Username: Shaymin_Lover
Pokemon: houndour
Payment: 50k pd and 5 normal gems, (in gem exance)
Who should it Hunt for you? stephanotis
Are you Ready to pay? [Y]
sorry, the gem are 2 ice gems or electric
sorry 2 ice and electric gems
I want to buy a shiny.
Shaymin, or eevee
PD: 15k for eevee, idk for shaymin
Also please give me sometime to pay i dont hav much pd currently
Hi there, girls and gals!
I would like to ask what the prices are exactly? I got about 400 -
420k PD to pay :3 tell me which rarity shinies you can hunt,
please. Thanks in advance!
We honestly prefer offers rather than having set prices as some
rarity pokemon are harder to hunt than others of that rarity such
as petitil its female only and makes it harder to hunt. We need to
update the first post though. I can hunt shinies at these
Easy: 150k
Medium: 250k
Rare: 400k
Starter: 450k
Hi i wanna request Shiny From here
Username: Kian34
Pokemon: Wurmple
Payment: 10,000 I will save up.
Who should it Hunt for you? ANYONE!!!
Are you Ready to pay? [Y] or [N] (you have ready payment) No, once
I get a poke radar I will save up.
Hi I wanna request shiny from here Username: Jackling Pokemon: Swampert Who should hunt it for u? Princess Payment: 150k pd + 20 steel gems + 5 normal gems + 5
electric gems + 5 grass gems Are u ready to pay:Y