise, I must admit.

"Whoa, wait! No need to erase my memory, I've got a savvy!" He stuttered, almost starting to sweat. "Yeah, I'm in on the whole savvy thing, so, uh, we're all good, right?" He sat down on one of the chairs, hoping that sitting would make his queasiness go away.

He looked at the crazy, purple-haired girl. "Did she just said that you were homeless?" The girl didn't look like the kind of person who lived under a bridge, but she did seem to be carrying quite a bit of luggage with her.

"And could someone explain this all to me? One minute someone's talking about windows, the next I end up wherever this is." He gestured to his surroundings. "And is there a way to get back?"

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 00:21 (9 Years ago)
"Yeah, 's kinda true that I don't have anywhere to live. But that's cuz I'm being chased by the whitecoats, not that I'm in debt or anything!" Blix said. "And I think it's all like portally magicy junk or somtin. Correct me if I'm wrong, I only just founs out about this sabby thing whatever today."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 03:16 (9 Years ago)
"Ooooowwwwww," Crystal groaned, laying on the ground. Only a few moments later the person who spotted her fall was bending over her. "I don't think you broke anything," the stranger said briefly before a light glow surrounded her leg. Crystal sighed in relief as the pain faded, and after a minute or two she discovered she felt fine. The stranger, however, looked slightly worn down.

Actually this girl probably did break something, Robin decided shortly after the skinny girl stood up. "Er, thanks?" she said simply before heading away. Robin managed to revive herself slightly after about 5 minutes and headed the other way down the street, crashing into something solid and invisible. And really annoying. "Whatever you want the answer is no," Robin stated flatly before going around the slowly appearing boy and on her way again.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 07:07 (9 Years ago)
Rhine blinked as Crystal walked out the door, quite randomly. She shrugged, and after a few minutes, decided to return to her house. It felt a little creepy standing in someone else's house.

She leaped out the door of the Wolven house quickly. Crystal had disappeared rather a little too quickly, but Rhine shrugged it off. She was halfway across her own lawn when something struck her mentally. Rhine let out a scream as pain shocked her entire body, falling down on the ground. This wasn't a vision. This was another mental force pulsing with so much energy Rhine's shields couldn't keep it out. The shields shattered and Rhine's screams reached maximum volume as she writhed in pain on the grass. The visions she had previously blocked charged her, and her mind was a jumbled up painful mess.


As Mattie felt her anger dissipate, she noticed her fingers were getting tingly. "Oh no, no, no," She panicked. "Not now! Not-"

Waves of energy that had long since plagued her after those horrifying experiments shocked her. Mattie struggled to bind the energy, and keeping a tight hold on it, before slowly changing its form. It slowly transformed into brainwaves, which was a kind of energy. Mattie had been plagued with sudden energy boosts like this ever since the scientists overloaded her with all kinds of energy sources, and the first time it had happened, she had destroyed an entire building. She eventually learned to convert them into brainwaves, after a lot of painful scumbling sessions. Sending out them as brainwaves barely affected people, and was the least destructive way of releasing energy.

The blood pounding in her ears quickly stopped as she released the energy now in brainwaves form. After a few minutes, she regained control of her breathing. It was only then did she hear the pained screaming from somewhere in the neighborhood. Mattie's eyes widened, her emotionless mask disappearing. She rushed out her door, the screams becoming louder and louder. Blix and the strange boy were talking, while Agatha was still on the phone.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Mattie let her panic show. "Mind-related savvy people! ****!"

She didn't bother to check how the three on her lawn reacted. She snapped her arms outward, forcing the wind to fly her down the hill to the source of the screaming.

(And glad that location thing is cleared up :3)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 17:16 (9 Years ago)
Robin stopped abruptly as she heard Rhine. She turned around and headed back the way she came, walking swiftly but not running. What happened now? This really doesn't sound like something I can help and I'm already wiped out but.. Her thoughts raced into panic. Robin literally felt like she couldn't leave someone in pain, but she stopped as she spotted Rhine. Now, what exactly do I do now?

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:05 (9 Years ago)
Mattie found the source of the screaming - a dark-haired girl writhing in pain on a lawn. She landed unsteadily by her, ignoring the redhead who was nearby. Placing her hand on the screaming girl's forehead, she painfully began to remove the energy. Mattie's body felt like it was on fire, and it was all she could do to keep herself from screaming in pain. The girl's screams had reduced to mere panting and whimpers, but her eyes were still tightly shut. When she took back the last bit of energy, Mattie fell backwards, and let out a frightening primal cry. It was a cry that should have never come from a human. With the last bit of her strength, Mattie transformed the brainwaves into something more...physical. The energy escaped her, and shot upwards towards the clouds, becoming fireworks.

"I am so not getting groceries later..." Mattie thought just as she passed out.


The pain began to dissipate, not fast enough in Rhine's opinion. She began to build her mental shields as most of the pain disappeared, and finally managed to open her eyes soon after. She blinked, dots dancing across her vision as she tried to sit up. She managed to make out another girl lying n the grass, clearly unconscious before a wave of nausea hit her. She gasped, doing her best not to throw up right there.

"H-help..." She weakly cried as everything seemed to become yellow in her eyes.

(this is so short it's embarrassing..........)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:24 (9 Years ago)
"Well, nice meeting you random person! I'm gonna go wander around now!" Blix proceeded to do just that, until she came across a girl on a lawn, next to an unconscious Matilda. "H-help..." she cried out weakly. "Well, I guess I should go help." Blix said with a silly smile on her face. She walked over to the girl on the lawn. "Hi! I'm Blix! You look sick. What are you doing on the lawn? You look like you're in pain, but no fear! I have painkillers! And tums. Here, have a coupla each!" Blix dug into her backpack, grabbing two containers of pills. She dumped several from both containers into her hand, before promptly putting the girl's head on her knee and shoving the pills into the girl's mouth. The girl swallowed and seemed to be in less pain or whatever feeling she was getting. "Feel any better?"
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:36 (9 Years ago)
(Blix just climbed down a hill in a matter of minutes........serious energy o.O)

Rhine looked confusedly at the random purple-haired girl who had randomly appeared and given her painkillers. "Um..yeah, I guess," Rhine said tiredly.

Her body felt much better, but her mind was still in pain. She winced slightly as she repaired her mental shields, preventing any more visions. She finally noticed the unconscious girl lying near her.

"Oh my God!" A voice cried. Agatha Aaronson came into view, panting slightly.

"Oh dear," She murmured as she saw the girl's unconscious form. She then turned to Rhine. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

Rhine nodded uncertainly. "Why are you here in the neighborhood? I thought you were busy searching for other savvy people."

Agatha waved her hand which held a phone carelessly. "I came to visit Miss Quarappelz here to see how she was faring," She gestured towards the unconscious girl. "Poor girl hides away from society. Her savvy isn't quite...stable."

"Her savvy?" Rhine asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Energy manipulation," Agatha said darkly, bending down to check the girl's temperature. "Oh, a little bed rest and she'll be fine. Be back in a flash."

Agatha waved her hand once more, a portal suddenly enveloping her and the Quarappelz girl.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:40 (9 Years ago)
Robin seemed slightly relieved at the sight of Blix. I probably didn't have enough strength back yet to help anyway, she decided. Just as she was going to head towards Rhine and Blix, Agatha came and took the unconscious girl. Once she was gone, Robin continued forward. "Hello," she said after a moment.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:45 (9 Years ago)
"Hi!" Blix chirped to the girl approaching her. "I'm Blix! What's your name? Do you know this girl? Do you have a special power or whatever too?" Blix prattled on, still full of energy.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:47 (9 Years ago)
"I'm Robin, no, yes. It's called a Savvy and mine is healing," Robin replied, not at all bothered by the continuous questions. "Do you know the random girl?"

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 16/11/2014 06:55 (9 Years ago)
Rhine was oblivious to the two other girls' conversation, as she was trying to repair her mental shields. They had been completely shattered, giving Rhine quite the headache. The painkillers had helped her, but the mental pain she could barely stand. She exhaled and inhaled several times as she strengthened the shields. She had just regained use of her senses when Agatha toppled out of a portal about five feet away. The older woman walked over to them, sweat beading her forehead.

"I see you are all getting along," Agatha said cheerfully. "Blix, dear, you're cleared. Pick any empty house in the streets. Most of them are unoccupied."

A phone began to ring, and Agatha looked down at her hand (which was for some reason STILL holding her phone). She frowned, and answered. "Hello?"

Agatha paled at whatever the caller had said, and when Rhine glanced at her hands, she noticed they were shaking. "I-I see. I'll be right there."

Agatha let out a shaky sigh as she let her hand drop to her side. "I would really like to show you and the boy around the neighborhood, Blix, but I'm afraid duty calls."

Rhine's forehead creased in confusion. "What happened?"

"A seven year old in Washington, D.C. just gained her savvy. She froze an entire building. I must go and try to help the others stop the authorities from getting to her," Agatha said grimly.

She tried to smile at the three girls before hopping into another portal. Rhine was slightly surprised at her sudden disappearance. She then stumbled to her feet; her headache was slowly disappearing and the visions had stopped blurring her sight. She turned to the other two girls, the one who Agatha called Blix and a curly-haired redhead. "So, um, not the ideal situation I want to meet new people, but hi. My name's Rhine. I'm a psychic," She offered a nervous smile, holding out her hand.

[I SHIP #BLASTIN (Bastion x Blix) Dun mind me. I have an obsession with making up random ship names.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 16/11/2014 19:18 (9 Years ago)
(Omg YES! But I personally would call it #Blixton 030)
"OMIGOSH I get a HOUSE? This place is so awesome~" Blix exclaimed. She had never been in a house before, and was extremely curious about what they were like. "Yayy! Introductions!" Blix didn't even notice when she sprouted a tiger tail, which was now coiled around her legs. "Does this mean that we're friends now? I'm not sure cuz I've never really ever talked to an actual person my age before. What's social interaction like? Is it fun?"
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 17/11/2014 08:14 (9 Years ago)
Rhine couldn't help smile at the purple-haired girl's enthusiasm. "It is pretty cool," She admitted. The tiger tail didn't bother her much - she'd seen freakier savvys. "And social interaction is kinda hard to describe. But anyway, what do you think the authorities even do with people like us when they're captured? My parents won't tell me, so it's probably something really horrible."

Remembering the Quartzel girl from before, or whatever her last name was, Rhine's smile faded a bit. How'd she end up unconscious beside Rhine anyway?


Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 18/11/2014 17:40 (9 Years ago)
Variel looked around, her mind flipping back to being lost. Well, she was confident that boy-man was going to be fine. Maybe. Arg, why was she in such a weird town? She wanted to go home. 'I want mum With that, she unconsciously began to bring up the temperature of the surrounding air, far enough to reach 'boy-man' and a certain spy. All while still not noticing the steadily rising temperature. Then something tapped on her shoulders and a "Hey, are you lost?" Came a voice from behind her. "Eek!" was her reply and the temperature plummeted to autumn levels.


'Lumo' was walking down a street, trailing 'Warden' from a few houses away, having to follow him and then needed to carry stuff around for two hours. It was snapped out of it's inner complaining when it was partially deafened by a loud girl. [i]'Wow...... Just.... Wow,'
it thought. As it turned down, it saw two small groups, with the previous girl quieted by a man handing her a roll of gauze. When he left, however, the temperature being to mysteriously rise. 'Suspicious.'. It's suspicions was confirmed when 'Warden' tapped her on the shoulder and the temperature mysteriously dropped before going back up to normal. It caught up to her and put on a friendly smile. "I see you are. Do you want us to take you home?"


"Eh? Mum and dad said I'm not supposed to follow strangers," she said with a confused look on her face when a random person just popped up.

((Anyone else want to play Lumo? I'm running out of stuff to say.))
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Wed, 19/11/2014 00:24 (9 Years ago)
'Lumo' vaguely remembered something about demons in England. It had involved a couple having temperature control savvys, and they had been burned to death by the frightened townsfolk. It connected this to the fact that the couple had supposedly had a daughter, and it smiled inwardly. "Perfect. We might be able to turn her to our side."


Mattie woke up with a raging headache and a clogged nose. "Ugh, this is what I get from being stupid," She croaked out, stumbling to her feet.

She managed to get a glass of water from the kitchen. The water seemed to clear her sinuses and she breathed deeply, no longer feeling the metallic buzz of energy coursing through her body. After a few moments of leaning against the kitchen counter, she remembers she needs to get some groceries and look around to see if anyone needed their lawns mowed.

Mattie moved quickly for someone who had just woken up from discharging about twenty thousand volts of power from her body. "Knives, check. Camping supplies, check. Extra clothes, check. 'Kay, time to go," Mattie announced to the empty house.

Slinging her loaded backpack onto her shoulder, Mattie leaped through the nearest window. The usual nausea from portaling passed quickly and she fell once again onto the pavement. Mattie brushed herself off before taking in her surroundings. Her jaw dropped. "Oh, hell."

She'd landed in front of a very familiar garden. A garden she used to pass everyday back when she was in school. Before her family had died and before she got her savvy.

Mattie had landed in California, once again. This time by the street she used to live.

After a few moments of trying not to break down right then, Mattie backed away slowly before speeding up to a run. She wasn't looking at where she was going. She didn't know how long she had been running before she slammed into something hard, and fell ungracefully on her bum.

Mattie looked up to see that she had somehow come back to the place she had portaled to before she had met Blix. The little girl was still there, but was now being talked to by an male adult. An adult she knew very well.

Mattie acted out of instinct: She sent a pummeling wind straight at the man who led those twisted scientists into her house. The man who had tortured her and experimented her, and had her entire family killed in cold blood. With a flick of her wrist, her knives shot out of her sleeves.

"Get the bloody **** away from that girl now," Mattie growled.

Obviously the little girl had a savvy of some sort. Why else would that twisted man be interested in her?

[Sorry if I'm moving it too fast. Just needed somebody to post/bump this so yeah.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 19/11/2014 13:34 (9 Years ago)
Aran heard the growling and jumped out of the way, pulling the girl out of the way with him. Then his eyes widened as he realized who the girl standing before him was. "Is... Is that you Matilda? I can't believe it, you've finally appeared again after so long! I have so much to say..! Oh but this little girl has nothing to do with this, she doesn't need to know," he recomposed himself, before knocking the little girl out with a pressure point and caught her before she fell, handing her to 'Lumo'. "Take her back to the headquarters. Don't do anything with her before I get back, just make sure she's okay," he ordered, before turning back to 'Matilda'.

"Look Matilda, we can't go fighting in public. Do you want to be found out for what you truly are? I'm sorry about this, but I need to take you somewhere private, without you being so aggressive To talk this out civilly? Just one chance will do, sister," he asked, hidden desperation in his eyes and laced in his voice. He didn't realize that 'sister' had slipped out.

((It's fine, we weren't really getting anywhere anyway. This'll make things a bit more interesting.))