Forum Thread
Castle Cats: Dragon Disaster- Roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Castle Cats: Dragon Disaster- RoleplayMeanwhile Purrcilla was talking with Luna. "I just don't get why he doesn't care for me, I've tried to give him my love but he just rejects it, I give him a love potion it wears off. It's just not fair" She looked at the glittery she-cat there were tears in her eyes.
Luna put a paw on the mage's shoulder. "He'll notice one day. You're the best cat for him and he'll see that eventually." Personally, Luna hoped Purrcilla would find a better cat, if Francis was too dumb to see worth in her friend. As a fellow magical cat, Luna felt close to the poor calico, and was one of her best friends. "Here, how about you sleep it off?" She nudged Purrcilla towards the fortress with her nose.
Alex wondered what Starlight would be like. Maybe a strict leader? A compassionate leader? Whatever it was, she had to be a good leader of some sort, as she seemed really respected by all of the cats in the guild.
Purrcilla walked to her den and went to sleep, she hoped that she could at least become friends with Francis so she didn't feel to bad.
Miko went to sleep as Starlight, looking a lot more rested then the last time the newcomers had seem her, looked at the strange cats with intrest. Behind her, Conan came to stand by her side as he looked at the duo of young cats.
Come on Alex, dont let them see you self pitying. He thought, and tried to mask his lonelyness with a grin. He was a good lier, one had to look hard to see that he was sad. "Okay. Thank you, Starlight, and thank you Conan." He didn't deserve these cat's help, this was his own problem, he tried to reassure himself. "I-I'll find a spot to sleep then," He stuttered.
Luna Sparkle opened her eyes and immediately went to a private place in the fortress to look at herself and get ready. She needed to get that eyeliner on point! She did herself up before she even set paw outside, fur groomed and sparkling to it's fullest. She decided to to wake Purrcilla as she went outside, breathing in the soft, cool morning air.
Miko awoke as well. Her other friends were up as well, the early birds. They began chatting quietly among themselves about techniques, allowing no one to listen in if they weren't a part of the close group. This was Miko's favorite part of the day, before anyone was sent out on quests, they could all talk and get prepared for the day, both mentally and physically. Speaking of which, she was grooming herself as she contributed in their signature whisper.
After she was at the edge of the Dark Forest, she finally went in on the search for her items. Suddenly, a giant bird attacked her, but after a while of shooting it was dead and it dropped about 100 coins. Sweet! thought Lyra. After about 2 hours in the dark forest she had found what she was looking for.
When she was back at the guild she dropped the rare red ember on Miko's nests and her 400 coins on Alex's, then she went back out to the guild to see what everyone was doing.
Alex analyzed the cat, she seemed pretty strong, but also obsessed with her appearance, which could have bad consequences."Y'know, you'd look great without eyeliner too." Alex pointed out. "I'm Alex, nice to meet you!"