This isn't such a huge idea, but I think
it would be easier to see someones level, instead going to their
profile and stuff.
What I mean, is that, if a user posts something on the Forums, we
can see their Username, banners, avatar, and number of posts, I
think we should also be able to see their level.
This would also save Riako or the Mods about 1 minute everytime
someone asks "Where is the Event Distribution page?" and Riako (or
the mods) wouldn't have to check the user's Profile everytime to
see they do not have the required Trainer Level.
I don't see any benefit in this - I rarely check someone's level
anyways so I am fine with it just being visible on user's profile.
So no support from me.
there may not be a huge benefit to it, or any at all really, but
this is just one of those things for fun, like an avatar or number
of forum posts - you don't need an avatar either, and you don't
need your post count listed cause a lot of people don't care how
much everyone else yaks anyways, but it's a neat thing to have
I wouldn't mind if it's implemented and wouldn't miss if it isn't.
But I support because... well there's one reason for it to
be implemented. It would save Riako about 1 minute everytime
someone asks "Where's the Event Distribution page?" and Riako (or
the mods) wouldn't have to check the user's Profile to see they do
not have the required Trainer Level.
Yeah, it would save only 1 minute in this case, but well. It would
have a (tiny) purpose ;)
I support this, mainly for what Mirej said. One way I think this
could work is to the left of the gender symbol, it could say, "Tr.
Lv.: #". That way, this wouldn't make the User Profile longer, like
it would if it were to be put in another row.