Forum Thread
Sonic Ruleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Sonic Ruleplayflare cried as she buried her face into his shoulder, both of them falling to their knee's.
''flare... please calm down'' he pleaded, even though she was to upset to calm down.
"Another one of your family that will die, the one I wanted to kill." Nazo said, grinning at lilac, he sent a beam towards her, she fell to the floor and lied limp on the floor.
"Now it's your turn." Nazo said, staring at Aqua.
''flare... hide and don't move unless i say you can....'' he whispered and she nodded, both of them getting up and looked over to where nazo was.
''please be safe..'' flare murmured and kissed him, then ran between a couple of houses and hid behind a trash can.
leo looked over his shoulder and growled, sprinting and kicking nazo in the stomach.
''you've ruined everyone's life's!! you've caused my friend's to fight!! and now your trying to kill my friend and his family, not cool!!!!'' he roared in anger.