I want an adoptable!
Adopt you want:the first one(aquatini)
Payment type:pd
Amount:is 75 ok?
Suggestion for future adopt:google themed voltorb lol(opt)
In that case, I'll send the noodle when I get home. I was stupid
and didn't prepare the images ahead of time, oof. I won't accept
the gift until then, though
I want an adoptable!
Adopt you want: Little Flareon noodle, he's just so- AAA-
Payment type: PD
Amount: 80k
Password: Violet
Suggestion for future adopt: Maybe some more eevee
Hey, Vulpix! Draw me
Username: Aero-Plane
Art Type: Fullbody
Reference: This boi
Anything Specific?: Don't really mind for the pose, but maybe
something playful?
Payment: 70k?
Password: Violet
We're truth seekers and artists, perched on
the boundary as we search for an answer. Art shop | Toyhouse |
Discord: Aergalia
I want an adoptable!
Adopt you want:the second one(aquatini)
Payment type:pd
Amount:is 75 ok?
Suggestion for future adopt:google themed voltorb lol(opt)
I want an adoptable!
Adopt you want: jolteon and glaceon dratini fusions
Payment type: nuggies and PD
Amount: uhhhhmm 150k pd and 100 nuggies ok??
Password: Violet
Suggestion for future adopt:(opt)
I want an adoptable!
Adopt you want: Umbreon/dratini
Payment type: PD
Amount: 100k
Password: Violet
Suggestion for future adopt: I dunno, but maybe Food themed
We're truth seekers and artists, perched on
the boundary as we search for an answer. Art shop | Toyhouse |
Discord: Aergalia