Forum Thread
Teen Titans fan club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Teen Titans fan clubTitle: @Moon, off-topic
1) I can in fact send PMs, I just can't view any replies.
2) My palpad won't even open.
3) Even if I manage to get their attention, I can't take their advice in any way...
4) I'm not entirely sure if they can help. If they can, I STILL CAN'T CONTACT THEM T-T

I don't even know where to begin!
Wait, yes I do, they made Raven so freaking stupid, the made it so Starfire doesn't understand anything just because she's not from earth, they over exaggerate on Robin's crush on Starfire, like 10 fold, they make the bad guys so useless and I just....FAELIWRBVUJWRFV<