@Hunterz~Wolf alrighty then, I can add you to the slots! Oh! And I
almost forgot, the takoyaki link just downloads a file that I can't
open, did you mean to send an image?
I’d like for the blue area of garchomp
to be white and sludgy like icing with rainbow sprinkles on it and
for the inside red/chest area to be more vanilla cake coloured with
lots of rainbow sprinkles inside of it , i’d like for it to also
have a little candle on its head , id like for the little spines
and claws to each be a different colour too!
Payment: 45k and 61 nuggets
I am open once again! Not sure for how long, but here we are!
Before you order, I have tweaked the prices and edited the
first post a bit, so please reread that before
Hey, Vulpix! Draw me
Username: Asmo
Art Type: Fullbody
Shading?: Yes
Reference: Bella (her feral form)
Anything Specific?: Maybe something sad for a pose/ expression, if
you can? If not, I accept a cute blep. Also, there are a few
changes to the Fuhka design, ask Chey about it, since Fuhkas belong
to them.
Payment: 90,000 PD
Password: Cyndaquil that's a stupid question
Hey, Vulpix! Draw me
Username: Scapegoat
Art Type: headshot
Reference: oleander! and hibi!
Anything Specific?: oleander’s orange eye is dead thanks rose
😳 and hibi is very fluffy ^^ i dont mind what experssions you
wanna do but hibi is normally very happy where as oleander is sad
or reserved
Payment: 80k :)
Password: waaa braixen :,)
Hey, Vulpix! Draw me
Username: YungRover
Art Type: Fullbody
Shading?: Sure
Reference: Azure
Anything Specific?: Can he be laying next to a pride flag? One eye
open and a paw on the flag?
Payment: 150k PD
Password: Arcanine