Forum Thread
Sonic Ruleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Sonic Ruleplayspark and shade both were watching in horror from the living room window.
''um... where is chloe..? she had been here right shade?'' spark asked.
''i thought she was, she must of went outside'' he said worriedly.
burn was watching out of her bedroom window, now a bit terrified by boom from what he had done.
''exe mode....'' she mumbled, her eye's wide and ear's pinned back.
she was now getting the same fear over the exe mode's her friend's could have just like her mother.
shade ran over to where chloe was and skidded to a stop and knelt down.
''chloe, please wake up...!'' he said, ear's pinned back.
he held his hand's over her and started muttering a healing spell, hoping the spell work's.