*Shade decided he wanted to be caught by a worthy trainer so he
ventures out and sees Tazuli*
-Umbreon Noises-
[Translation: Battle me! And I might let you catch me!]
Tazuli turns to the Umbreon along with Kusa, is it saying it wants
to battle? It could be high level but Tazuli decided to fight it
anyways, she quickly told Kusa to use leafage on the Umbreon which
she did and quickly send sharp leaves on Shade
Kusa quickly used leafage again as she hovered above Shade, making
sure to keep her distance so she could hopefully avoid his attack
when he does attack
Tazuli stared at the Umbreon as Kusa continued to use leafage on
him, the small owl noticed he barely took any damage from her
attack but she kept attacking anyways
Squishy said to Levi, “Well I do know bide.” and smiles. “Thanks
for helping. I’m going to find something to battle now.” and then
goes off into the tall grass.
“Wait! There might be some strong Pokemon in the wild, you might as
well get killed easily so how about you train a bit with me first,
I won’t attack you until I get on low health” Levi quickly said as
he slowly walked behind Squishy
Levi barely took any damage from the tackle, he simply stared at
Squishy after he tackled him, he’s really weak huh? He just stood
there silently as he continued to stare at the Goomy
(He like lvl 10, but might level up by battling Levi)
Squishy uses water gun at Levi, hoping to cause more damage. He
knew he was weak, and just wanted to prove himself to the Zorua
that he was stronger than he looked.
Again, the attack barely took any damage to Levi, he decided to
wait until the Goomy attacks again before he attacks him back
Kusa tried to avoid the dark pulse but despite being in the air,
she got hit by it and fell out of the air as Tazuli returns her to
her Pokeball, she looked back at Shade, she knew it might be huh
levelled but not that high! That again Kusa was only lvl 5
Squishy uses bubble beam on the shiny, hoping it does better damage
than the first attack. He waits for the shiny zorua to attack him.
(also are we limited to just 4 attacks like in the anime and games)
Levi decided to use a weaker attack on the Goomy so he used copycat
to copy the bubble beam before blasting it at the Goomy, knowing
since it isn’t super effective it wouldn’t do too much damage
compared to his other attacks
Raina, who knew the way pretty well, led the way. Aria followed,
with Firepelt bounding by her side. It was getting late, so they
decided to set up camp in the forest. While Raina couldn't
officially be used by Aria, she was still capable of protecting her
from wild pokemon. Thus, they weren't really scared of something
attacking them.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and
sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.