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The Festival Of The Enlightened (Sign-Ups!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Festival Of The Enlightened (Sign-Ups!)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Mon, 07/09/2020 19:44 (3 Years ago)
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It was so different, millennia ago. The creatures above were locked into a chaotic war, and had dragged the creatures of below with them. Celestial of the Sun, Moon, and Stars battling over who was truly the greatest clan, and who was most beloved by the beings of Earth. This war lasted for centuries, until one day, when a few celestials noticed the damage they had done to the planet beneath them. Horrified, they shared this discovery with their clans. Out of remorse, the three tribes begrudgingly made peace with with one another, and agreed to distance themselves from Earth to prevent such destruction from happening to it again.

Thousands of years later, you would think you were in a completely different world. The three clans are on much friendlier terms, even intermingling and building cities where celestials of all kinds can live and intermingle. You are one such celestial, and currently, you are incredibly excited. Why, you may ask? The Festival Of The Enlightened is coming up with in a few short weeks, that's why! This year will mark 3000 years since the end of the war, and three wonderful millennia of peace. The city is bustling with excitement in light of the preparations, and you're just itching to pitch in and help with the fest this year!

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The Sun Clan: Celestials born into the Sun Clan are known for their high energy and optimism. The Sun Clan presides over most of the agricultural aspects of Celestial society, due to their power over life and, sometimes, plants. Sun celestials are generally friendly, hardworking, outgoing, but also have the tendency to be arrogant and hot-tempered.

The Moon Clan: The most intelligent and wise of the three clans, Moon celestials are much usually calmer and level-headed than their counterparts. The Moon Clan is held in a somewhat higher regard by the celestials of the present day, as it was a moon celestial that paved the way for the War's end. However, many members of this clan can be shy, and generally dislike being the center of attention.

The Star Clan: The largest of the three clans , both in population and in personalities. Star celestials are famous for their creativity, producing most of the artists, musicians, and poets of the Celestial world. While they are mostly free-spirited and flamboyant, some members of the Star clan can be shallow and judgemental of others.

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Agora City: Where our story takes place. Though it is smaller than other celestial cities, it is one of the most popular and heavily populated. Here is one of the many places Celestials of all kinds can live and interact. Despite sitting on top of a cloud, this town is filled with beautiful plant life. This has made it a popular setting for Sun celestials, who make up the majority of the city's population.

Phosphorescence Falls: A large waterfall and lagoon, that sits on the outskirts of Agora City. It was named for way the water glows a bright blue at nighttime. Some legends say it has healing properties, but since celestials do not get sick, the truth of this legend remains a mystery.

Stardust Gardens As the name suggests, it is a place within the Star Clan's borders. Here, baby stars are made, nurtured, and raised until they are big and bright enough be placed into the sky. Only Nurse-kin (the celestials in charge of caring for the stars) know where this garden is located.

Artemis' Study: A library originally built by and for the Moon Clan, it is now open to all celestials. The building is almost entirely made of moon stone, and there are many different stories as to how such a large of said gemstone was acquired, A question even the Moon Clan has no answer for. Inside, there seems to be an endless number of books, ranging from mundane cook books, to novels on the mythologies of the earth below. It is recommended that you do not venture too deep into the library without a librarian with you, as many folks have gotten lost in its vastness.

Heliacal Orchards One of the largest farms in the entire sky, it is popular for producing both earthly fruits and mythical fruits. Many will come from near and far to purchase its goods, some even buying small plots of land to harvest and even garden themselves! There are a few who believe it strange for such a place to exist, as celestials technically don't need to eat. However, the vast majority of celestials see it as an enjoyable and even calming pastime.[/b]

Might add more locations later.

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•All PH rules apply.
•No swearing is allowed
•Please don't make your characters OP (Note: All Celestials are capable of flight, so don't list that as a power)
•Maximun of 3 characters.
•Please be kind to one another.
• The password is your favorite dessert.
•There is really no overall plot besides the upcoming festival, so feel free to come up with your own plots in the pp group!
•Your character can have "nonhuman" traits, but please keep them generally humanoid.
• Please no one-liners!
Break a rule and you receieve a strike. Three strikes, and you'll be banned from the rp

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Character Name:

My Form:
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Username: ZeeTheBee
Character Name: Dione
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Clan: Moon
Appearance: here
Personality: Dione is mischievous, impish, and pretty much a big prankster. Like her fellow clan members, she is quite intelligent and quick-thinking, a trait she uses to her advantage when playing tricks. However, she can also be very cowardly, and would rather run and hide than directly face danger or consequences.
Power(s}: Invisibility, Telekinesis.
Password: Cheescake

Hope You Enjoy The Festivities!

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Mon, 07/09/2020 20:05 (3 Years ago)
Username: cisuMoTsnetsiL
Character Name: Daniela
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 19 years old
Clan: Sun Clan
Appearance: Daniela is a tall blonde girl with severely pale skin. She has soft blond hair that reaches down to her ankles that also has quiet large volume and she has a small orange pin stuck in her hair to keep her bags out of her face. For clothing Daniela wears a baggy dress the same color as her hair with spaghetti straps and an orange belt wrapped around her waist. She also wears gladiator styled sandals that are a reddish orange color and covered in glitter.
Personality: Daniela is a carefree ball of sunshine (no pun intended) who finds simple pleasures in life. Rather optimistic she always tried her best to see the best in others and be a good friend to the ones she cares about. She’s a little hyperactive finding trouble in staying in one place for to long as well.
Power(s): Daniela is like a solar panel, if she stays in a light and warm area for long enough she can charge he up enough power to create a light of her own, most of the time radiating off her body and she doesn’t even know it.
Password: I really like cheesecake as well! :0
Other: This looks really fun! Also, I typed this on my phone and the screen is so hecking small so I’m get off my phone and them type one more forum. Hope that’s ok. XD

EDIT: Here’s that second forum.
Username: cisuMoTsnetsiL
Character Name: Sarah
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: “12 years old... almost.“
Clan: Star Clan Like Warrior Cats!!!
Appearance: Sarah is a little short standing at 5 ft. 1 in. with light brown skin and a face full of freckles and a huge smile. She had short snow white hair that flares out at the end and doesn’t even touch her shoulders. Her outfit consists of a white t-shirt that’s a bit to big for her, a black plaid shirt, and a black apron covered in paint. Her black furry boots are knee high and it makes it sometimes makes it hard to walk, often tripping over herself. Her apron also has two pockets that holds many paintbrushes of varying sizes as well, most of them are dirty.
Personality: Naive and sweet Sarah is quiet and keeps to herself often spacing out and standing out in the open. She’s rather emotional, often crying, mostly from the happiness a sweet compliment gives her or when she’s just finished a painting. Sarah tried her best and is very passionate about what she does and loves when she meets someone else that is also passionate like she is.
Power(s): Sarah, even if it isn’t ideal, can slightly influence other!s emotions based off of her’s. It’s very rare but it”s still not an ideal power to have.
Password: Cheesecake! :D

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Mon, 07/09/2020 20:09 (3 Years ago)
@cisuMoTsnetsiL accepted! Also yesss a fellow cheesecake fan! :D
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Mon, 07/09/2020 20:31 (3 Years ago)
Username: -Uhh
Character Name: Xero Ritta
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Clan: Moon
Appearance: Heree~
Personality: She deems herself above other lifeforms, so that is how she acts - though usually, she spends most of her time inside her own mind. If she's seen doing something, it's usually reading, creating some sort of machine or weapon, or fighting. She avoids spotlight, preferring to keep her thoughts to herself. Sometimes she isn't seen at all - she disappears for months, before reappearing as quickly as she had left. Nobody knows where she lives, or if she has a home.
Power(s}: Teleportation and advanced senses, and she wears mechanical gloves which give her added strength.
Password: Rocky road- uhm, if that counts.

Username: -Uhh
Character Name: Gaji Rubyiis
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Clan: Sun
Appearance: Here
Personality: Incredibly optimistic, he looks at the world and sees only the good things, as he does with people. He is always seen smiling apart from in his picture, and trying to cheer up whoever around him looks even slightly sad. Sometimes his giddy optimism becomes annoying, though to most it is helpful.
Power(s}: He can set himself on fire. In this state, he has the same personality, though he is rather more careful. The fire is a deep red, and flickers around him as normal fire would. This also makes him immune to any type of burns or heat. He hasn't learnt to control when this happens yet.
Password: ^^above

//edit: done!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Mon, 07/09/2020 20:33 (3 Years ago)
@-Uhh accepted!

@cisuMoTsnetsiL accepted again!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Tue, 08/09/2020 19:15 (3 Years ago)
Zee can i rsv pls -w- (Too much rps for me rn)

Character Name:
"I'm not stupid, I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am."
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Tue, 08/09/2020 19:16 (3 Years ago)
@EmmaWang Reserved! ^.^
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Tue, 08/09/2020 23:15 (3 Years ago)
Now I'm wondering if my guy can be mostly humanoid, but with an animal head? I saw the thing in the rules about keeping your characters generally humanoid, I'm just wondering to what extent does this apply

Edit: By that, I mean like, they look human from the shoulders down, but they have the head of (insert animal here)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Tue, 08/09/2020 23:34 (3 Years ago)
@ThePhantomWolf Yep, that's perfectly fine!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Wed, 09/09/2020 02:12 (3 Years ago)
Username: ThePhantomWolf
Character Name: Perili Thunderheart
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Clan: Star Clan
Appearance: Here. She is a rather fair-skinned young woman with light blue eyes, who now has the head of a bald eagle thanks to a curse placed on her. She wears a dark blue tank top, a black trenchcoat, a silver shoulder pad, a faded green cape, grey pants, and brown boots with white floof on them. On hand, she has a wooden pole that she sometimes uses as a walking stick, a horn (that she claims can call nearby dragons to her side), and a giant, ancient-looking sword. The two baby dragons are Sarii (Blue scales, yellow eyes, white underbelly (the one that she's holding)) and Narkuu (Green scales, orange eyes, cream underbelly (the one in the egg))
Personality: Laid-back, reserved, almost perpetually tired (like me). Spends a lot of time sitting alone in public areas. She enjoys the company of others sometimes, but usually wants to be by herself, drinking a cup of tea or coffee. Can be curious sometimes, and occasionally investigates nearby things that seem out of the ordinary. Can get into fights sometimes, when she does, it's usually because she sees someone who needs help.
Power(s}: Can converse with animals. She also has some minor air magicks.
Password: .... Pretty much all the desserts, unless they have mint. (Because essentially, my favorite food is yes)
Other: How she got cursed - She found a secret doorway behind one of her bookshelves when she was cleaning her house a few years before the events of this RP, and she found a hidden basement full of old books and things, including two large gemstones and a sword, and as she was dusting off the sword, she accidentally touched the hilt, which caused her to faint. When she woke up, she had the head of an eagle, and she had lost all her memories, and she had kinda adopted part of the identity from some hero from the war. Also, the two gemstones turned out to be dragon eggs, so.... That's where she got the dragons from.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 59
Posted: Wed, 09/09/2020 02:20 (3 Years ago)
@ThePhantomWolf Accepted!

Probably will wait for one or two more to join before we start