Name of artist: LucarioLover99
Type of art: Headshot
Payment type: 20k pd
Anything specific?: My Oc Drift dressed in a halloween costume
Profile?: No
Password: Espeon!
Other: Can you put some glasses on him please?
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Sure! Note that I can only do this on weekends, so this may take a
while... sounds good though! price is good too. I will do it as
best i can! just a question - What halloween costume?
Name of artist: LucarioLover99
Type of art: I don't know what it is called, But the style my
Avatar is xD
Payment type: PD[I have up to 180k PD]
Anything specific?: Nope anything specific is in PP
Profile?: Yes
Password: Umbreon
Other: Thanks :"D