Forum Thread
Pokemon Mine
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Pokemon MineYou can mine for items like gems, Valuable items, and other stuff.
Now, The price for treks is based on the amount you want to go or the level.
Level 1: 1000 pd
Level 2: 2000 pd
Level 3: 10k pd
level 4: 20k pd
Now, Based on what trek you went to, the higher chance of getting rare items. and each treck last longer. Now, the trek works by guessing the right stone, Different stones give different items.
Also, you need to unlock each trek.
You can also get the legendary pokemon diance, very rarely.
The way this works, you need poke balls. If you choose the right stone very rarely diance will appear and you will get into a battle. The battle is the same as a trainer battle with the Vs. Seeker.
You choose your battle team and you fight. Once you lowered diances' health, you can capture it.
Diance's level will be based on the pokemon you choose and your trainer level.
Q and A:
(No questions asked; Ask them in my pal pad)
The real point is just to get rare items and pd from it faster.
But i do guess that is true.
Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Lets just wait for a mod to lock the thread