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Emera Mail Post

Forum-Index Suggestions Emera Mail Post
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 189
Posted: Mon, 29/09/2014 02:42 (10 Years ago)
I had another suggestion for PokeHeroes, this idea came thinking about Emera Town and then you got different places represented within the town. So I thought about adding another place that then represents the PMs and sort of like a re-design it with some added features or changes.

There was another thread that seems to suggest some PM features that would be nice to add, here


What is Emera Mail Post?

I haven't come up with another name yet, but the Emera Mail Post is the place in Emera Town that handles all of your PMs that move throughout the site. You can think of it like a mailing place where people can receive and view their PMs, and then also reply to messages they receive as well.

How would the Emera Mail Post be set up?

This could be a bit difficult to explain without any images to show but I will try my best.

When you first go to Emera Mail it will link you to your PMs, on this page it will be set up in a horizontal fashion, sort of like email would be. You would have a small envelope next to each message title, and if the envelope is closed it means that message has yet to be opened, and if the envelope is open it means the message has already been viewed. Up at the top it will give you the option to write a new message, delete, and save,

Explanation of the options:

Writing a new message - You can open up to a new layout. The new layout will have first who you are sending the message to (adding a feature that allows you to send one message to more than one person). Below that you have the message title, and then a text box that allows you to type in your PM.

Note: now this is optional this is just something to add visually but I was think that in the preview and when the message is sent it shows up in a parchment-like image. I think this would represent the message system good since you kinda think that message are delivered by Pelipper or other bird Pokemon.

Deleting existing messages - right next to each message there would be a checkbox and when the checkbox is selected and you click delete it will delete the selected message or messages.

Save existing messages - This option like the delete, except if you save a message it doesn't get deleted but moved to a saved section for the PMs,

What is the saved PM section?

~ its set up like the regular PM page but you can put messages here to save them from being deleted and it removes them from the main PM page so that don't risk getting deleted by accident.

Now that is all the ideas I have for how the Emera Mail Post is set up, if anyone else wants to add ideas let me know.

Reply to messages

How would you send reply messages?

Replying messages would kinda be set up the same way they are now, you will be able to click the message title and then it opens up the message, you will have the most recent message in the conversation in the parchment image, and then below that you will have the text box to write the reply and then below that the messages history (sort of like the way its set up now). Also once you respond, the reply button and text box stays there so you can send another reply even if the first once hasn't been responded to.

How will reply messages appear?

When you receive a reply to an existing message the envelope next to the message title will be closed again, this lets you know that there is a message in the conversations that you haven't viewed yet.

Suggestions on features and changes for PMs

Features/changes to the PMs?

Some new features that could be made with the PMs:

~ Adding a delete/remove option

This would be good for cleaning out messages and removing them so you don't have a long list of old message piling up

~ Save Option

To save messages that you don't want to delete

~ Multiple replies

Option that allows you to reply to a message from one member more than once without having to send a new one.

~ Being able to send a message to multiple members

Being able to type more than one member in the send to text box separated by a comma "," to send one message to more than one member.

~ Blocking members from sending you messages

Being able to block a member from sending you messages (maybe add a block list)

~ Report button

This would help with reports, if you click the report button that particular message will be reported to staff.

Will the envelope notification that appears when you get a new message still show up?

Yes that little envelope that appears at the top when you get a new message will still appear and when you click on it, it will redirect you to where your PMs are.

Envelope notification with number

Another idea I had while typing about the envelope notification question would be to have it set up the same way as the regular notifications are. Say if someone is offline and then come back online and the envelope shows up there would be a number showing how many new messages they have gotten since they last checked their PMs. This number would only appear if the member has 2 or more new messages in their box. I believe that this would be optional because its something that doesn't necessary need to be added but I thought I would mention it as a suggested idea.

Pros and Cons


~ More features added to help members manage their PMs better
~ Easier to keep PMs organized
~ Opens PMs for more ideas


~ It might be difficult to reformat how the PMs are sent or how they show up, (I really don't know how this is set up already, so I'm not really sure how difficult it would be to redesign everything for it.)


Now I know this suggestion gives the impression of completely redesigning the way PMs are displayed and such, however it doesn't necessary mean you need to add a new section to Emera Town called Emera Mail Post. I just thought it would be great to somehow connect PM messages to Emera somehow and also open up possibilities to expanding Emera Town in different ways.

I also tried my best to explain how I pictured it could be set up like, I hope that it isn't too confusing for anyone, and if there are any questions you are welcome to ask.

Thank you ^^

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Mon, 29/09/2014 17:48 (10 Years ago)
PM's aren't working well, you can't delete any message their. Emera
Mail Post would be quite better than PM. But it might take a age to
complete it completely. But if riako adds more 2-3(excluding him) it
might take some months.
. So it might be better to forget about this
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 04:47 (8 Years ago)
No support.
Nobody likes using PM's anyways.

Plus, there's really no need for this fix up here.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 22/04/2019 13:58 (5 Years ago)
support! this can help and i never use the pal pad
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 512
Posted: Tue, 23/04/2019 11:58 (5 Years ago)
Support! It sounds basically like Gmail, though, so it may be hard to implement

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Thu, 27/04/2023 03:56 (1 Year ago)
I love the idea and it would be cute if the unview replies were on an opened envelope...probably a lot of work but it would definitely be very cute!
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Hi, nice to meet you!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 274
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 10:08 (1 Year ago)
Needs hella support, people don't like PM's but I do. It's just better than palpad where you cannot use BBcode (s) properly, this is even more helpful!!!
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 707
Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 14:36 (1 Year ago)
Support, PMs arent made good, PP is more simple and i think this could make PMs more usable
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are" - Mewtwo
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2023 17:15 (9 Months ago)

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