Forum Thread
Sonic Ruleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Sonic Ruleplayshe grabbed leo's arm and dragged him far enough away from the other's and slapped him.
''would you listen! stop fighting them leo, they are out friend's!!'' she yelled.
(didn't you say you had taken leo over for a little bit aqua...?)
leo blinked and rubbed his face.
''ow! what the heck was that for!?'' he yelled, ear's pinned back and teeth bared.
''do you not realize what's been going on leo?! you've been fighting the other guy's and look what's happened!!!!'' flare shrieked in pure anger.
he gritted his teeth and looked over his shoulder at his still fighting friend's and slowly realized what was going on, now getting a little worried.
tear's were streaming from flare's eye's as she ran back home.
''flare, wait!'' leo called, running after her.