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Forum-Index Roleplay Fantasy
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 567
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 15:43 (10 Years ago)
Moon looked over to see someone comeing towards her , she turned around and just watched the person approach , becuse she didn't exactly know what to do . Shadow looked at her and tilted her head to the side as if wondering something about the person walking towards them .

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 15:44 (10 Years ago)
(One more Haiku, I want to have the last laugh.
Andrew, oh Andrew,
You know that you like Fern, right?
Oh, sweet denial.)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 567
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 17:21 (10 Years ago)
( um , I just wanted to say I'm going to be on a trip and won't have wifi access ( if I do I will have to use my 3ds to get on ) so I won't be in the role play for a bit .. Bye :( )

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 08:46 (10 Years ago)
(Waffle is awake. And is also back.
In black.)

Okay, so maybe Triss knew they weren't a couple. It was fun teasing, though. "Here we are. That obsidian cabin over there is the dark household. The one made of marble and has way too much glass is the light household. Oh, and the red stuff on the dark household is just crimson paint, not blood." She pointed out.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 17:41 (10 Years ago)
Xue and Fox wandered over to the tree where Andrew was, curious to see why he was moping around. "Oi, what's wrong?" Fox asked, the sun shining on her otherworldly green hair.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 08:31 (10 Years ago)
Reyna and Derek glanced at their assigned cabins, and looked at each other. "Bunk," they immediately declared, tossing their bags at each other.

Their decision's reason was quite obvious: During the day, the Light cabin would be scorching hot, and the Darkness cabin would be cool. During the night, the Light cabin would be warm and snug while the Darkness cabin would be too dark and cold for one's liking.

Reyna, though she did draw power from the dark, was a night owl, and didn't really like it when she got goosebumps from the cold. Derek, though he did like his warmth, was an early bird, and honestly didn't like getting waken up by a beam of sunlight right in his face in the morning. The pegasi trotted by their respective partners, occasionally whining about their tired hooves.

Worried about the pegasi, Derek furrowed his brow, beads of sweat lining his forehead. "Hey, is there like, a stable or some place our pegasi can rest in for a while?" He asked Triss.

"Lemonade would sound awesome just right about now. We haven't drank that stuff in months," Reyna murmured, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

Her hand stung slightly with pain, and Reyna looked down to notice a thin scratch that she must have gotten from running through the forest. It was slightly oozing with blood, which was now mixed with sweat. Thankfully, none of the blood had smeared across her forehead. With a resigned grunt, she wiped her bleeding hand on her jeans, where it left a thin trail of red. Derek wasn't looking too good either. Reyna noted that there were several leaves stuck in his unruly hair, and his jeans had tears here and there. His left arm had a long cut that went from his wrist to his shoulder that was revealed by his torn shirtsleeve. The bottom parts of their jeans also had grass stains.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 09:25 (10 Years ago)
Triss wasn't at all bothered by their state. Most Fantasies were like this when they came, but some were worse. She remembered the first time she'd found camp, and it had been months since the last time she'd seen a mirror. "Oh, we have no stables. But there is a forest down south, it's very tranquil and safe. I'm sure we have lemonade in the Mess Hall. It's that big building over there, the one that looks like a museum," Triss answered, pointing towards the stone museum building with ivy coiling up its white pillars.
She looked at the Pegasi--one white, one black-- that reminded her of the ying-yang. Her father had explained that once, before it happened to him. Ying-yang could be anything. Fire and water, sky and ground, dark and light. As long as they were opposite. Dark and light. She repeated in her mind, looking at Derek and Reyna suspiciously. Reyna was dark, and Derek seemed comfortable enough in the sun to know that he was light. Triss found it a bit strange for the two elements to have a love interest in each other. But then she was reminded about what she and Drew had used to be.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 10:14 (10 Years ago)
[OMGGGG THE TRUTH IS REVEALEDDDDDDDDDDDD *begins to ship Trew* "Tranquil and safe." I believe Triss is trying not to scare them by saying there's an evil six year old with an obsession to pink along with her gang of rebels trying to take over camp hiding there...]

Reyna and Derek simultaneously whistled a note, sharp and high. The pegasi trotting alongside them immediately broke into a graceful, but tired run. Faster than the blink of an eye, they blurred southwards, disappearing from sight almost immediately.

Almost immediately after the pegasi had run off, Reyna tripped over a somewhat sharp rock and nearly fell to the ground. She let out an irritated hiss, and the grass she was standing on began to darken as she sucked the life out of them. Reyna's eyes widened a fraction, forcing her powers to not kill any more of the grass.

Derek shot her a worried look, noticing Reyna had once again lost control. It wasn't a secret that she accidentally began to suck out the life of anyone nearby when she felt a little too much emotion than she was accustomed to. Her real secret, however, was much much more dangerous, he noted with a shiver. Reyna had always managed to kill a plant, or even their fire when Derek managed to get her to laugh. It was another weapon at their disposal, one they didn't use, but nevertheless Reyna didn't complain.

"All of a sudden, that lemonade would really be a gift from the gods right now," Derek muttered out loud.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 11:37 (10 Years ago)
[Okay, maybe. *Notices Derek speaks like a demigod* DUN DUN DUUN]

Triss shrugged. Reyna had been the most controlled Darkness she'd seen in ages, and the girl still held the title. For some reason, all Darkness Fantasies were completely reckless when they came. Well, most at the least.
Her throat felt wheezy, and she coughed into her sleeve. The sound was dry. She watched the pegasi swiftly dash to the forests, in a blur that reminded her too much of ying-yang. Or maybe it was her father, not the symbol, that mattered. With a strained series of blinking with her eyes, she turned back to the two newcomers.
"The Mess Hall. It's that large building made of stone and pillars over there." She said hollowly, pointing to the building made of a shell-white stone and with thick fat pillars that ivy curled around.

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 12:02 (10 Years ago)
(TepigHero has roleplayer's block. Help.)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 13:45 (10 Years ago)
Reyna immediately took her stuff from Derek, barely reacting to the weight. He stared at her in confusion, and when she realized he wasn't getting it, she explained. "This sun is a whole lot stronger than the one on Earth. It's seriously draining me. Cabins are closer, you go get the lemonade and some other food. It's been weeks since we last ate anything that wasn't cooked rabbit stuffed with berries."

Only then did Derek realize that she seemed to be struggling to keep upright. Neither of them had gotten much sleep for the past weeks. Add that to the strength of the alien sun, and Reyna would be completely wiped out. He nodded, the realization of this making his body gleefully realize it had more energy to store. Energy surged through his veins, and suddenly he didn't feel so sleep deprived. With record breaking speed, he raced to the ivy-adorned pillars of what Triss called the "Mess Hall."

As Derek zoomed away with reborn strength of the more powerful alien sun, Reyna felt her knees wobble from all the weight she was carrying. With what seemed like her final bit of strength, Reyna gathered the nearby shadows cast by the buildings and trees and drew them around her. Their calm chill shielded her from the blazing glare of the sun as she drew energy from the darkness of night that resided in them. The shadows quickly flitted back to their positions when a much stronger Reyna released them. She barely noticed that the grass under her feet had blackened, and proceeded to carry her and Derek's bags towards the cabins.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 15:35 (10 Years ago)
(Well, Fox is asking Andrew if he's okay right now sooo)

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 18:47 (10 Years ago)
(i am... so very confused........ i need a really big recap on what i've missed.....)
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 15:06 (10 Years ago)
"I'm fine!" he snapped. He hadn't meant for it to come off so harshly... His golden eyes stared at Fox sadly. "Just go do whatever you have to do now," he said. He put on a sad smile, then got up and walked away.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 18:09 (10 Years ago)
<"Hmm. He seems like he's missing someone."> Xue said. "I know, but let's just leave 'im alone fer now. Besides, we got hunting ta do." Fox leapt on top of Xue's back before they dashed into the forest.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 01:44 (10 Years ago)
Lacey found the new girl in her group, Fern, while wondering through the forest. "Hey there Ferny," she purred with a smile planted on her face. "I'm really going to have to find some new pink clothes for you, aren't I?" she sighed, but then remembered why she had come over. "But anyway, there's this new kid who showed up at camp and he seems to know what he's doing, so we should go figure out what we can do about him."

Alexandria sat down next to where Jerry was still laying down and looked up at Savage. "So do tell me, what took you so long to get here?" she asked, "Normally you're right by our side the moment we teleport somewhere else."
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 01:57 (10 Years ago)
Savage shrugged. "I was wandering." She replied hollowly. She looked at Jerry who was knocked out; sweat was beaded on his forehead. She glanced up to the trees. "Where'd the other Alex go?" She asked, even though she knew he was near. The twins were always near each other. She looked back down at Jerry and felt the urge to wipe his memory for some reason. She resisted it, though. Then I'd be just like my mother, she thought with her teeth gritted.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 02:13 (10 Years ago)
"Oh, he's just giving this Dark cabin girl some grief. He's just 30 seconds running distance from here," Alexandria responded and pointed towards where he was. "Probably flirting too, like he always is," she said and laughed, "Although I can't say I'm much different." She lay down in the grass and looked up the trees and looked over at Savage, being able to see the tension in her jaw muscles. "Hey, don't let those thoughts of yours get to you too much," she said softly.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 02:17 (10 Years ago)
shadow threw someone out of the dark cabin.
''stay out!'' she yelled and slammed the door shut.
(edited :b lol)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Fri, 28/11/2014 02:17 (10 Years ago)
(He wasn't in the cabin and I was talking about Roxie)