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Worst injury you ever had?

Forum-Index General Discussion Worst injury you ever had?
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Fri, 01/11/2013 12:32 (11 Years ago)
What's the worst injury you ever had?
Feel free to share! We're just a curious bunch of people. :P


[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 01/11/2013 13:11 (11 Years ago)
broken bones(rib) in a fighting competition :P
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Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 05:44 (11 Years ago)
Scraped the hell out of my knee and elbow in the first grade playing tag with my two friends (Twin boys).

Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,269
Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 06:57 (11 Years ago)
One time, about three or four years ago, I fell off my bike really hard going down a hill and I scraped (understatement) my knee...I still have marks from it :p
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 23:20 (11 Years ago)
Broke my same ring finger TWO times. Not once, but two. One was from a Basketball which came at me in an unexpected way and the other was when one of my old neighbors was clowning around and threw a lifesaving floating thing at me in the pool. Good times, huh? Lol :|

One time when I was young, though, I slipped and fell over a short wall and that got me a nice sized scrape, but It did heal fairly quickly, compared to the above, which actually changed the shape of that finger permanently.

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 23/12/2013 22:51 (11 Years ago)
Couple months ago, I almost fell from my bunk bed so I quickly turned to plant my right foot to keep from falling, I twisted my left knee, I felt it as it turned until it cracked. I couldn't walk for days, good thing it was spring break.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,312
Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 15:17 (11 Years ago)
I fell from my bike when I was really young - got perma-broken tooth that I need to get fixed every few months and I got injured lip - so I still have some kinda weird bump on my upper lip from that time.
Second one was few years ago when I was walking past the fence made of wires- one of the wires was sticking out and I accidentally got my arm on it and than I tried to get the wire out of my arm - and of course made it worse by dragging it for few centimetres - still have scar from that wound - it was pretty deep but it healed on it's own in few days (luckily the wire wasn't rusty).
I am collecting spinda plooshies OwO
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 15:23 (11 Years ago)
Me, too.

Falling-off from bike when I was young. I rode to a sand pile and slipped up side down. I cried really loud, then.

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 15:24 (11 Years ago)
So much bike accidents e.e
I don't even have a bike xP

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 197
Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 15:26 (11 Years ago)
probably a scar from my neck untill collarbone, it did hit the bone of my neck when i was in a fight.. still got the scar. or maybe a smaller scar from my temple untill jaw? i dont know xD

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 591
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 14:22 (10 Years ago)
I was going like 60 mph on my scooter and this little rock got stuck in the wheels making the scooter brake and I flew and dived on the rough cement floor....my knees started bleeding and some layers of tissue/skin were taken off making a crater-like wound on both of my knees.....it hurtled like hell....
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Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 14:55 (10 Years ago)
When skiing with friends I was heading down a steep hill at like a hundred miles an hr or something and my skiis accidently slid over each other (due to loosing balance) and I crashed into a fence/pole thing and tightly twisted and 'cracked' my leg really badly (like almost all the way round).... Still hurts sometimes! :/
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 202
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 15:11 (10 Years ago)
I guess the worst injury I've had I had when I was little and jumped off a swing. I broke my arm that time, and the worst thing was that it was my mum's birthday, and my dad's boss was supposed to visit us that day.
I've also had a pretty bad concussion and almost broken ribs before because I slipped on ice. Oh, and one time I sorta tore the ligaments in my ankle, and had to use crutches for six weeks.

I was a liiiiittle accident prone when I was younger.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 16:21 (10 Years ago)
We'll, I got into a car crash last year on the highway, I wasn't the driver. Going 60 MPH and slamming into a car going 0 MPH totaled my truck, caused me to black out, got a cut above my eye (and I would have easily lost my eye if I didn't have my glasses on), and when I woke up I could barely stand and had to help be dragged out the car. Eventually an ambulance came and I had to wear a neck brace, had debris in my eye, meaning glass, and my left arm was banged up bad.

To this day I still can't bend my left arm a certain way and my back hurts when going up and down stairs. I also now have a head injury on the front of my head, where my emotions are now "out of sync" so I'm prone to mood swings, depression, anxiety, the works.

So basically I've had a debris ridden eyeball, a broken left arm, a head injury, and now it is hard for me to use stairs.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 303
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 16:24 (10 Years ago)
i fell while playing football and blood was falling out like anything so i put a bandage the next day i tripped in the same leg and then blood was comeing out like anything and again more 2 times i fell in the same spot and at last i had to put krep bandage
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 16:30 (10 Years ago)
i dont exactly remember any injuries that hurt me so much lol but there's a few scars i got from a car accident when i'm 4 . but i dont remember if it's hurt or not haha

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 17:04 (10 Years ago)
Wow, there are some pretty bad injuries in this thread. Let's see... Should I go with the deepest injury I got? The longest injury I got? The most skin torn off one? The one that bled the most? Or the two that still affect me now many years after the fact? Hm, I think I will go through them all in order.

The deepest injury I got actually wasn't that deep, but it did hit bone. I fell on a candle that I had in my room. The glass of it shattered, and cut into my hand. My pinkie finger on my left hand has a Y shaped scar on it from that, as it did hit bone and you could see the bone for a few days before it healed and scarred up. (Not fun at all...)

The longest injury I got was when I was young and we had the stables. I was playing in some fallen trees with a few friends of mine when my mom called me. I had to get out of the branches, and didn't judge it right. I got a cut almost all the way down the front of my leg from that one. (I have a small scar on my knee left from that, since I was about 5 when it happened. It's slowly healed up the long line over the years, which I appreciate)

The one with the most skin torn off was also on my right leg. (Geez! My right leg has no luck... I have one more after this dealing with my right leg >.<) My friend was riding her bike and I was on rollerblades (inline skates). We were going down a hill that was fairly steep and about half a mile long (not exaggerating. I wish I were.) At the top of this hill, we were going to head down it and go around the circle that was the block. Well, my friend turned the bike wrong and got the wheel under my foot as she fell to her side. She was lucky as she stayed where she fell, where as I was moving because when she hit my leg, I brought that foot up and the wheels on the other foot began to move me down the hill. Unable to regain my balance, I fell onto my right side, tearing up the pants I was wearing, tearing my arm up on the outside of it from the front of my wrist all the way up to the outside of my shoulder. My leg was torn up all down it, and there were rocks from the gravel stuck in the scrapes.

Even with how bad that was scraped up, it was only minor damage. Clean it up, put a few bandages on it, and after two days it didn't hurt anymore.

The one that bled the most is a head injury that I got. I was chasing my dog (a small mutt) and ran into the lawnmower when I bent down to pick her up. My glasses were knocked into my forehead and cut it deep enough for blood to go everywhere. With my hand over the injury, my eye closed to keep blood from getting into it, and a trail of blood leading from the garage up two flights of stairs until I made it to the kitchen to wash some of it off later... My parents got a wash cloth, pushed me to the couch in the other room and forced me to lay down while they held the damp cloth to my forehead. Mom was freaking out because there was a lot of blood everywhere. I was fine, since I knew head wounds bled more, and I didn't lose enough blood to get dizzy. However, to this day, I have a scar that's hidden under one of my eyebrows. (Yay for lucky placement!)

Now for the ones that still affect me today! When I was 13, I was in Tae Kwon Do, and I was pretty good at it. Well, we were paired up so that we could do hand stands with someone to help us out with our balance. I was paired up with the instructor's sister (Who, I should add, was supposed to be paired up with a guy that they were flirting with each other, and I was supposed to get paired up with the guy who wound up the flirt guy's partner...).

Her focus was on the guy she liked instead of me, so as I was getting up on my hands with my head held off the ground, she let go of me. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, as I would just land and roll some to keep from getting hurt. (We had practiced safe falls more than enough at this point) The issue is a little girl was right in front of me where I was falling. There was no way for me to land properly without hurting her. So, in that moment, I actually made the decision to land wrong and keep from hurting her, as if I landed correctly, I would have hit her head and knocked her back into the mirror which could have caused some serious injury.

So, I landed with my right leg straight at an angle and my left leg curled on top of it on the mat. I cried out in pain (something not in my character), forced myself to my feet, then limped off of the mat for the night. (I was allowed to do this, since I was one of the students that actually forced myself beyond my normal range during the classes, so if I told someone "I need a break" they would force me off the mat for 10 minutes before letting me participate again, even if I tried to participate before that.)

What happened is I hit my knee wrong and it locked up in a very painful way. I couldn't bend it without crying (again, out of character for me with pain) and the next day I couldn't bend it if I tried. This was fun, as that day I had to go to school where my classes were in this order:
Ground level - Right side of building
Upstairs - Left side of the building
Ground level - Trailer outside the building
Upstairs - Right side of the building
Down stairs (basement level) - PE class
Upstairs - Right side of the building
Ground level - Lunch
Upstairs - Back to the previous class
Upstairs -left side of the building

Because I was in special Ed, I pulled a "I'm staying in the classroom up here today" and explained the why to this. (I had a friend help me up the stairs and down the stairs to get to the classroom and from the classroom to the car. Not fun)

This caused an onset of something I got from my mom. (My knees grind, thus the cartilage is getting worn away a lot quicker than it should. This means they are weak at times, they hurt all the time, and it's all around not fun at all. And this is an every single day thing since I was 13. I'm 21 now.)

The other injury that still affects me now is actually a case of Tendinitis. I tripped and fell one day. I caught myself on a door frame, there was a loud cracking sound and I couldn't move my hand. The outside of the wrist was killing me. We found someone to look at it the next day (since nobody is open at 3 in the morning in Brighton *grrrr*). They said it wasn't broken, but it was most likely a stressed tendon. Stressed tendons hurt for a while, but after two years of pain that came and went, I finally went to another doctor to get it checked out again.

A few X-rays later, all he had to say is that it was Tendinitis, which meant there wasn't much anyone could do about it. Even doing absolutely nothing with that hand wouldn't help it much, and since it had been a problem for so long, he's not sure how long it will still be a problem. So, four years after the onset of it, I have a brace for my wrist that I keep by my side (as when it acts up it does one of two things: 1: makes my hold so weak that I can't even hold a sheet of paper up. 2: Hurt so bad that I have to take a pain killer for it.)

Because of my constant daily pain, my pain scale is very different from most. Let's just say a 0 means I don't feel the daily pain. On pain medications, I have a hard time not being giddy because I go from a 0 to what is like a negative scale for pain. (So less than no pain)
Talk about messing with your head.

Out of the injuries mentioned above, I think the wrist and knee ones are the worst, as when they give out it is not fun at all. (Especially when my knee gives out on stairs. If I didn't have a sturdy railing on my stairs, I'd probably have been seriously injured from falling down them because of my knee giving out)

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 509
Posted: Wed, 09/04/2014 05:47 (10 Years ago)
Okay, KitKat, calm down with your life and just enjoy it lol. What is all that above me? xD

The most serious injury I ever got was when I was a kid, you know those HUGE speakers at the past? (Like, they are the size of a 5 Year Old, or 6) And I was like, 4 or 5 years old? I saw that speaker and I was like, "Why not TAKE IT DOWN?", So I took it down and Unfortunately, it hit my Toe Nail and I had to replace it. Now my right foot's toe nail is bigger than my left foot's toe nail :|
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Wed, 16/04/2014 01:29 (10 Years ago)
Getting cut by glass. So, my mom was carrying a glass tube with water and she dropped it. It broke, and of course that had to be the time I decided to run outside... :|
And, about 31 days later, another glass cut. IN THE SAME FOOT. I have a feeling random pain from my foot is from that.

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Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Wed, 16/04/2014 01:56 (10 Years ago)
I swear, all of these are making me cringe >_<

My worst injury happened this summer. I was hungry, and my mom is obsessed with being healthy so the only thing that was snack-like were crackers. I didn't want crackers, so I raided the kitchen looking for other things to eat. When I got to the fridge, I saw a box in the back and in it was a block of chocolate (kinda like this except it was flat and smooth and bigger). Idk how old it was, but I was hungry.

So I tried taking a bite out of it but it was too hard so I used a knife. Best. Idea. Ever. -__-"

I attempted to cut it like you would cut a loaf of bread or something, but it wasn't enough, so I held it in a way where my finger was near the blade. I probably used too much force cause it cut all the way through the chocolate... right into my finger.

Luckily I had fast reflexes so I pulled it out quickly. But the moment I did so it looked like a fountain of blood was gushing out of my finger and I tried not to freak out. I got it to stop bleeding for a but, but I ended up going to the ER after 2 hours cause it started bleeding again. Got 2 stitches and the whole process of disinfecting the wound, putting anesthetic (through a shot), and sewing the flap of skin up was excruciatingly PAINFUL. God no I never want to do that again.

So now I have a faint scar and the nerves on the cut are probably dead cause I can't really feel anything when I poke it. I stiffen up whenever I have to use a knife for anything. At first, my parents yelled at me for doing it, but now they use it as a "funny" story ;__;.

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