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wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP wolf rp 1x1 with powerofwaffle on pause
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 07:32 (9 Years ago)
[*snickers* okay.. i might have been able to think something up for this rp actually.....]

moon silently crept back into the cave, laid flat on her belly and quickly groomed her fur out sense she had accidentally ran through a thorn bush, then closed her eye's, slowly falling asleep.

draco hadn't been able to get back to sleep so he was just laying wide awake in the cave, catching moon sneak back into the cave and pretend that she had gotten back when everyone was asleep.
now where have you been moon...? you've been getting back way past your normal curfew that mom had set for us, why did you break that rule hmm.....? he wondered, even though he actually wanted to ask, he didn't want to startle her and wake everyone else up.
once he knew she was well enough asleep he got up and walked out to where venom was, laying down next to him and staying up the rest of the night on guard, that way if sapphire was clueless enough to not understand his threat he wouldn't let his little cousin get pup-napped in the middle of the night.

''alpha i'm sorry'' sapphire whimpered, her whole body low to the ground, tail tucked and ear's pinned back submissively.
''you've been given enough chance's to get that pup sapphire, but you've failed every single time! how do you expect me to trust you with another chance?!'' he barked, his tone enraged and eye's blazing, but only a little bit of sorrow could be hinted in both his eye's and tone of voice.
he was still a bit upset after moon's ago of rose's death, losing his beta and mate really knocked some screw's lose in his head after that fight.
''alpha please, just give me some more time! i'll get venom i swear, i just need more time!!'' she begged.
star was nearby looking really worried now, afraid that the alpha was going to lash out at her, even hunter and a few other of the pack wolves were watching from inside a few of the den's, even spike who was a bit curious about what was going on sense the trainee den was a bit closer to the alpha's den.
(and yes... rose had been the beta and the alpha's mate XP and he is starting to lose it a little after her death..)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 08:30 (9 Years ago)
[He must really hate Luna now... PLOT TWIIST O3O]

As the Alpha was raging on that poor she-pup, it dawned on Flare. Their pack was starving, at the brink of falling, and simply chasing after a group of wolves just to get revenge for the sake of their leader. The Alpha was using them. With his fur bristled and his lip pulled back to show his teeth, he let the deathly growl escape his throat.
"Lay off the pup!" He snapped, leaping in front of Sapphire in protection. The Alpha's enraged raised. "Are you defying me, Flare?! She's an Omega, destined to be in a lower ranked class! And your defending her?!" He yowled. "Yes, I am. I challenge you for the role of male Alpha!" Flare growled, his nose scrunched and his head hunched down as he jerked forward to glare into their ruthless Alpha's eyes.

Immediately the wolves crowded around in a circle, not a single soul daring to speak. Sapphire stood, frozen in bewilderment. With his fire-like, bushy tail, Flare pushed Sapphire into safety by Star with a single, swift move. The Alpha's brute teeth clamped at his neck, making Flare yelp and knee himself to the ground. The he-wolf's claws dug into Flare's shoulder, and he felt like there was a deadly, poison fire burning at his skin. Flare's hind legs lashed at the alpha's stomach, but he couldn't manage to jerk to the side.
In reaction, the Alpha's claws released from Flare's shoulders and lashed at his ears. His jaw was still tightened onto Flare's neck, holding him flat to the ground. Flare's hind legs lashed out harder and more freely at the Alpha's stomach, making him rip away and stumble. Flare slumped to his paws, and yanked the Alpha's tail brutally. The Alpha yowled, and grabbed Flare's scruff, throwing him to the side and into a rock.

The Alpha's claws snaked towards Flare's chest. The fire-like wolf remembered his last encounter with Blue and Dragon before they left the pack, and took a move from Dragon. His teeth clamped at the Alpha's wrist, and his claws slashed the he-wolf's stomach. The Alpha yelped, and Flare slashed rapidly at the brute he-wolf's face, making the Alpha stuck in that spot. Flare's head rammed into the Alpha's side, only managing to make him stumble.Half of the Alpha's face was bleeding, and he was limping at the wrist slightly.
As a last result, Flare's teeth yanked the Alpha's tail once more until he yowled. With a grim, losing look the Alpha's teeth bared at Flare. "Very well. You... are reassigned as the Alpha." The former Alpha muttered, with cold looks around the wolves.

"Then my first order as Alpha," Flare announced, a bit out of breath. "Is for you to get out and never come back again." He snapped. The Alpha's ears pinned back, and he trotted out of the camp slowly. "My second order is for Sapphire to be trained properly. The Alpha female will be re-announced later." Flare said calmly to the group, and their heads dipped in respect to the new Alpha.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 09:32 (9 Years ago)
sapphire just stared up at flare, both stunned and confused on what she had witnessed.
spike grinned and wagged his tail as he nudged sapphire's shoulder.
''hey, it's better this way sapphire, their's a better alpha then the old one... sense the old leader was starting to lose it.....'' he muttered, ear's pinned back.
but despite his disgust of over old alpha, he perked back up and his tail started wagging again.
''and your going to get better training! who know's, maybe you'll get my father as a mentor'' he said thoughtfully.
sapphire was still trying to let it all sink in, still a bit in shock.
''which mean's i don't have to try and go after venom anymore....?'' she asked quietly, but mostly to herself.
star walked over and nuzzled her ear gently, trying to help calm her down.
''hey... everything's alright sweetie, your not going to be threatened anymore..'' she assured softly, laying down next to sapphire.
sapphire pinned her ear's back and pressed her muzzle into star's fur, her nerve's so shot she couldn't think straight at the moment.
spike looked around seeing that the pack wolves all decided to go back to their usual business and not thinking to keep an eye out if one of the trainee's slipped out of the camp, which is just what he did.

it was nearly dawn when draco had fallen asleep, also the same moment thorn came out and nudged his shoulder to wake him up.
''wake up bird brain...'' he grumbled, still sounding fairly tired.
''let me sleep... i've been up all night on guard........'' he moaned,rolling over to where his belly was up in the air, leg's stretching and making himself more comfortable.
''well i hate to say it, but moon is no where in the cave, i don't think she came back last night'' he said, sitting down and using his paw to roll draco back over to his side.
draco glared at thorn with his still working eye and sat up, shaking his shaggy fur out.
''she did come back last night, i was still up when i watched her sneak into the cave last nigth'' he said.
thorn pinned his ear's back and sighed.
''i'm getting the feeling mom's adopted she-pup is seeing some he-wolf with how long she's gone for... let's go and tell mom and dad that we're gonna go walk around, but venom stay's..... this is more of a family matter then it is the little guy's business to get dragged into if he tag's along'' he said, glancing down at the still sleeping pup behind draco.
draco sighed and stood up, carefull picking venom up and taking him back into the cave, thorn following.
he gently laid him down by luna's paw's and the brother's went over to where their sleeping parent's were.
''mom, dad, me and thron are going to go walk around the forest, we'll be back soon'' draco said.
buster was still sound asleep, but swift yawned and opened one eye, drowsily looking at draco and thorn.
''alright... just be careful, and remember your fighting training you two....'' she reminded them.
''we won't forget'' thorn said, both him and draco running out of the cave and following the same path that moon take's every time she leave's the cave near night fall.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 09:50 (9 Years ago)
Luna's ear flicked, and her tail swept over Dragon's side as she rose to her paws. She lapped her tongue over Venom's head, making him stir and leap to his feet. Venom looked up drowsily at Luna. "Yeah?" He murmured. "Draco and Thorn are gone. How about me teaching you some fight moves for the day?" Luna suggested.
Venom leaped into consciousness and nodded. "Yes!!" He cheered. "Shh." Luna glanced towards Dragon. Venom shut up and nodded, then bounced himself out of the cave. Luna followed.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 08:19 (9 Years ago)
after a little while of following the track's, they found moon near a pond grooming her raven black fur out, making herself look more sleek and agile.
''hey moon'' spike said, walking around a tree and sitting down next to her, nuzzling her cheek.
moon's tail wagged a little and she nuzzled spike's ear.

draco and thorn both started to fake gag, and with them only being three moon's younger then their sister they still didn't understand that well yet.
a slight breeze drifted in draco and thorn's direction and both of their hackle's raised, remembering the scent that sapphire had that was clinging to her fur.
it was one of the pack wolves, and they were completely enraged now.
they both circled around in different direction's and waited for a minute, getting ready to pounce.
and after that minute passed, they both sprang out of their hiding spot's, teeth bared and paw's outstretched as they collided with spike, the three he-wolves now fighting.
moon had stumbled away and was staring at the fight, her eye's wide with shock.

there was a loud chaos of barking, snarling and yelping, but the fighting came to a stop and draco had spike pinned down by the neck, but not to tight to where he chocked the pack-wolf.
thorn had his jaw clenched, teeth gripping his back right leg tightly.
''you leave our sister alone you good for nothing pack wolf...!'' draco snarled, both his good eye and his scarred eye, blinded or not, blazing in rage.
''draco! thorn!! get off of him now!!!!'' moon shrieked, ear's pinned back in horror.
neither of them moved, they just stood their keeping spike pinned.
she charged and rammed into both of them, draco yelping and thorn's teeth being yanked out of spike's leg as the three sibling's fell into the shallow pond with a splash.

spike growled and limped a little, getting to where he stood with his side to the pond.
''sneak, sleek, grab the he-wolves please...'' he muttered and two identical storm gray she-wolves walked out of the shadow's and wadded into the pond, grabbing draco and thorn individually by the scruff and dragging them out.
moon climbed out shivering slightly, ear's pinned back and her expression looking humiliated.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 08:48 (9 Years ago)
Luna had been teaching Venom ways to brutally hurt his opponent in a small state like his. Her nose wrinkled as she knew immediately that the scent she sensed was the pack's. "Venom, go hide in the bushes." She ordered hoarsely, and Venom obediently leaped into the ferns. Two storm-gray wolves padded emotionless down the grass, revealing themselves into the light. They were holding Thorn and Draco.
Luna's teeth dug into the left she-wolf's leg, yanking harshly with a force that sent the she-wolf to the ground. Luna ripped Thorn away from the wolf's grip, but by that time she didn't see the other one. At all. Luna put Thorn down carefully. "Tell me what happened, Thorn." Luna murmured to the he-pup.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 08:58 (9 Years ago)
''it's moon! she's with some pack wolf, he has this kind of spiky gray coat'' thorn said, ear's pinned back in anger.
the fur around his muzzle still had a faint trace of blood from when he sank his teeth into spike's leg, but never really seemed to notice.
the she-wolf growled and sat up, head low and ear's pinned back as she glared at them.
''spike, he's hunter's pup, the best trainee in the trainee den bird brain's! you seriously thought he wouldn't have backup nearby?'' she asked, mostly to thorn.
he growled and looked around, not seeing draco and starting to get panicked.
''wait, where's draco?!'' thorn yelped worriedly.
''my sister sleek is hiding around here with the other he-pup right now.....'' sneak growled quietly, still not moving from her spot.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 09:26 (9 Years ago)
Rather calmer than she regularly would have done, Luna's claws rested on the top of Sneak's head, her other free claws pinning Sneak down firmly. "Tell your sister to come and give Draco back to us." She ordered sternly.
"Or else what?" Sneak sneered. "Or else I'll kill you." Luna threatened. "And if she runs away and doesn't hear this?" Sneak growled. "I'll still kill you." The ebony simplified.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 09:41 (9 Years ago)
sneak growled and tried to wriggle out from under luna's paw's.
''you don't understand fox breath, the pack has a new alpha, stone's gone'' she said.
without even being called, sleek appeared right beside thorn and dropped draco, disappearing and reappearing, sitting right next to him.
she was a swift trainee, which gave her the name sleek for how easy she can run around and not be seen until she is standing right next to you.
she giggled a little and her tail wagged as she leaned against thorn, her crystal blue eye's looking up at him.
''erm.. aunt luna...? help....'' thorn whimpered quietly, ear's pinned back.
draco backed up a little and fell over laughing at how funny thorn looked, just frozen in one spot like a statue.
sneak finally got free and casually walked over to where draco was and used her paw to roll him over onto his back, chuckling quietly.
his eye's widened as he instantly stopped laughing, now also being frozen like thorn was.
''help aunt luna...'' he begged.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 11:07 (9 Years ago)
Luna did eventually help Thorn after leaning close to Sneak's ear. "That's none of my concern. Regardless, I still want to kill him." She hissed to the she-wolf. Her claws scorched across both Sleek and Swift's eyes, making them yelp in surprise. "Don't you ever touch them again, or I'll break your paws off." She snapped, and pulled Draco to his paws.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Wed, 04/02/2015 18:33 (9 Years ago)
(lol you typed in swift XD also sleek was the one next to thorn)

draco glared at the she-wolves from behind luna's front leg, ear's pinned back and his gaze murderous.
thorn bolted over to luna and stood behind her other front leg with his teeth bared.
sneak and sleek both rubbed their eye's with their paw's whimpering.
spike cam out from behind a bush and just stood there, his gaze even with luna's.
''it's a pleasure to see you once again miss luna, ever sense i was a pup i never did get the chance for saving me did i..?'' he asked innocently, bowing his head in respect.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 10:57 (9 Years ago)
(I'm such an idiot x-x)

Luna's ears pinned back as she ignored Venom's curious look at her from the corner of her eye. Her jaw muscles tightened as her teeth clenched together, but she quickly loss the clench in her teeth as her cold emerald gaze stared into Spike's. She easily saw past Spike's innocence, her fur ruffled ever so slightly as she spoke to the trainee. "You are breaking your pack's rules by seeing Moon, might as well falling in love with her would be crossing the line. Continue to see her and you will see to either me, Swift, or Buster and your female or male Alpha."
Her tail swept stiffly. "And stay away from the pups." She added, the subject hanging icily between them. Moon came dashing from behind Spike/Chip, but skidded to a stop as she saw her siblings, Luna, and Venom. Luna's frightening green eyes zoomed to Moon, but quickly focused back on Spike. "I understand that your former Alpha didn't allow proper training before, but surely your Adviser will teach you the rules. It will only cause trouble for both of you."

She scooped up Venom by the rim of his scruff, much to his protest. "Come on. Draco, Thorn." The ebony beckoned, and padded back towards the cave. She glanced back one more time at Sneak and Sleek. "Why are you always so serious?" Venom asked, but in an innocently curious way. Luna stiffened a bit.
"Because there's no time for silliness these days." Luna said softly through a mouthful of scruff fur. "But your not usually open." Venom protested. The she-wolf didn't answer. "Nevermind. Pups, aren't you coming?" She turned back to see if they were following.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 18:29 (9 Years ago)
draco and thorn both ran as fast as they could just to get away from the two she-wolves, both slightly whimpering.
''what's going on out there?!'' came swift's agitated sounding voice, more clearer then it was before sense the wound on her neck has been healing up.
moon pinned her ear's back and gave spike a small nuzzle on the cheek and bolted over to luna, her expression both scared and upset.
spike pinned his ear's back and growled slightly.
sleek and sneak both ran back to the pack camp, whimpering and yelping.
''alpha flare won't like it that you've scratched two of the trainee's in the eye luna'' he barked and disappeared, running back to camp.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 04:53 (9 Years ago)
Luna retreated to the corner of the cave with Dragon.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 06:28 (9 Years ago)
moon sat down with her head hung, ear's pinned back and whimpering slightly.
swift was sitting up, her posture straighter and the wound on her neck looking almost completely healed.
but her expression still looked the same, like that attack never effected her one bit.
''moon... why were you with that pack wolf..? i spesifically told you to never go near that pack or the wolves in that pack'' she said calmly.
''i-i know... but spike isn't that bad mom, he's really kind, sweet, and caring, he never even hurt me i swear'' she said.
draco and thorn both were sitting beside buster, their ear's pinned back in annoyance.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 10:04 (9 Years ago)
Luna glanced over at Swift. "Spike's the same he-pup as Chip. And he used you, Moon. You were being watched by grown wolves and you could of been captured and badly hurt--" Dragon nudged Luna's cheek. His look told her to save the mothering and scolding to Swift, so she did. Dragon's glossy grey tail entwined with Luna's, making it look like a cloud of gray and black.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 08:43 (9 Years ago)
draco walked over to luna and tried to reach her one ear, standing on his hind-leg's and using one paw against her side to help keep him balanced.
''those two she-wolves were actually trainee's...'' he whispered into luna's ear.
''he never hurt me! spike's the kindest he-wolf i've ever met!'' moon cried.
hazel, chester and buster all just stared, ear's perked up.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 10:23 (9 Years ago)
Luna's eyes narrowed. "But they were larger and stronger than her, so it doesn't matter!" She hissed. She turned to Moon. "And the kindest he-wolf you've ever met is dangerous!" She snapped, her ears pinned back and her tail straight.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 11:34 (9 Years ago)
swift's gaze shifted to luna and she gave a loud, growling bark to shut everyone in the cave up.
she picked moon up by the scruff and carried her out so she and she alone could talk to moon.
moon had her ear's pinned back and was whimpering quietly.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 12:17 (9 Years ago)
Among the same forest...

The male wolf dashed across the unfamiliar grounds of the forest, occasionally crunching a dead leaf with his heavy footsteps. He swiftly ran on, his breath shortening as he tried to turn each tree to outsmart his awaiting enemy. Sadly, his enemy was rather bright at tracking him down. The shrill howl of his enemy rung violently in the air, as if it were plastered with blood and flowers, and it rung in the male's ears and made him want to shrivel up. She's gaining on me, he thought with panic, and dashed towards the nearby vegetation.
He crawled as silently as possible into the reeds, his chest heaving in and out at a rapid speed and his heart hammering in his ribs. The sound of his enemy's minion's footsteps hung drastically in midair for a brief moment, but the golden-furred she-wolf didn't notice him. The male, with only a tiny amount of relief, rose from the reeds.

"Think you could escape?" Came the cruel voice of a she-wolf. Motionless, the wolf knew it was his elegant, white-furred enemy. Her claws slammed at his back and he was pinned to the ground, left to be savaged by the wretched monster whom didn't look at all like she was a maniac. But she was. And the he-wolf wanted to warn the world about her.