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Gra'tua (Star Wars)

Forum-Index Roleplay Gra'tua (Star Wars)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2020 22:34 (4 Years ago)


Current Events

The Republic Navy has managed to hold the Mandalorian forces back on the planet Taris.

Mandalorian reinforcements are being shipped in.

The Republic Navy's numbers are still numerous.

Jangar sat aboard the Q-carrier as it made its descent, kicking dust off the ground as the ship touched the ground. He had heard about the standstill on Taris and knew it was only a matter of time before he was sent out to help. He huffed as he clambered out of the vehicle, his helmet softly rattled as he slipped it on. He gazed around at the makeshift camp. It was small, but filled its purpose.


Leek was sitting on the floor of the Republic base. It was one of the rare, quiet moments. They assumed that the Mandalorians were waiting on reinforcements, but the Republic couldn't do much to stop it. While they currently had the numbers, their morale was low and the Mandalorians were not to be messed with. Leek frowned as he stared at the blaster in his hands, he safety was on. He wanted nothing more than to rush out and fight the Mandalorians, blasting away, but that wasn't happening anytime today.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2020 22:45 (4 Years ago)
*Carth saw the "fresh-meat" being unloaded to from the ship to help with the fight here on Taris. He watch one by one as he loaded both his pistols and blaster rifle ready to fight if they were called to action. He always like to be prepared for the in case that something went on the battle he would go in and fight the republic dogs and push them back*

*Radir was on the ship smuggling the mandos into the Taris since he was hired to do so every time they needed something. Guns, ammo, food, water, etc. He would provide them everything they needed as long the pay was good* So who were payment? *he ask curiously telling his astromech to keep the engines hot and ready if they were going out just in case if things got rough*

What you doing there soldier? *Winter ask to the rodian looking at his blaster as if he nothing to do in the base* Checking if its working properly for the next fight with the enemy? *she was new in the base so she would walk around trying to familiarize herself with everyone and everything in the base*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2020 02:09 (4 Years ago)
Jangar looked up, spotting Carth. He gave him a brief nod before moving to check his blasters. He wanted to make sure nothing was jostled or broken during the flight. He looked at his blaster pistols first, checking them then giving them a quick tune-up as needed. He then moved on to his carbine. He handled the carbine with more care, as it was his more expensive and effective weapon.

Leek glanced up at Winter, looking rather bored. "Well, yeah. Not much we can do right now." He put his blaster back into its holster, and stood up. "I don't think I've met you before. I'm Leek Gryiz." The Rodian held out his hand, studying Winter.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2020 02:35 (4 Years ago)
Giel had received a call earlier, a bleak message that simply told him where to go. He had his suspicions that it was a trap, but really, who could tell? He liked adrenaline rushes, danger. But even more, he loved when clients really showed up to a rendezvous point to brief him on his mission. His mind rarely wandered when he was called to a mission briefing. But even now, after training during his inactivity, he couldn't help but try and think ahead. He wasn't great at devising plans, but he tried nonetheless. If it was a Mandalorian, there was nothing wrong there. If it was not... Well, he would have to drive for a higher price.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2020 03:00 (4 Years ago)
So no one is gonna pay me! You know how hard is to fly this bucket of bolts! *he prefers to fly his real ship instead of using this q-carrier whatever it was called since it was big and hard to fly* I why do i keep doing this...

*Winter shook Leek hand as he prepares to introduce herself* My name is Winter I'm new transfer, I just came from Cardia *the girl said as she sat down on chair to relax for walking all day around the base*

*Carth got up and went to talk to the pilot of the ship well temporary ship since that man doesn't want his ship to be known by bounty hunters or republic forces that he helping the Mandalorian cause. Of course he only helping us due to the deal that Mandalore the Ultimate made with some mercenaries and smugglers to help us get more supplies so his help was necessary* Take this and shut up! *he gave him a handful of credits for his job and to make him shut up about it*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2020 21:07 (4 Years ago)
A nearby Mandalorian noticed Radir's frustration and briefly shook their head before walking over. The Mandalorian looked up at the Mercenary, dropping him the required payments. "This should be enough." They said, though their voice was slightly muffled by the helmet.

"Cardia?" Leek asked, looking at Winter. "I am afraid to say I have not been there. What is it like?" While conversation wasn't his strong suit, he figured it would give him something to do in these long hours. He moved to sit on a chair across from her, making himself comfortable.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2020 21:40 (4 Years ago)
Why thank you *he quickly takes the credit and puts them in his pocket as goes back to the Q carrier going to get more soldiers, weapons and food while avoiding Republic sensors as goes to one of the famous ship that the mandalorian uses far from the system of Taris* There is T8... A Kandosi-Class Mandalorian Dreadnought... *he lands in the hanger ready to get more troops.

You could say that is a lot like Alderaan but is a bit in the mid-rim and the core world. *Winter calmly explain the very similar traits that Cardia and Alderaan beautiful planet, snowy mountain, vast ocean and lakes and all that* Very nice planet I hope I can go back...

*Carth return back to the place where he was sitting checking his blaster and rifle as he later goes to check his equipment to see if everything was in perfect order* Maybe today we will face a jedi... it will be a glorious moment if it happens!
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2020 22:49 (4 Years ago)
Giel checked his tracker, then came in for a landing on a large asteroid. He sent out a sonar survey, checking for any nearby organisms. He stepped out of his ship, looking around for any obvious clients. Seeing none, he muttered something, then rested his hand on his blaster, growling slightly.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 14:39 (4 Years ago)
*Carth goes Jangar after finishing all of his inspection of weapons, armor and equipment he needed to know what was the situation out there in the galaxy* Jangar it's been a long time since we seen each other. Tell me what's going out there galaxy besides our conflict here on Taris? *he sat down near him as he was ready to listen what he had to say*

Hey Leek what can you tell me of the enemy we are battling? There called Neo-Crusaders or something like that right? *she knew very little of the enemy they were fighting since being transferred here all she told her was to be ready for the battle but maybe she will know more when there a debriefing in command center*

*Radir landed the ship carefully in the dreadnought hanger as was ready to get supplies or whatever the mandos needed to stay alive to help them fight the enemy's in Taris* Let's see what else we can find here
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 22:30 (4 Years ago)
Jangar looked up, a smile growing on his face. "Ah, Carth. It is good to see you burc'ya." He watched Carth sit down, and he leaned back. "Well, I suppose you already heard about what happened on Cathar." He didn't want to say much about what had happened there. "Not much has really happened, I must admit, I was pretty jealous when I had heard the Republic was taking a stand on Taris. Now we can finally call it a war."

"It sounds wonderful." Leek said as he listened to Winter's explanation. "Maybe after this is all over I can go and visit Cardia." The Rodian was never much of a sightseer, but after hearing what the planet was like, well he was considering it. Of course he would have to save up the required funds first.

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burc'ya - Mando'a, "friend"


Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 23:06 (4 Years ago)
Actually no I don't know what happened at Cathar I been called to the battle of Jebble and then I was order to be relocated here while some guy name Cassus Fett took over. *he dint knew why he was relocated here but before leaving he felt the tie of shift toward the republic trying new tactics and strategy he never saw done by them, and the very end their morale was higher than ever before leaving for Taris* I been hearing rumors that *he gets close to Jangar whispering in his ear* That some Jedi name Revan has been pushing us back.

*Radir with nothing else to do he hopes on his ship and flies to a nearby asteroid to relax before being called again by those brutes again to deliver supplies and troops. The asteroid well known for smugglers and bounty hunters since its kinda huge cantina in space and many of these people use them to take breaks or hide from the republic*

Hey Leek can you tell me the situation here on Taris? Ever since I got here I felt that we were in stalemate pushing back forward not gaining any ground *she dint knew what was going on Taris since she arrived here a few mothns and has not been to battle since then*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 16:28 (4 Years ago)
Giel started muttering about false clients, then stepped back inside his ship. He shut the door and listened to the walkway pull in, then walked to the front of his ship and began starting it. He looked around one last time, then took off, majorly annoyed.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 17:07 (4 Years ago)
*Radir saw the person looking at the ship he didn't know why he looks annoyed but it was not his place to ask what's wrong. Asking to many questions can a person killed or things that a person could not imagine, so he just kept walking to the cantina to lighten up*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2020 19:18 (4 Years ago)
Jangar looked at Carth, his expression slowly becoming one of interest. "A Jedi? On which planet?" He hadn't heard anything about this Jedi, and to say he was intrigued was an understatement. He had yet to see one in all his years, but he heard that their way of fighting was one to behold, and their weapons could cut through anything.

Leek sighed, leaning back in the seat. "Well, you're right. We are in a stalemate. It's kind of pathetic really, the Republic finally decides to fight on the war and we get stuck on a planet for months, hardly making any progress." The Rodian brought a hand to his head. "I'll tell you one thing you learn pretty fast here. Don't ever underestimate the Mandalorians. They aren't afraid of death, and they fight recklessly. You can never really predict what they are going to do. All we can really do now is keep them from taking Taris."

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2020 19:34 (4 Years ago)
I don't on which planet he is now but after capturing some prisoners forcing them to tell us all they know they told me that a Jedi name Revan as taking charge of the republic forces out-smarting us in every way *You could tell that he was worried about this Jedi but at the same time excited to face such a man who could out-think a Mandalorian in battle a truly worthy opponent.*

Really! *she made a surprising hearing that they fought reckless but still able to win battles maybe they had the firepower to back it up and the numbers as well or maybe it was some kind of strategy to throw us off guard in any way* How reckless are they?
Name: Giratina