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The Darkness... [A Heroic RP]

Forum-Index Roleplay The Darkness... [A Heroic RP]
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sat, 23/02/2019 20:48 (6 Years ago)
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The day is still young as you stretch awake dawn light stretches across your room. Today is the day the moon will be full. It’s your job to save us all.

Kaherya stretches awake. Her herb cabnit beside her bed. She begins to get dressed as soon as possible so she wouldn’t be late for training with her mentor.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Sat, 23/02/2019 23:56 (6 Years ago)
Astralis—Female—19—Bisexual—Shadowsinger—Tags: Open—Location: room

Astralis was sitting up in bed, meditating in the room of her foster home. She always meditated before beginning her training, as it sharpened all her senses. In any sense, it made training more efficient. She had gotten restless dreams that had knocked her out of bed in the later night, which was why she was up early. At least none of her foster siblings were awake; Astralis couldn't stand the noise of their chatter.

Sensing that the sun was rising and that she would probably be bored, Astralis picked up her sword and left for town where she would be training. Astralis got on her silver stallion, named Starfall, and set off at a canter. It would not do for her to be late for her mentor. This stallion, along with the sword at her hip, were a gift from her father, whom had died of mysterious circumstances.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 00:01 (6 Years ago)
(Oh @shadowsinger I didn’t see that your character had wings in your forum but these character all use magic but never have un human features like wings. So please edit your post. It was also in the rules that all character are human they just are able to use something like a wand or sword to cast magic.)

Kaherya got dreesed and grabbed her traveling bag. It was somewhat small and make of brown material. She always kept a small amount of every herb in there, except for Death Berries. She hated those things! It’s just cruel to kill someone without knowing if they are truly on their way to join our ancestors! She thought as she grabbed her wand just in case. It’s bell jingled as a few green sparks flew off it. ”Oh yeah, I’m going to have to go to the lake tonight by the time it reaches full moon!” She said stopping at the door. She made a mental note and swung the wooden door open and raced out. Her little brother had been getting a lot of scratches lately so her Dock supplies had been being aten up like a rat haden’t aten anything for a year and just found some food! The Dock leaves as far as she knew were freshest in the forest.

Charlie woke up with a jerk when he heard the door slam shut from his older sister. He disided to get up and moving. It was his job to by stuff for dinner tonight he grabbed his bow, but his arm our on You can’t take any risks with the darkness around, almost everybody is always wearing there armor and bringing the weapons or herbs with them wherever they go. He thought as her swung his thing of arrows over his back and left for town with some money.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 00:34 (6 Years ago)
Cloe woke up to the sunlight striking her face and reluctantly got up from bed. She looked out the window of her room to check the time of day. Dawn of a new day, and the beginning of her training as a full-pledged Knight. She was no longer a squire and now had to uphold her position as a guard.
She had put on her normal clothing, not wanting to bother with equipping her full set of armor. Cloe had picked up her sword which rested it's blade in a blue sheathe. With her palm out, Cloe attempted to use her magic to open a portal to the training grounds. She sighed after a few minutes of straining, flexing her palm. "Looks like the sword is the best option."

Rien had been up from their bed for a few hours now. They were polished the blades of their two daggers with a grin creeping across their face. The light of the sun shone through their house windows. Rien looked to the nearest window, "Day break... Was there anything new today?" They mumbled for a little.
"Oh, right, the newbies," they got up with the sound of resentment resting in their voice. "Time to get ready to leave the house..."

(Phones are the worse for roleplays, confirmed)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 00:40 (6 Years ago)
Kaherya only to a few steps into the forest before finding some Dock. She picked some of the leaves and put them in her bag.

Charlie walked around town looking at all the markets and stand desidin* what he should pick up for dinner.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 00:52 (6 Years ago)
Cloe drew her blade from the sheathe and cut the air with a diagonal slash. A white and blue portal with a pink, flowery border appeared before her. She sighed, reaching a shaking hand through the portal. "Please let this be the place..." Cloe stepped through the portal while holding her breath and kept her eyes shut. She opened her eyes to disappointment. She was just a few minutes from her house, yet Cloe was nowhere near the intended area. "...That didn't go as planned," Cloe murmured as her portal closed.
"I guess I'm heading there on foot."

Rien walked out of their door with their cloak covering their head and body. They maintained a dull expression as they walked through town. Their face was covered as they rushed through the marketplace with a speedy walk.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 00:57 (6 Years ago)
Charlie saw Rien Speed past him. ”Wow, they sure are in a hurry...” He mumbled as he walked into one on the buildings.

Kaherya stops at a pond not to deep into the forest to watch the wild life.

(If anybody’s wondering Well all meet at midnight. You can have characters meet befor then if you want though.)

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 02:05 (6 Years ago)
Crystal jumped out of bed, giddy with excitement at the prospect of an grand adventure. She threw all her stuff on, rushed outside, and yelled " HELLO WORLD!!!" at full volume. A lot of people stared. Oops, she thought and tried to calm down. She wondered who the other would turn out to be.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 02:24 (6 Years ago)
Cleo's mistake of a portal landed her right near Crystal's neighborhood. She rubbed her head the cheerful girl suddenly rushed through a door, shouting to the world. Along with the rest of the crowd, Cleo remained silent with her eyes widened from the sound. "Erm... I should just get going?"

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Quote from Excess InfoCleo Charter
Location: Crystal's Neighborhood, Narda, Vereinen
Status: Teleported at a bad time. Startled.

Rien kept walking through town then noticed a little kid staring at them. They stayed quiet, looking back with an kind and ominous smile. The child ran, crying for their parents. Rien gave a disappointed look, "What was that about? It's not like I was going to kill them... I just wanted to say, 'morning'," Keeping with their current goal, Rien proceeded to the healing facility of the town*.

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Quote from Excess InfoRien "Crimson" Clover
Location: Near the center of (insert town name here)
Status: Disappointingly bored.

*(because I don't know what it is .-. Also, I added the spoiler stuff just for convenience's sake. Thanks for the idea, Shadowsinger :3)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 02:39 (6 Years ago)
Kaherya got up and sighed. ”I wish I had someone to talk to.” She saw a trapped just starting to grow tree. ”I can’t use herbs on you, I guess I can try to do a healing spell on you.” She smiled. Instead of saying some fancy words like normal the bell on her wand had to be played in a special way to cast the spell. She plays the bell 3 times and it rings out sound as she points at the broken tree and green sparks fly onto it and the snapped trunk reconnects.

Charlie starts to grab the needed food for dinner humming.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 681
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 08:23 (6 Years ago)
.-Aria would notice the time and gets up from her bed. She'd change clothes before heading outside. She'd walk to her village entrance, hoping no one was watching her. She'd take a deep breath before walking out into the forest-.

.-Sylvia would get up as well, she'd change quickly and grab her herb basket from her bedside table, she'd then rush out of the house and into the open of her village(It's not the same village). She'd stretch her arms before rushing into the forest-.

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 08:36 (6 Years ago)
Kaherya smiles at the healthy tree and walks away hoping to find someone to chat with.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 16:37 (6 Years ago)
Crystal carefully walked through the streets, picking out needed items like food, and other necessities. She went back home for one last thing. She marched inside, checked all her belongings, which included her staff, 3 days worth of food, armor, and her light pendant, which enhanced her light magic. Would my mentor be mad? she wondered. No, I have to go, this is for the sake of Vereinen. she decided. So she left a note for her mentor about the whole quest, and left for the weaponry. Once she got there she walked up to the counter, put down some change, and was about to ask for a staff treatment when a familiar looking girl burst through the doors looking flustered. Hmm, wasn't she one of the people who stared at me this morning? Crystal thought. The girl rushed to the counter, mumbled something about the darkness, dreams, and emergencies, and rushed off. Wait, what? the darkness, dreams, and a emergency quest? Sounds familiar, thought Crystal, and chased after her.

Crystal Airtail:
Age: 12
Location: her neighborhood, marketplace, Narda, Vereinen
Status: Wondering what Cloe was talking about and wanting to find out more.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 17:35 (6 Years ago)
Kaherya started walking to the lake where everybody would soon meet.

Charlie was on his way home with the food for dinner.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 18:23 (6 Years ago)
(I'm not trying to minimod and sorry if I am. But, Eeveestar, please don't bunny/control characters. I'm fine with you doing it once with my character just this once, but don't do that again please. Some don't really appreciate it)

Cloe walked through the Marketplace, still annoyed that she didn't go where she intended to go. She asked around for directions towards the forest in addition to where her training session would take place. She heard footsteps from behind. Unaware of who was exactly following her, Cloe started looking around anxiously. She saw Crystal's face amongst the crowd then immediately began to walk faster out of surprise.

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Quote from Excess InfoCloe Charter
Location: Narda Marketplace
Status: Asking for directions. Being followed.

Rien entered Osilon's Healing Center with a small smirk across their face. They walked through, looking at a few of the injured patients as they kept their distance from Rien. Finally, Rien arrived to speak to one of the Healers and requested to buy some of their herbs. "I have some newbies to teach, so just give me the basic herbs and I'll be on my way," they said with a pleased expression.
The Healer clerk stayed quiet as they went into the back, wanting to get Rien out as soon as possible.

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Quote from Excess InfoRien Clover
Location: Osilon's Town Center, Healing Facility
Status: Purchasing herbs.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 18:33 (6 Years ago)
Kaherya wondered in the woods, wearing the sing song of birds and the chitter of squirrels. ”I can’t wait the start the adventure tonight! I wonder who else is going.”

(I guess sence everybody is doing I guess I will to xD)
Quote from AirfootKaherya
The Osilon forest
Status: Walking in the woods talking to herself

Charlie put the food wherever it went and went out to find his sister.

Quote from AirfootCharlie
The Osilon forest
Status: Looking for Kaherya

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Sun, 24/02/2019 20:06 (6 Years ago)
Astralis—Female—19—Bisexual—Shadowsinger—Tags: Open—Location: Training Ring

Astralis finally reached the ring, where she started to warm herself up with kicks, lunges and stretches. She thought about the adventure, about the lake. While she did intend to perform for herself, she still had her parents to contend with. Astralis's heart cracked a bit just to think about them. On her right, her gleaming darkstone sword and armor glinted in the sunlight.

The whole mission on the whole was very enigmatic, and as much as the silent wallflower girl hated to admit it, intriging. After what happened to her family, Astralis had not been willing to branch out on adventures. She would much rather stay in her own little bubble. She waited for her mentor to arrive, while she warmed up.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 25/02/2019 00:57 (6 Years ago)
Crystal watched as Cloe asked for directions. When she asked for the forest, Crystal decided to keep an eye out for her, but leave. So she left and started for the lake, wondering once again who the others were. However, without a healer, she had to be on guard for danger. She started south, along the spine, but halted.

Crystal Airtail
Location: Outside of Narda
Status: Surprised and looking for the source of an unexpected noise.

(Kagabi, do you want Cloe to join Crystal here? If not, I'll have her continue)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Mon, 25/02/2019 03:14 (6 Years ago)
Astralis—Female—19—Bisexual—Shadowsinger—Tags: Vroengarg—Open—Location:

Astralis finally finished her training routine, and getting on Starfall, started to make her way toward the lake.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 25/02/2019 03:32 (6 Years ago)
Cleo finally figured out where to head as she followed the directions of a local merchant who was selling pottery. "Turn left once you see the town plaza... Then keep right once you're in front of the stocks. The spine near here should lead to that forest you want to visit," the merchant had told her before adding, "That's a strange question to ask for someone who has lived here... I haven't spoke to a traveller for a long while, so I presume you're just a normal Narda resident. If you've lived here for a long time, you're sure to have known that."
She stood still then sighed, "If I had the time to retort, I would. Thanks for the directions." She nodded to the merchant before heading for the Spine, located of town, then noticed Crystal on the dirt pathway. She would see Crystal standing in front of the Spine for some odd reason.
"Hey!" Cleo shouted, not noticing they have seen each other earlier. She gave Crystal a friendly wave from afar as she walked up to her.

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Quote from Excess InfoCleo Charter
Location: Outside of Narda
Status: Friendly. Talking (or attempting to talk) with Crystal

(I just noticed I mistyped her name as "Cloe" for some reason in a prior post. I wasn't thinking, either that or my phone auto-corrected. My bad~)

Rien left from the Healing Facility with a pleasant smile. Their hands held onto a small box of herbs and jars as they trekked their way to the library, which was a few minutes from Osilon's town hall. They passed through the marketplace then noticed a lone knight walking out of town towards the forest. "Why would a knight head out of town on their own?" Rien mumbled. "That's the equivalent of jumping into the face of death."
The cloaked figure placed the wooden package of herbs under their arm. They smirked, If it's that bad, maybe I'll be of some help. Trying their best to not be seen, Rien would follow Charlie out of town.

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Quote from Excess InfoRien Clover
Location: Leaving Osilon's Marketplace for the Forest.
Status: Curious. Trailing behind Charlie.