Game Records
Trainer ID: #857193503Registration: 21/11/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 1883:42 Hours
Total interactions: 911,583
Money: 2,386,089

Starter Pokémon:

Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #48)! oop that was fast.
Congratulations! A shiny Sentret hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #173)!
finally O.O
some like lightningoddy/oddy/amy/amuthelitwick/lazymountaindew/akiruru/akirero/amy/infinity are still online ~
i'm curious the how all of us grown up as we were all children back then and now we're probs full fledged adults and would you look at that i'm in the army rn lol. curious as if the what the rest are doing ~ lmk on this feed.
How can you deny the message of the God of Ducks? After all G.O.D stands for God Of Ducks.
cried over anime or over a series for the first time in my whole life.
that... was so touching that i needed over 5 tissues to wipe my tears and now my stomach hurts ;w; ;c;
new pokemon video at my youtube channel!
i tried to complete pokemon gold with only water types
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