Forum Thread
Forum-Index → General Discussion → SayNo2ShiniesWhy do people care about shinies? So what they're a different colour than other pokemon. When there's a human who has different coloured hair or skin than us, we make fun of them. For this reason, I am not going to hunt shinies. Instead, I will breed many of the same Pokemon and put them on the Auction House to spread the word of my cause, #SayNo2Shinies. Put this hashtag in your feed if you are with me in this matter because, by saying no to shinies, you are saying no to inequality.
Please, join, and help me end inequality
Maybe you can put up more information about your "cause"?

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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clicking only the shinies on site or only liking people, who hatched a shiny would be an issue...also pokemon got different natures and some people like a bold nature better than others, so there still would be inequality. individualism isn't a bad thing for me...
shinies make the game interesting, they are a kind of special award you have to work for, earning them by putting effort in interacting, breeding or other tasks.
Many animals have different colors, and what am I saying, Pokemon aren't animals, they're monsters. And why exactly say no to shinies? Shinies are simply fantastic, because they are rare and special in a way.
And you can't compare topics like different colored animals to human racism, because they're 2 different things.
Anyway in my case I love shinies, you can do whatever you want, you may stop 25k people but you won't stop over 2 million people.
Anyways, shinies are like awards for your hard work, and if you want to say NO to awards, kudos to you, my friend!
I seriously HOPE I'm misinterpreting your post, but assuming I'm not, you have it all backwards. We SHOULDN'T hate people with different skin colors, and we certainly shouldn't use that as an argument FOR hating other things that are different, too.
Shinies were added to Pokemon to make them more valuable because of their rarities (like Albinos). It adds an extra challenge to completing your PokeDex (which is the actual goal of Pokemon)

wuht ._.
Like mirej said, you're showing racism. Shinies are supposed to be rare, and what you're basically saying is #SayNoToRareColors. It's like saying, "I used a white crayon!" And another person says, "Haha, you said white, racist!"
Edit: I think even some Pokémon have different skin patterns/colors.
Shinies are liked because they're rare and often times look better than regular forms. It's the same reason why people prefer gold to rocks. Because rocks are so much more common.
"You have a different hair-color than me, thus I don't like you"
"You have a different fur-color from normals, thus I don't like you"
And what about Pokémon with forms? Do you dislike them as well? They're different, and liking one form and disliking the others is pretty much the same thing as refusing to like shinies over this matter.
And, as it's already been said, it's not something that can just be simply related with racism or bigotry of our own kind, as your original post tries to state. I actually don't notice the color of skin of those around me, so it doesn't bother me, but I love certain shinies due to their colors. I also love some pokemon more than others based on color and design. And I like some megas while not liking others.
Does this mean that I'm racist? Maybe in-game, but not in real life. Should I shun something I hatch solely because it's a color I'm not a fan of? That sounds like what you're trying to stop in our world through a rather contradicting manner.
So, if we go by what you're saying, only a specific range fits what's correct, normal, and what should be accepted. Forgive this reference, but you do realize that's what Hitler was trying to do, right? (The perfect race of people by excluding every one else)
So, in all honesty, what you are doing doesn't make sense. Clarification, explanation, and the real reason behind it would be absolutely wonderful to see, that way we get the full story instead of just pieces that don't make any sense.
To even suggest that a certain race of people might be extremely rare, as compared to pokemon, is pretty offensive. There's no race that is so rare that there's only 1 in 8,000+ comparing to other races. Not in the current time period, at least.
Also, even if said race were to exist, you're basically saying you wouldn't like them simply because they're rare and different.
I'm sorry for the long rant...but I am just trying to express my opinion.. sorry, guys...
Really? I don't. Do you? That's precisely what racism is. So are you basically saying "I am a racist in real life so I want to be on Pokeheroes too!"?
Also what Mirej said.