Forum Thread
Avatar Quote Contest
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Avatar Quote ContestRules:
-You have to write a quote for my avy. Imagine that girl is saying something. By the way, her personality is mainly rebel, non-stopping, joking and going against others.
-Every person may write up to 3 quotes.
-The best quote/s will get the prize.
-Create a new quote, don't copy it from somewhere. If you do, you won't be able to receive a prize.
-However, it's fine if it's a quote from a song that truly fits, and in that case you must tell me which song it is. If it's from a song and you don't tell, you won't get prizes either.
-Try to be as original as possible. Image from where I took it. It's a commission I asked for my OC Lilith to Risa1, deviantART. Do not steal anything related to it.
-People who posted their quote on my feed/through hasthag may re-post them here, they are still valid.

1st. I better be happy with a mask than people see me crying~
2nd. You could see me crying but i'm laughing at you inside~
3rd. Be careful with me I can be a girl but I can smash you ~

1. It'd be a shame if you fell down a flight of stairs. *wink*
2. You may think it's funny, but you won't be waking up tomorrow~
3. Teehee o3o

1) you can't read my poker face (song pokerface)
2) ive got no mercy for no king (song no mercy)
3) its a good day for a bad habit (song no mercy)

1.- Always with a smile that does not
collapse - Song: Undead Enemy - Kagamine Rin - Cover: Ikasan
2.- Shoot a heavier bullet these words - Song: Terror (Terrorismo) - Kagamine Rin - Cover: Soraru
3.- It is exciting to be at the edge of the limit - Song: Undead Enemy - Kagamine Rin - Cover: Ikasan
2.- Shoot a heavier bullet these words - Song: Terror (Terrorismo) - Kagamine Rin - Cover: Soraru
3.- It is exciting to be at the edge of the limit - Song: Undead Enemy - Kagamine Rin - Cover: Ikasan

1) Kid, bump to me again and I will
show no mercy *smile and wink*
2) Make fun of me as a jester and you'll see..
2) Make fun of me as a jester and you'll see..

1) I'll not stop even if you kill me!!
*see you like a ghost*
2)If you want me to kill you then be prepared for the night. *Takes out a dagger from beneath the cap*
3)If you see me crying don't be sure that I am crying.
2)If you want me to kill you then be prepared for the night. *Takes out a dagger from beneath the cap*
3)If you see me crying don't be sure that I am crying.

1.It's better to be anonymous inside a
2.Hey~I have a surprise for you~Surprise surpriiiise~
2.Hey~I have a surprise for you~Surprise surpriiiise~

You can checkout anytime but you can't
I will take the pen only if you take the sword
You can try and take me down but you'll have to catch me first
I will take the pen only if you take the sword
You can try and take me down but you'll have to catch me first

1) I do things my own way, following
others is just too boring~
2) Don't expect too much from me, I can be pretty unreliable haha~
3) I just do things for the fun of it, if my actions are considered good or evil, than so be it~
2) Don't expect too much from me, I can be pretty unreliable haha~
3) I just do things for the fun of it, if my actions are considered good or evil, than so be it~

1. Now you see me, but soon you
2. Of course it's me, who else would it be?
3. Boo!
2. Of course it's me, who else would it be?
3. Boo!
Here + 8k PD
2)If you want me to kill you then be prepared for the night. *Takes out a dagger from beneath the cap*
3)If you see me crying don't be sure that I am crying.
Ask me questions
try and slay me if you must but I can't give it to you,you must Earn it
I might add third one ok
edit:ok I got it
I will take the pen only if you take the sword(kind of a quote from Shakespear and Percy Jackson but I changed it up a bit)