Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → Grayscale"And that," the teacher finished, "is why the legendaries were sealed away, and colors were regarded as a danger and were both outlawed just two decades ago by our honorable leader, Ortho." The bell rang loudly. Jo almost leaped from her seat and forced herself not to break into a run when she walked home, with all of the other students. When she got home, she could take off her stiff school uniform and take out her treasure.
"Hey, psst!" A small whisper came Jo's left. An Eevee was walking next to her. It whispered to her again, "I hear, that there's a Pokemon that has color, even though it's against the law!"
"Really?!" Jo said. Her Snivy form was nearly quaking with excitement.
"Shh, not so loud, or someone will hear. But, I hear that it doesn't live in the town. It lives in the forest."
Jo gasped. "The forest? But no Pokemon lives there anymore. They said it was inhabitable!"
"Maybe they're making it up. I wanted to look at the forest from the edge of town, but there's the wall. They won't let anybody go near it, you know."
The Snivy considered this. Maybe she could find a way through. There had to be a way out.
"I gotta go," said the Eevee, who left Jo's side.
A way out? Maybe...just maybe...I can.... No, I shouldn't think like this. It's against the law. But then again...I want to find something colorful. Something beautiful in this world of grey. Set with determination, the Snivy walked home, promising to herself that she would find a way past the wall.

Side notes:
-This is somewhat of a post-apocalyptic setting, where the color has literally been drained from the world.
-Jo is the main character. She is a Snivy. Sorry if there was any confusion there, I didn't make it super obvious when I introduced her in the first chapter.

Title: Chapter 2
"Mother, I'm home!" she called. Her mother, a Serperiour, slithered out of the kitchen.
"How was you day?" she asked.
"Great. I learned a lot in history class today. I've got a lot of homework, though, so I'm going to get started right away." Jo hurried downstairs, for buildings above two stories were not allowed, while her mother went back to the kitchen. She didn't actually have any homework. In fact, she almost never did, since she usually finished it during school. No, she had bigger plans. Namely, her treasure. Then there was the matter of finding the super-secret escape route out of the city.
Jo stopped just inside her bedroom. She listened for her parents, who seemed to be both upstairs. Excellent. She reached under her bed, feeling around for the hole she cad cut in her mattress, between two support beams. After a bit of blind rummaging around, she found what she was looking for: a long piece of soft fabric. This was her treasure. Today, she decided to tie it around her waist with a bow in the back.
She had originally found it wrapped around a high tree branch, hidden by leaves and other branches. At first, she ifnored it, but after a week, got more curious, because the other trees didn't have any such object in their branches. Jo could still remember the day when she managed to work up the bravery to get the object down. There had also been a note tucked into one of the folds. Ever since she had found the fabric, the Snivy had wanted to find the mysterious Pokemon that put the fabric there, and what the two words written on it meant:

-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
Title: Chapter 3
"Have you seen an Eevee pass by here?" he asked quickly, likely since he was in a hurry.
"no, I'm sorry, I only just came outside," Jo said, politely. The Jolteon nodded, and ran past. Jo took the paper out of her bag and uncrumpled it. On the note was a quickly scribbled map. It seemed to be a map of the town. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be an arrow pointing a certain section of the park. Jo knew what it was pointing to: the big tree where she had found her treasure in.
Things were starting to get dangerous.
She loved it.
The little Snivy ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the center of town, which was quite fast, considering she was a Snivy.
Here it is... Out of breath, she stopped at the base of a tall, sturdy tree with a wide trunk. After inspecting the base of the tree, and all over its gnarled roots, she climbed up into its branches.
She inspected the place where she had found her treasure, where it had been wrapped tightly around a thick branch.
Disappointed, she turned and was about to climb back down, when she noticed that the section of tree trunk in front of her looked She put a hand up to it, and ran her hand across the rough surface. Surprisingly, a section of the bark gave way, swinging of silent hinges, revealing the tree to be hollow.
A secret door! Jo looked inside, and found a rope ladder to climb down with. Excited, she hurried inside, closing the door behind her. The Snivy hurried down in the dark as fast as she could. At one point, she slipped, and fell from the ladder, but she had been on the bottom rung, so she didn't fall far before landing softly on the ground.
Next came a long tunnel. Jo kept a hand on the wall as she walked forward in the dark. The ground seemed to slope down, but quickly staightened out before rising sharple.
Jo hit her head on something. She put her hand up and pushed, throwing open a trapdoor. Sunlight streamed in, and she emerged, blinking, into the fresh air.