Forum Thread
Teen Titans fan club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Teen Titans fan clubWanna join us? Here's the form:
Well, the rules are rather simple. No swearing, PH rules, and uh... No disrespecting Teen Titans! Anyways, there is no co-owner because I believe that I can handle rule-breaking situations on my own, and you all are Teen Titans fans and I respect that. Thus meaning no Teen Titan fan is better than the other. Equality! Well, to dislike a certain character is aloud, so... Welcome!!!! Oh, and nothing too non-friendly.
My form:
Nickname: (Anything with waffles in it is fine, I guess.)
Favorite Titan: Raven
Favorite ship: RAVENxBB!!!!
Favorite Villan: Slade
Also DeathlyMagic, your accepted if you still want to be in this club. Also, sure i'll accept those who watch the new one as well.
Favorite Titan: starfire.
Favorite ship(if you have one): robinxstarfire (they were meant for each other in thee show! o3o...).
Favorite Villan: jinx i guess :T
(yeah i've seen the show before but its been forever.....)
And as a matter of fact yes, I DID read your dumb post. I thought I would join this one, because I think it's just plain rude saying, "this is a club I invented take this one down.".
@Power of Waffle WOOOOOOO so what's your favorite episode? :3
Ptoung, she explained why. And I prefer a fan club owner to use proper grammar.
Annddddd here's the form:
Nickname?: Steel, Seal, Stolen, Walrus, StS, SvG
Favorite Titan: BeastBoy!
Favorite ship(if you have one): beastboy x Raven x3
Favorite Villan: hm... it'd had to be Gizmo or Slade. I choose Gizmo!
Nickname?: Core, Bess, Deon, Fun-sized
Favorite Titan: I want to say Raven, so Raven.
Favorite ship(if you have one): CyborgxJynx
Favorite Villan: Terra
@ptoung: If you're not going to join, I suggest you stop posting in this forum. Really, your starting to cause tension. Also, consider yourself warned.
@DeathlyMagic: My favorite episode would be 'The End.' Like, all the parts :P
@SteelTheSeal: WHOO FOR BBxRAVEN x3